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Growing Horizons: Inner Sphere - Quest

Turn 51 - Spring 2187/3037 - Results
Turn 51 - Spring 2187/3037

WCDC Defense Council:

[] Heavy Mechs and Tanks: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 68+5+5 = 78 - Success (All R&D, All Ground R&D)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 17+5+5 = 27 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 23+5+5 = 33 - Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 90+5+5 = 100 - Artificial Crit
Combined: 59 - Success
Number of Tanks, Roll 1d2: 2
Number of Mechs, Roll 1d2: 2

Development of the Hervy Tanks and MEchs continued with great success and several designs were tested by an ad hoc military procurement group, considering that the new OCP Military force was in the first stages of reorganization.

Still, the testing procedures selected two Heavy Tanks, the Nalhin United Combat Vehicles Toson Heavy MBT, with a mass of 85 tonnes, and the 120 tonnes Oshkosh Corporation M33 Powel Super Heavy MBT. While the Toson was designed around a 150MW Pulse Laser and a DuoDec Missile Launcher, the M33 in turn carried a 165 mm Helical Railgun, a 75GeV Particle Beam Projector and a Heavy Missile Launcher.

On the Mech side, two Heavy Mechs had been designed and prototypes prepared. One was the 90 tonne Norico Xing Tian Heavy Combat Mech, and the Serray Super Heavy Mech, designed by Whaelm Armaments Limited and weighing 125 tonnes. There the Xing Tian was equipped with two 125 mm Helical Railguns and a DuoDec Missile Launcher as its main weaponry, the Whaelm carried a pair of weapons consisting of a 100MW Laser and a 75GeV Particle Beam Projector, as well as heavy armor and had the ability to pick up and throw smaller vehicles of up to 60 tonnes, making it a nasty close quarters combatant. Both mechs were of course designed for a crew of two.

2 Heavy Mechs and 2 Heavy Tanks

[] Organization of Confederated Planets Military: - 6 votes active
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 75%
Roll 1 of 2, Roll 1d100: 45 - Success

The creation of the Organization of Confederated Planets had, from the beginning, contained the provision for a combined military force of all member nations, after the quite successful military operations and integration of forces into the Expeditionary Regiments. As such, a new organization was needed to integrate forces of more than 250 different nations into a coherent whole, while minimizing problems, though here the experience with the Expeditionary Regiments was hoped to help.

However, this did not mean that the various national militaries would be disbanded. In fact, those militaries would provide forced for the OCP military, while retaining their existing structures and forces, though at a slightly diminished state, while acting as a sort of National Guard and providing backup and supplementary forces in situations where the OCP military needed more forces.

As the talks began, it was already clear the national military would not only provide forces to the OCP military, but also basic training and limited experience for the OCP soldiers, who would then be transferred. However, to prevent the national militaries from sending the dregs of their forces to the OCP, each potential soldier would be tested intensively by various means, including psychological screening. It was hoped this would reduce the number of problems that would inevitably raise up in this new multi-national military force.

active for 1 more turn

WCDC Survey Office:

[] Operation Ma Bell: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 83 - Success
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 12 - Failure
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 28 - Failure
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 52 - Failure
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 91 - Success
Roll 6 of 6, Roll 1d100: 82 - Success
Combined: 58 - Success
Breakup chance, 2d20: 24

'Guy Fawkes' continued to be quite successful for Operation 'Ma Bell', in support of 'Capt'n Crunch', who was surprised about the fidelity of various reports and direct HPG message traffic recorded by the Survey Office.

The results of merely a few months of the operation were surprising, as the oppression of internal dissent within Comstar increased massively, with reports about internal security forces detaining Adepts, Acolytes and even Preceptors being shared between the rank and file of Comstar. Already, there appeared to be several groups forming that intended to break away from Comstar proper, and handing over HPGs to the nations they were located in.

It was hoped that continued operation of 'Ma Bell' might be used to increase this trend and give the First Circuit and ROM something to distract them for the inevitable event when the Inner Sphere nations would take control over their own communication.

Result: More internal strife for Comstar, chance of a breakup increased by 24%

[] Operation Prometheus: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 1 - Crit Failure
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 58 - Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 60 - Success

The Don't Mind Me arrives at Terra, for a few weeks keeping deep within the systems Oort Cloud, taking passive radio and optical readings of the entire system. The crew notes it eerie how similar the system is to Sol, down to various smaller objects that could be detected, especially as Terra itself was almost identical to Earth.

The radio traffic in itself is fascinating, while Terra itself was a source of intense radio and HPG radio backscatter, there appeared to be a lot more radio and com laser traffic within the Asteroid Belt, the outer planets and the Kuiper Belt, with some instances of what appeared to be localized HPG traffic. Analysis of this traffic showed there was an entire separate civilization active within the outer system, apparently having little to no active connection to Terra itself.

There was localized jump ship traffic between parts of the Oort Cloud, which is only natural, considering the enormous distances within the outer reaches of the system.

Of note in the local radio traffic was that there was a majority of entertainment channels within the system that had their source on Terra, with only a surprisingly limited number coming from the various habitats in the outer system.

The Don't Mind Me eventually traveled deeper into the system via HFEG, placing itself in a direct line of sight with Terra and began to release a number of surveillance drone craft to enter the inner system and attempt to reach for Terra itself and take a thorough look at the situation on the planet.

Finally, several members of the crew, Sol Belters from Vesta and Ceres, requested permission to attempt communicating with the local Belters, especially since the locals Belters did not appear positively inclined towards Comstar, based on some of the radio traffic gathered in the outer system.

active for 3 more turns

Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network

[] Operation Green Granite: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 43+5 = 48 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 86+5 = 91 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 14+5 = 19 - Failure
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 27+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 54+5 = 59 - Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 62+5 = 67 - Success
Roll 8 of 8, Roll 1d100: 46+5 = 52 - Failure
Combined: 50 - Success

The entire Operation Green Granite is hard to categorize. On one hand there were massive problems on the various Walsingham class Jump Ships with the Superluminal Wave Detectors, but on the other hand, once it was realized what the problem was, information could be gleamed from the data gathered.

So on one hand the operation was a limited success, while the rest was an unmitigated failure. The people in charge of the operation, be they in Berlin or aboard the vessels, should have realized quickly that the data gathered was correct and even if not, they should have kept the information anyway. As such, the managers, commanders and technicians responsible were approached to retire from their work and find new employment.

Result: Information about jumpship movements within the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Worlds League, +5 to intelligence operations in the Lyran Commonwealth and the FWL

WCDC Diplomatic Corps:

[] Invite Others III: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 35%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 6+40 = 46 - Failure (Diplomatic Relations)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 94+40 = 134 - Crit Success

While the initial reaction of the Council of Tribes was negative, working on them and the various tribes themselves has resulted in a surprisingly quick change of the general mood. Perhaps it had to do with the lengthy talks concerning the makeup of the OCP and their various member nations, especially with Article 15 of the OCP Treaty, which stated any member nation could leave the OCP without repercussions.

active for 2 more turns

[] Organization of Confederated Planets Diplomatic Corps: - 7 votes active
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 75%
Roll 1 of 2, Roll 1d100: 52 - Success

With the formation of the OCP and the change of the diplomatic situation, be it internal or external, the existing Diplomatic Corps required restructuring to better reflect the new working environment.

The need for internal diplomatic work had rapidly diminished, with the formation of the three houses of the OCP Federal Parliament and strengthened the ties of the national diplomats for international work, while the external diplomacy had risen in importance. As such, it was believed the Diplomatic Corps could be reduced in size, only keeping on the best of diplomats, with the remainder returning to their previous work for their national governments for work in internal diplomacy.

active for 1 more turn

OCP Trade Organization:

[] Build the Weapons: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 69+10+10+10+10 = 109 - Artificial Crit (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 19+10+10+10+10 = 59 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 56+10+10+10+10 = 96 - Artificial Crit
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 23+10+10+10+10 = 63 - Success
Combined: 82 - Success

The corporations that had begun to develop and deploy the various weapon systems copied from the Inner Sphere were more than satisfied with the results. Already some weapons were sold to the neighboring minor nations, like the Illyrians and the Lothians, which of course was improving their defenses, should the Marians begin to raid them. Additionally, systems adapted to MIL-STD-102343 could and were sold to various smaller national militaries and possible in the future to the OCP military.

Now it was only a matter of time, until contracts could be made with the Inner Sphere.

Result: Ability to build IS weapons, Options to create upgraded IS weapons, Possibility to sell weapons

[] Light Warship: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 63+10+10+10+10 = 103 - Artificial Crit (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)

While there were already viable WarShip designs avaiable, with an upgraded Belisarius, as well as Petan and Haing versions for Autowars and manned vessels, there was a lack of vessels that could fill the space between the Advanced Heavy Spacecraft and the medium sized WarShips like Petan and Haing. WarShips of those sized could comfortably fill this niche, as they would be cheaper in construction, while still able to transport a larger number of Spacecraft with their docking collars. Indeed, a WarShip of 250 ktonnes woulc be able to carry along an entire squadron of combat spacecraft over distances of up to 70 lightyears in a single jump.

As such, a light WarShip could certainly be used as a Patrol Leader for a heavy patrol squadron, support largeer Warships with its Advanced Combat Craft, or act as a show of force in certain areas, as needed.

active for 3 more turns

OCP Office for Science and Development:

[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit
Roll 4 of 12, Roll 1d100: 84+10+10 = 104 - Artificial Crit
Roll 5 of 12, Roll 1d100: 75+10+10 = 95 - Arfificial Crit
Roll 6 of 12, Roll 1d100: 12+10+10 = 32 - Failure
Roll 7 of 12, Roll 1d100: 62+10+10 = 82 - Success
Roll 8 of 12, Roll 1d100: 46+10+10 = 66 - Failure
Roll 9 of 12, Roll 1d100: 67+10+10 = 87 - Success
Roll 10 of 12, Roll 1d100: 50+10+10 = 70 - Failure
Roll 11 of 12, Roll 1d100: 8+10+10 = 28 - Failure
Roll 12 of 12, Roll 1d100: 94+10+10 = 114 - Success
Combined: 72 - Failure

Just as the funding for the Three Year program to develop a HFEG Jump Drive ran out, the final breakthrough of the project was made, reducing the number of possible methods to achieve it, was reduced to two. Each of these methods, should either of them turn out to be doable, would reduce the size of the method to achieve Hyperspace Jump capabilities, though it was unknown by how much.

Still, even with this, the researchers felt fatigued by the project, so that they would need some time to get into different research projects before they could continue with the development of this new hybrid drive. But the new project would certainly be quicker to accomplish, and have a much higher chance to be completed.

Result: HF Jump Drive chance for success increased to 50%, Time to completion reduced to 6 turns, Cooldown of 4 turns

[] Plasma Containment Research: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 31+10+10 = 51 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 28+10+10 = 48 - Faulure

Indeed, the work on the Improved Plasma Containment proved to be much harder than expected, with computer models of possible devices not working out as expected, with either no improvement on existing systems or even much lower compression.

Still, there were some minor improvements made, even if those were only in the efficiency of existing fusion reactors by maybe one or two percent.

active for 2 more turns


OCP Internal Events:

In the United Principalties of Jerat, massive protests began in early Spring, concerning the move of the UPJ to become one of the member nations of the OCP. The motivation of the protesters was the loss of sovereignty of their nations to the OCP, even though the nation would retain most of it. While these protests were very visible and the media made them appear large, there was only a minority of people of the UPJ actually protesting and a survey during the protests showed that only five percent of a population of around one billion Tiaunt was backing the protesters, with the vast majority either not interested in the change or fully in support of it.


Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:

Lothian League:

There is little of note to say.

Illyrian Palatinate:

There is little of note to say.

Marian Hegemony:

The DSSIN detected jump traffic within the Marian Hegemony that might point towards military movements towards the corewards border of the Hegemony.

Inner Sphere:

Lyran Commonwealth:

Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.

Federated Suns:

The Federated Suns Delegation of the Circinus Conference returns to New Avalon, with Hanse Davion at the head. While he must deal with a few situations that popped up during the time he was at the conference, he was present, when McCarron and his people were presented to the judges for their trials. While it was clear the verdict would be 'guilty' from the evidence alone, McCarron had the audacity to plead 'not guilty', as were almost all his people.

Draconis Combine:

Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.

Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:

While there are still some tensions between the FWL and Andurien, the withdrawal of forces from the FWÖ-Andurien border seems to happen without any major problems.


The entire situation within Comstar appears to decline, following what appears an assassination attempt on First Primus Waterly. This resulted in a massive three-hour rant during one of the full meetings of the First Circuit, with two of the First Circuits members being replaced after what appears a purge. It is of note however that Preceptor ROM Anastasius Focht seems the only one who can moderate the reaction of Waterly somewhat.

Even so, Waterly orders a purge of 'undesirable elements', whoever those may be, during a HGP meeting in late Spring.

Expansion and Suggestions:

The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.


Random Event - Succession Crisis on OCP associated World (Craigh)

On the planet Craigh, Daniel O'Malley IV dies without an official hair to the throne of the Poblacht na Craigh, leading to a succession crisis that threatens to throw the world into a civil war. Left without children and without brothers and sisters, the king of Craigh was left in the unenviable situation of not being able to choose between several further relations that could have taken up the throne.

Now, three pretenders have come up, one uncle, Michael O'Malley, and two first cousins, Richard and Alexa O'Malley, each in noble positions and with local militia support. The crisis comes to a head, as Richard O'Malley is killed in a car crash, resulting in Michael and Alexa blaming the other for the event, resulting in the clash of their supporters in the streets of Nua Galway, leading to the death of several hundred.

OCP diplomats attempt to work out a peaceful solution, but riots and an overly strong police reaction of the interim government make it hard.
Turn 52 - Summer 2187/3037
Turn 52 - Summer 2187/3037

WCDC Defense Council:

[] Organization of Confederated Planets Military: active for 1 more turn
With the formation of the Organization of Confederated Planets, there are calls to integrate parts of the member nations militaries into a central military force, which would be under control of the new OCP Government.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 75%, Reward: Centralized OCP Military, +15 to all military actions

[] Extended Anti-Piracy Patrols:
While the project to improve the defense against piracy in Known Space around the WCDC was a success, many within the Diplomatic Corps and the Military believed that more should be done to prevent piracy in this sector of space, as the destruction of any 'Pirate Heaven' close by would proove to remain a problem not only for the WCDC, but also for any nearby nation the WCDC had contact with. As such, longer duration and longer ranged patrols to discover any potential pirate havens in known space and destroy them before they can be fully established.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Long Duration, long range patrols, reduction of pirate activity to almost zero within known space

[] Capital Weapons:
While the majority of weapon systems used on the Belisarius are in a sense prototypes, it might be a good idea to take a closer look at the various weapon systems taken from the WarShip to figure out how to build better weapons for such massive vessels.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: Multiple new Capital Weapon Systems

[] Operation Doolittle:
As the McCarron Raid has been pretty much the initial steps in a more open war of Comstar against the WCDC, so there should be steps taken against Comstar in turn. Data recovered from Bordeaux suggest that two systems, Luyten 68-28 and Ross 248, are used as fleet bases by Comstar and that the WarShips in those fleets might be in mothballs. Perhaps it might be a good idea to take a visit of one of those systems, capture a number of those WarShips, before destroying the rest and as much critical space infrastructure as possuble.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: Reduction of Comstar space forces, capture of (1d6+3) WarShips

[] Project Cerulean Goddess
With the WarShips that were used by Comstar for the McCarron Raid, the WCDC should set some funds to the side to begin with the production of a few WarShips, even though there are currently only three viable designs.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: Production of (1d6+4) WarShips over the next 4 turns, Reduction of time needed to develop new WarShips by 1 turn

[] Project Green Bracket:
IS Forces have shown themselves to be vulnerable to artillery fire and such a vulnerability should be exploited with new indirect fire weapon systems.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: 1d2 new Atrillery systems

WCDC Survey Office:

[] Operation Prometheus: active (3 turns)
With the almost direct attack of Comstar on Circinus, there is a need to gain more knowledge about Comstar itself and their capabilities, especially on Terra and the local version of Sol. As such, several vessels should be sent to Terra to operate in the systems Kuiper Belt and gather close up information, perhaps even going as far as attempting to directly insert agents on Terra.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: More information about Comstar and terran defenses, 10% chance to emplace several agents on Terra, 5% chance of contact with Belters

[] Operation Ma Bell II:
With the Success of 'Operation Ma Bell', the Survey Office thinks about extending the operation, until either Comstar would break up internally, or would be taken apart by the Inner Sphere nations.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 55%, Reward: Operation Ma Bell turns into a permanent background operation, taking no turns, Increased Internal strife for Comstar, Chance for breakup increased by 1d10%

[] Further Survey V:
Following the Initial Survey, more information should be gathered further outside of the Walker Cluster and the already known space.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: (10+2d20) systems from 60 to 90 ly discovered, followup action allows surveying the remaining space

[] Deep Cover Intelligence IV:
With a few more Inader II dropships avaiable, it should be possible t o send out a few more of them for long duration deep cover missions to gather intelligence data of all Inner Sphere powers, even those periphery powers that are some distance away.
Time: 1 turn, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: continous intelligence reports over several years, while other operations are available
This option takes one turn to initiate, than continues without using up an option
Dependent on Project Orange Grass

[] Organization of Confederated Planets Intelligence:
With the Formation of the Organization of Confederated Planets, in combination with the mixed results of the WCDC intelligence operations, a new Intelligence organization should be formed, integrating more personall of the various national intelligence agencies into the new organization, with the DSSINOO folded into this new organization and Survey spun off into its own organization.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 75%, Reward: Centralized OCP Intelligence, +15 to all intelligence operations, Survey becomes passive operation, DSSINO gets disbanded and DSSIN extension becomes passive operation

Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network

[] HumInt:
Find a way to emplace HumInt agents into places of interest.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 40%, Reward: A way to insert agents to planets where they can gather human intelligence

[] Network Extension:
The worlds of New St. Andrews and Niops appear to be good cancidates for the extension of the Network.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Network extension into New St. Andrews and Niops

[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: (3 turns)
PErhaps it would be a good idea to put some dedicated survey squadron under the command of the DSSINOO to help them with some survey work in the area surroiunding FOB Pine Gap
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d4 Survey squadrons for the DSSINOO, +1d6 on DSSINOO survey operations

WCDC Diplomatic Corps:

[] Invite Others III: active (2 turns)
The WCDC was working out nicely and maybe it was time to invite one of the other worlds outside the Three Systems into the WCDC?
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 35%, Reward: The selected world joins the WCDC as a member
Please select a world from the list of Known Habited Worlds neat the Walker Cluster

[] Organization of Confederated Planets Diplomatic Corps: active (1 turns)
With the formation of the Organization of Confederated Planets, the Diplomatic Corps needs to be reorganized to better reflect the new status of the OCP.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 75%, Reward: new OCP Diplomatic Corps, +10 to all diplomatic actions

[] Humanitarian Aid IV:
With the formation of the Prometheus Foundation, it would be a shame not to make use of it. As such, it might be advantageous to send out a diplomatic mission to one of the neighboring systems discovered recently, and offer the planet some humanitarian aid. Rumors within the Foundation note they have been able to produce a couple of Planetary Settlement Kits, usually meant to establish new settlements on habitable worlds.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: +10 on diplomatic action on targeted world, targeted world is slowly brought up to a Walker Cluster tech level
Please select a world from the list of Known Habited Worlds neat the Walker Cluster

[] Charm Offensive IV:
In the wake of the Black Warrior Attack and the fears that are still around in the nearby systems, it would be a good idea to alley their fear.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Better diplomatic relations to the ten known worlds, +5 to diplomatic actions with the ten worlds

[] We need new members:
There are 8 nations in the Three Systems that have declined to become members of the WCDC. The Three Systems can't effort to have some nations working on cross purposes and endanger the entire rest of the Walker Cluster. So there is a need to get them aboard and into the WCDC.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 25%, Reward: 1d6 nations of the 8 nations that declined WCDC membership initially, become WCDC members

OCP Trade Organization:

[] Light Warship: active for 3 more turns
With the Belisarius and the Petan derives Warship hulls avaiable, maybe it is time to design a few Warships that are lighter than the Petan derived hulls to act as larger support vessels.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d2 designs of a Light Warship (<500ktonnes), 25% chance of a working prototype
Only available after completion of Warship Roles

[] Medium Warship:
With the Belisarius and the Petan derives Warship hulls avaiable, maybe it is time to design a few Warships that are in the same weight area as the Petan derived hulls to act as medium combatants.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d2 designs of a Medium Warship (<1Mtonnes), 25% chance of a working prototype
Only available after completion of Warship Roles

[] Heavy Warship:
With the Belisarius and the Petan derives Warship hulls avaiable, maybe it is time to design a few Warships that are as heavy as Belisarius to give the WCDC fleets more of a punch in every situation.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d2 designs of a Heavy Warship (>1Mtonnes), 25% chance of a working prototype
Only available after completion of Warship Roles

[] Industrial Export:
Some surprising things have come up during historical research, including the Terran Hegemony flooding the Periphery with cheap goods and systems that killed off local suppliers and left worlds in the cold, following the Amaris Crisis and the following Successor Wars. Now some companies believe they could make a profit selling power generation, atmospheric processors, water purification and other similar systems to the worlds and polities surrounding the WCDC. Some even propose to set up factories for these things on other planets and polities. This would certainly improve the economic situation of these worlds, diplomatic contact with them, as well as improve the WCDC economy.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world, +10 to diplomacy with selected world
Select a world or polity to export to

OCP Office for Science and Development:

[] Plasma Containment Research: active (3 turns)
While the research of the Alien Plasma Weapon has failed, there are some ideas that were gleamed from the project. Perhaps those gleams could be used to improve existing fusion reactors and maybe even design a new form of directed plasma projecting weapon.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Improved Fusion Reactors, 50% chance of new Plasma Weapon research option

[] HFEG Jump II: cooldown 4 turns
In the wake of the success with the Jump Drive and the HFEG working in parallel, there have been some signs that it might be possible to combine both systems into a single drive system.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: HF Jump Drive

[] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network:
The development of the Hypwerwave Communication system has brought a few interesting possible uses for the technology. For one, some scientists have compared it to WiFi technology. Perhaps it would be possible to take the system and develop it into a FTL equivalent for use in local area (system) mesh networks.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network

[] Compact Hyperwave Transceiver:
The scientists are sure that it will be possible to create much more compact hyperwave transcivers than the scurrently microwave sized designs. These transceivers might take a hit in range and network speed however.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Compact Hyperwave transceivers (1d6 for final size)

[] General Hyperwave Research:
There are some things that came up during the research into Hyperwave Trenceivers and HYDAR. MAybe it would be some time to take a closer look at the various things that have come to mind.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 40%, Reward: Unknown new Research Option


2 Action for:

1 Action for:



Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[] Yes
[] No
[] Potato
Last edited:
[X] Project Cerulean Goddess

[X] Organization of Confederated Planets Intelligence:

[X] HumInt:

[X] Heavy Warship:

[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network:

Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes

More warships is good, more bigger warships is even better plus this would give us natively designed warships of all sizes :)
We also need to get some agents emplaced asap.
Coreward movement...

Lol Ceasar Whatshiusface is going after the Illyrians after all!?

Or rather after targets of opportunity? HPG nodes perhaps? I dont think even he is insane enough to try for an IS state.

Whatever it is I expect trouble from there.

I see Big Mac will probably try for the I was just following orders defence.

It MAY have worked while he had the Capellans on his back but now I can only see a noose and swaying gently in the breeze in his future
[X] Operation Doolittle:
As the McCarron Raid has been pretty much the initial steps in a more open war of Comstar against the WCDC, so there should be steps taken against Comstar in turn. Data recovered from Bordeaux suggest that two systems, Luyten 68-28 and Ross 248, are used as fleet bases by Comstar and that the WarShips in those fleets might be in mothballs. Perhaps it might be a good idea to take a visit of one of those systems, capture a number of those WarShips, before destroying the rest and as much critical space infrastructure as possuble.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: Reduction of Comstar space forces, capture of (1d6+3) WarShips

[X] Organization of Confederated Planets Intelligence:
With the Formation of the Organization of Confederated Planets, in combination with the mixed results of the WCDC intelligence operations, a new Intelligence organization should be formed, integrating more personall of the various national intelligence agencies into the new organization, with the DSSINOO folded into this new organization and Survey spun off into its own organization.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 75%, Reward: Centralized OCP Intelligence, +15 to all intelligence operations, Survey becomes passive operation, DSSINO gets disbanded and DSSIN extension becomes passive operation

[X] HumInt:
Find a way to emplace HumInt agents into places of interest.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 40%, Reward: A way to insert agents to planets where they can gather human intelligence

[X] Heavy Warship:
With the Belisarius and the Petan derives Warship hulls avaiable, maybe it is time to design a few Warships that are as heavy as Belisarius to give the WCDC fleets more of a punch in every situation.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d2 designs of a Heavy Warship (>1Mtonnes), 25% chance of a working prototype
Only available after completion of Warship Roles

[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network:
The development of the Hypwerwave Communication system has brought a few interesting possible uses for the technology. For one, some scientists have compared it to WiFi technology. Perhaps it would be possible to take the system and develop it into a FTL equivalent for use in local area (system) mesh networks.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network

Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes

We should probably do the Operation Doolittle instead as it decreases the number of ships Comstar can use against us. Rest is pretty much intuitive, we probably need HumInt to go with other intelligence-related actions, even though I wonder if it really should be taken in the same turn as Doolittle. But since that attack isn't going to be carried out by HumInt, it shouldn't matter.
[x] Operation Doolittle
[x] Deep Cover Intelligence IV
[x] Network Extension
[x] Industrial Export: Lyran Commenwealth
[x] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network

Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes
We should probably do the Operation Doolittle instead as it decreases the number of ships Comstar can use against us. Rest is pretty much intuitive, we probably need HumInt to go with other intelligence-related actions, even though I wonder if it really should be taken in the same turn as Doolittle. But since that attack isn't going to be carried out by HumInt, it shouldn't matter.
HimInt is an action to develop methods to insert agents without having to make use of the Deep Cover Fleet. For example before a military operation to gather data on the forces on the ground and the civilian side of things.
As the talks began, it was already clear the national military would not only provide forces to the OCP military, but also basic training and limited experience for the OCP soldiers, who would then be transferred. However, to prevent the national militaries from sending the dregs of their forces to the OCP, each potential soldier would be tested intensively by various means, including psychological screening. It was hoped this would reduce the number of problems that would inevitably raise up in this new multi-national military force.
Ussh ussh.
Question: do we have one or many lingua franca for this, where units with a shared language are neighbours in the org chart, or is the integration of natural language translation in tech and implants of such sophistication that it works functionally the same as the universal translator from Star Trek, meaning everyone speaks and hears in their language of choice, regardless of the others' language (as long as it's in the database, of course)
[] Operation Green Granite: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 43+5 = 48 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 86+5 = 91 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 14+5 = 19 - Failure
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 27+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 54+5 = 59 - Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 62+5 = 67 - Success
Roll 8 of 8, Roll 1d100: 46+5 = 52 - Failure
Combined: 50 - Success
Well, we could not have cut it closer.
[] Invite Others III: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 35%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 6+40 = 46 - Failure (Diplomatic Relations)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 94+40 = 134 - Crit Success
Don't mind me while I try to pry my jaw off the floor. Pandemonium, come get a hug!
[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit
Roll 4 of 12, Roll 1d100: 84+10+10 = 104 - Artificial Crit
Roll 5 of 12, Roll 1d100: 75+10+10 = 95 - Arfificial Crit
Roll 6 of 12, Roll 1d100: 12+10+10 = 32 - Failure
Roll 7 of 12, Roll 1d100: 62+10+10 = 82 - Success
Roll 8 of 12, Roll 1d100: 46+10+10 = 66 - Failure
Roll 9 of 12, Roll 1d100: 67+10+10 = 87 - Success
Roll 10 of 12, Roll 1d100: 50+10+10 = 70 - Failure
Roll 11 of 12, Roll 1d100: 8+10+10 = 28 - Failure
Roll 12 of 12, Roll 1d100: 94+10+10 = 114 - Success
Combined: 72 - Failure
Huh, that was surprisingly close. Had we had one medium instead of very low roll, we'd have squeezed by. The late high roll was certainly appreciated. Maybe that was what pushed the success chance for the follow up project that much higher.
OCP Internal Events:
Ah, the dreaded vocal minority. Let's see if there's something we can do about it. I hate to let open sores fester too long.

[X] Project Cerulean Goddess

This would help for defense and offense, like Operation Doolittle and whatever the Marians are aiming at. The Illyrians are coreward from them, but so are we.

[X] Operation Ma Bell II:

Breaks Comstar and turns our information warfare against them into a background action, which is always appreciated. Next turn for the intelligence agency, and after that the glorious, glorious Further Survey V. Heh, surveyance.

[X] Network Extension:

We kinda forgot about these two for a long time, so let us pay our neighbours a visit, shall we? And on the off chance that the Marians are aiming for them, all the better enable to help.

[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network:

This, together with smaller Hyperwave minaturization, would allow for terrifying smarm behaviour at systemwide scales.

[X] Industrial Export: ANZAC

Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes
Ussh ussh.
Question: do we have one or many lingua franca for this, where units with a shared language are neighbours in the org chart, or is the integration of natural language translation in tech and implants of such sophistication that it works functionally the same as the universal translator from Star Trek, meaning everyone speaks and hears in their language of choice, regardless of the others' language (as long as it's in the database, of course)
For the most part we do have powerful natural language translation technology avaiable and with everyone carrying around some smart device, be it phone, watch, glasses, contacts or whatever, this is very useful for communicating. For mixed military units it would be mandatory to wear such a device at all times as part of the uniform code.
Well this is a turn of wins and losses and delicious randomness.

Lets start with military as usual and one of the big wins. 4 new designs spcced for heavy duty combat and ass kicking. Want to see full specs but what we got already looks pretty nasty. The M33 looks to be the tip of spear over runner we will need down the road. The Tosen is even more terrifying and what i guess will be direct fire artillery. Thing mounts a sub cap laser. Sub-Cap. A single direct hit will kill a lot of things and things that do survive are probable going to be crippled. A lance(4) of these things will basically annihilate any single target on the ground and if they can aim up, they should, will be effective at anti orbital/dropship work. Cant invade our worlds if your droppers are burning up in atmo after getting Tosen slapped.

The mechs? THe Xing looks like the Fusileer big brother who has a prison record and the Serray is going to give the IS fucking strokes. A mech that breaches the 100 ton limit and looks designed to out Atlas the Atlas? We got the new bench mark for a assault mech and i bet Defiance is going to be pissed and inspired once recordings of this beast at work gets out. We had it during invasion probable would not have stopped the Cav but it would seriously fucked them up and maybe stalled them...

Reorg looks of to good start and does make sense. Old National stay as militia level and do basic training and best make way to OCP ranks where it is a honor serving all and perhaps after service can return to lower level for at least a time and train them and pass along experience? Ma Bell ends and it final success just make me sad it failed for so long. Comstar could have shattered this turn if not for those damn bad rolls. Still the ground work is laid and if we continue... Prometheus goes well and we are infiltrating surprisingly. Yes probable get more from talking to belters than spying on the sheep on Terra but watching Comstar lose their minds is fun to. Granite yes was a fuck up to learn from but even the technicians? The managers and commanders were the ones who gave the orders the techs just carried them out unless i am misunderstanding something. At least it give lasting bonuses and ability to watch our neighbors.

Lets see diplo is going well. Trade is very good and we need to look into those upgraded weapon options and see about making designs we can sell or hand out to neighbors.our mercs now. At very least we can finally resupply our mercs easily. Light warship should go well five experiences with trade so far. Be intersting to see design pumped out.

And research. Fucking research. HFEG failed in the end but hopefully next time around it produces something and at this point plasma is probable going to fail and at best give us better odds down the road if not close of the path a while. Damnit. This also fucks over other research. Warships might as well proceed even if we have no new tech or tactics to justify more designs but eh we can probable do something with them anyway.

As for events. Hopefully we have agents investigating Jerat because mass protests that do not have public support should not be happening. Someone is trying to stir trouble and we need to get on top of that. Marians are doing something. Who knows what. Their leadership is irrational and shortsighted. Honestly i want them to try something at this point as cold blooded as it maybe. They try to invade us we crush them and counter invade. They invade someone else we get brownie points throwing them back then counter invade. Either way the sick culture of the Marians gets crushed and hopefully reformed and it opens doors for us because with them out of the way we can explore south and make contact with the Magistracy and through them the the Taurians and i guess what ever is left of the Aurigan. Comstar actually might collapse on its own then. Ma Bell forced cracks and Waterly seems hell bent on hammering them in her madness. See where that goes. Focht might yet shoot her but given she is able to purge the inner circuit says bad things.

Succession crisis sounds like might be a pivot point for us on how it goes. We intervene and it goes bad could lose a world and sour internal relations but we cant let the violence continue either. Should never let it reach that far and might need to make a federal level rule their is always a heir or list of heirs to prevent this.

Lets see actions and we have a pile this time.

[X] Project Cerulean Goddess
[X] Operation Ma Bell II
[X] Network Extension
[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network
[X] Industrial Export: ANZAC
Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes

Still want to give Comstar another turn or so to cook before we gank them and we need more cap ships as well and ability to build faster. And yes fuck comstar Ma Bell II. Network because not much better there. Hyperwave is a whatever to get out of way and others voting hard for it. ANZAC uncertain on since they are pretty isolationist from what i understand but guess can see what happens. Don't really want to do more warships quite yet and those are the other options.
[X] Project Cerulean Goddess
[X] Operation Ma Bell II
[X] Network Extension
[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network
[X] Industrial Export: ANZAC
Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes
I'd rather not counter-invade Marians. We've yet to cut loose the former CF systems, and I don't know how we're seen by the civilians. Are we liberators, occupiers, or irrelevant for them? I don't know, I guess it depends on how tight a leash the CF had on them. They might, might have their first taste of freedom for a long time, or they might see a resurgence in economy and trade after no longer having to pay tributes.

And I don't want to add another dozen systems to that pile.
The problem with building more warships before you do Doolittle is that you give Comstar the time to activate theirs. Doing Doolittle first gets you warships and takes Comstars away from them.
The problem with building more warships before you do Doolittle is that you give Comstar the time to activate theirs. Doing Doolittle first gets you warships and takes Comstars away from them.
Currently that is at most a single turn.
[X] Project Cerulean Goddess

[X] Organization of Confederated Planets Intelligence:

[X] HumInt:

[X] Heavy Warship:

[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network:

Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes
I'd rather not counter-invade Marians. We've yet to cut loose the former CF systems, and I don't know how we're seen by the civilians. Are we liberators, occupiers, or irrelevant for them? I don't know, I guess it depends on how tight a leash the CF had on them. They might, might have their first taste of freedom for a long time, or they might see a resurgence in economy and trade after no longer having to pay tributes.

And I don't want to add another dozen systems to that pile.
Eh i would rather not either but the Marians are assholes we probable will end up needing to smash either way. For as nasty as Circinus was at least they pretended to be civilized. The Marians modal themselves on the Romans and that includes a major part of their society as slaves. Ussual taken as POW or kidnapped in raids iirc. Right now the unstable dude we are dealing with is the nice guy. His son is a embezzling and womanizing bastard who may have had a hand in his father accident and once in power immediately turned his attention to vastly increasing his military and trying to conquer and enslave other worlds. Even if we dont make them a protectorate slapping them down would be useful.
The problem with building more warships before you do Doolittle is that you give Comstar the time to activate theirs. Doing Doolittle first gets you warships and takes Comstars away from them.
Well yes thats the point. Most all of comstars warships are not in a state they can be stolen. They need critical repairs or at least time to be worked up and activated. If we had attack first turn we probable end up blowing them all up because our guys would not have the time and resources to refit them ourselves. We are in effect letting them fuel and warm up the car before we steal it. Honestly even stealing ships is more a dick move just because and probable end up blowing up more than a few not worth the effort to baby back to the OCP. They could be useful if rebuilt and put into service or they could be dismantled for parts and study but at this juncture we dont need them. Though i would not say no to studying a yardship even if our von nuemans are already better. Even killing the fleet is more about denying the houses the ships than anything else. Comstar does not have the time to rebuild their naval arm to attack us before the axe falls. Any ships active we have to kill? Oh well we lose nothing because we have a pretty massive advantage on them. Our cruisers are ton for ton superior to their star league relics even before we spam missile through their functionally none existent point defense.
We have been able to take Belisarius after some moderate repairs and fly her home. We are well aware how to repair damaged ships and take them somewhere. With some skeleton crews, we can jump them out into some unused system, do more in depth repairs, and then move them home where they are refitted and repaired. With the Von Neumanns and Lerbtur we can and can steal everything not nailed down. And even if we are in the system for a month or six, what is Comstar going to do? Write angry letters?

Hey @Warringer how will the new ground designs fit into the divisions? By and large just traded out one for one to build heavier units in them? Perhaps specced a bit depending on need like a heavy/assault armor unit will have a greater number of heavy weight units. A regiment that deals with close in or built up area fighting will favor the Serray and units focused on defense might have more Toson to act as mobile anti everything? First shooting at incoming droppers then fighting aerospace and ground fights as needed?

We have been able to take Belisarius after some moderate repairs and fly her home. We are well aware how to repair damaged ships and take them somewhere. With some skeleton crews, we can jump them out into some unused system, do more in depth repairs, and then move them home where they are refitted and repaired. With the Von Neumanns and Lerbtur we can and can steal everything not nailed down. And even if we are in the system for a month or six, what is Comstar going to do? Write angry letters?

Hm.. Jump in ships with nuke armed fighters? I dont know. Yes we can fix ship with time but we probably want to be fast about it and there are a lot of ships that will be in various states of messed up. We dont want the houses to realize somehow what is going on and decide they rather mass nuke the ships then let us have them or jump in demanding a cut of the prize. Wait could we just attach the ships to a Lerbtur, or 4, and let it tow them through the ever changing black?
Hey @Warringer how will the new ground designs fit into the divisions? By and large just traded out one for one to build heavier units in them? Perhaps specced a bit depending on need like a heavy/assault armor unit will have a greater number of heavy weight units. A regiment that deals with close in or built up area fighting will favor the Serray and units focused on defense might have more Toson to act as mobile anti everything? First shooting at incoming droppers then fighting aerospace and ground fights as needed?
Its most likely an Assault Regiment will get some one to one replacement units a heavy assault/support batallion or something along that line.
Hm.. Jump in ships with nuke armed fighters? I dont know. Yes we can fix ship with time but we probably want to be fast about it and there are a lot of ships that will be in various states of messed up. We dont want the houses to realize somehow what is going on and decide they rather mass nuke the ships then let us have them or jump in demanding a cut of the prize. Wait could we just attach the ships to a Lerbtur, or 4, and let it tow them through the ever changing black?
The nuke armed fighters then run straight into our point defense.

And I'm pretty sure that Lerbturs could dock with a WarShip or four and drag them elsewhere through Heim-Feynman Space. We don't have to jump after all.
And I'm pretty sure that Lerbturs could dock with a WarShip or four and drag them elsewhere through Heim-Feynman Space. We don't have to jump after all.
Ok so we take a few Lerbturs and have fun. Hard part will be taking the ships and yards before ROM blows it all up but with some precision work jumping close and dumping assault shuttles and pods.. Also depends on how many ships are in a state can fight.... If needed we can just haul the ships a few lightyears into deep space. No one in the IS would find them there.
[X] Project Cerulean Goddess
[X] Operation Ma Bell II
[X] Network Extension
[X] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network
[X] Industrial Export: ANZAC
Should Operation Prometheus contact the Terra Belters?
[X] Yes

We just got an Assault and Super Heavy Battlemechs. People are about to shit their pants. Also the tanks remind me of the Stormbalde.
We just got an Assault and Super Heavy Battlemechs. People are about to shit their pants. Also the tanks remind me of the Stormbalde.
And funny thing is no one will know until they try something. We still are not trading that much or letting people in and out so the houses will be a while before realizing we have broken more long perceived tech ceilings. Actually @Warringer are we trading with the houses yet or are we still waiting for purchasing agents to show up to ask?
And are we indicating our displeasure at Hanze and his schemes with our trading.
And funny thing is no one will know until they try something. We still are not trading that much or letting people in and out so the houses will be a while before realizing we have broken more long perceived tech ceilings. Actually @Warringer are we trading with the houses yet or are we still waiting for purchasing agents to show up to ask?
We are selling some jumpships to the Lyrans and by extension to the FedSuns, since we established diplomatic contact. They are still thinking that we have build them over years, instead of a few months.
And are we indicating our displeasure at Hanze and his schemes with our trading.

Because of the Circinus Conference?

It was successful, annoyed us and while it lead to some combat, it was more of a positive situation for us than expected.
We are selling some jumpships to the Lyrans and by extension to the FedSuns, since we established diplomatic contact. They are still thinking that we have build them over years, instead of a few months.
:rolleyes: Da frak we have to do jump 200 of them into the nearest Lyran system and auction them off? Actually lets move 200 to circunes with a decent guard and add to them each months free production and send ships to advertise this to both Tharkard and Atreus publicly. See who bites. Government or corp. Could make it a trade option.
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