Oh me oh my, President Trump is treasonous and likely the entire GOP as many sane people predicted. Trump tries to back peddle but fails epicly. What a shocker... 
Hell, it's the definition of the US's convoluted (in the eyes of most nations) definition of treason:
Bolded mine... well technically mostly someone who dug it up in SB but still. Given that Trump all-but-literally-said it on live television...
(Global News video link because site doesn't support Global News embeds):
Actual Video of Dem-Senate outright calling Trump out on treasonous action:
Trump's 'rebuttal':
At this rate, given that the GOP has stopped any and all electoral security measures to prevent GRU interference, it might end up having the US military, IC, and DoJ implementing some old plan based on this very scenario named Hot Under Collar Cyclone or something similar... which pretty much goes 'US military, IC, and DoJ pull an Ataturk'.
Hell, it's the definition of the US's convoluted (in the eyes of most nations) definition of treason:
US Constitution said:Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
(Global News video link because site doesn't support Global News embeds):
Actual Video of Dem-Senate outright calling Trump out on treasonous action:
Trump's 'rebuttal':
At this rate, given that the GOP has stopped any and all electoral security measures to prevent GRU interference, it might end up having the US military, IC, and DoJ implementing some old plan based on this very scenario named Hot Under Collar Cyclone or something similar... which pretty much goes 'US military, IC, and DoJ pull an Ataturk'.