Turn 49 - Autumn 2186/3036
WCDC Defense Council:
[] Ground Warfare Training: active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success 70%
Roll 1 of 5, Roll 1d100: 50 - Success
Roll 2 of 5, Roll 1d100: 42 - Success
Roll 3 of 5, Roll 1d100: 69 - Success
Roll 4 of 5, Roll 1d100: 21 - Failure
While there are some slight areas of success during the testing phase of the new tactics, some new tactics turn out to be quite counterintuitive, leading to more than one incident of friendly fire and the need to improve on those tactics so that such situations could be avoided in any actual combat situation.
active for 1 more turn
[] Heavy Mechs and Tanks: - 7 votes
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 68+5+5 = 78 - Success (All R&D, All Ground R&D)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 17+5+5 = 27 - Failure
While the initial design competition had been quite successful, when several companies had brought in their initial designs, the actual design process proved to be mouch more of a problem, especially since the last time a heavy or super heavy tank had been developed had been World War II for Earth, while the Tiaunt had never felt the need to design something akin to a tank in the first place, never having been in any war that made use of extensive trenches, like World War I.
As such, there was a distinct lack of design experience available, though technically modern MBTs could count as heavy tanks. The same was largely true for Mechs in the same weight category, though here, there was technically some design experience available, as fiction was full of large bipedal war machines of one form or another, and at least for these heavy mechs some companies turned towards these designs for inspiration.
active for 2 more turns
WCDC Survey Office:
[] Operation Ma Bell: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 83 - Success
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 12 - Failure
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 28 - Failure
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 52 - Failure
The installation of the new ERS-HPG had to be postponed until Autumn, as problems with the new installation site turned up, preventing the device to be put into service. Around the same time, tests of the device itself revealed several problems with its construction, which in turn would either need to be repaired or the entire device would need to be replaced for another new one.
active for 2 more turns
[] Operation Prometheus: - 5 votes
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 1 - Crit Failure
The McCarron Raid and the involvement of Comstar made some people in the Survey Office work towards the design of an intelligence gathering mission to the Headquarters of Comstar, Terra, and the local equivalent to Sol. However, while the planning stages were going on, there were more than a few of the higher ups in the Survey Office trying to shut down the project, for one reason or another, especially as Operation Green Granite had shown to be largely ineffective in actually gathering much data and the efficiency of the Walsingham class of Advanced Jumpships was called into question.
active for 5 more turns
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network
[] Operation Green Granite: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 43+5 = 48 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 86+5 = 91 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 14+5 = 19 - Failure
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 27+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 54+5 = 59 - Success
The massive problems with the gathering of actual data on Jump Ship traffic in the Inner Sphere came to a head, as someone within the analysis section of the DSSINOO questioned if the data wasn't actually correct. It was known that that the Inner Sphere had gone through a prolonged time of war, where the Successor States had fought each other for more than a century. Additionally, the initial contact with the Lyran Commonwealth and the offer to sell them Jump Ships had revealed that the Inner Sphere could only build about twenty Jump Ships per year, a twelfth of the production current production capacity of the WCDC. There was the protest of the delegations on Circinus that was raised during the complete destruction of the JumpShips that had carried McCarron's forces to the world.
The realization was startling to the higher ups of the DSSINOO. There was nothing wrong with the Superluminal Wave Detectors. THere was that little Jump Traffic in the Inner Sphere, simply because the Successor States were lacking in Jump Space capacity for extensive trade between the nations. And they had ordered the deletion of the data they had already gathered.
This resulted in several of the managers and leaders of the DSSINOO to resign over this grave error in their judgment.
active for 2 more turns
WCDC Diplomatic Corps:
[]Circinus Conference: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 67, Roll 1d100: 98 - Crit Success
Roll 2 of 67, Roll 1d100: 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 67, Roll 1d100: 59 - Success
Roll 4 of 67, Roll 1d100: 75 - Success
Roll 5 of 67, Roll 1d100: 78 - Success
Roll 6 of 67, Roll 1d100: 41 - Success
Roll 7 of 67, Roll 1d100: 100 - Crit Success
Conbined: 69 - Success
Freaking Comstar Roll, 1d20: 2 - Comstar does nothing
Hanse Davion Fudge Factor, 1d20: 17 - Hanse tries something
Success, 1d100: 86 - Success
Should McCarron & Co be handed over to the Federated Suns?
[] Yes, but with observers for the trial - 5 votes
Should the WCDC sell ERS-HPG technology to the Combine, FWL and Andurien?
[] No - 9 votes
Should the WCDC sell blackboxed ERS-HPGs to the Combine, FWL and Andurien?
[] Yes, but only to the FWL and Andurien - 6 votes
With the success of the peace conference, the talks had shifted towards Comstar and the full release of the information that Comstar was heavily involved with the McCarron Raid, which could have killed the delegations of the Conference. The complete documentation how to operate HPGs had been given out to all the delegations present, with preparations made to hand the out to the other Periphery states that had access to HPGs.
Work towards a treaty concerning cross border HPG communication did begin, with the WCDC working as a neutral party again. They did note international communication was integral to keeping peace in the Inner Sphere and that manipulation of this information would only lead to a continuation of the 'work' Comstar had made ostentatiously and kept the nations at war, so that Comstar had the technological edge over the large nations. The talks had been heated, with Hanse Davion and his wife Melissa arguing for an International HPG Treaty, which was viewed in a mistrustful light by the delegates of the Combine.
To at least work out acceptable relations with their direct neighbors, the WCDC initially offered to sell black boxed ERS-HPGs to the Free World League and later to the Dutchy of Andurien, partially to pull than on the side of the International HPG Treaty. Selling them to the Combine was brought up, but the Kaiser of Hannover showed himself to be vocally against it, which brought a number of WCDC nations onto his side of the argument, so that the same offer was not made to the Combine.
By the end of Autumn, it had been possible to pull the Draconis Combine onto the side of the Treaty, though this appeared to be largely the work of Chandrasekhar Kurita, who had broad economic interests in the international HPG communication network.
Finally, the International HPG Union Treaty was signed by the five delegations. Once the local national HPG networks were under control of the individual successor states, they were obligated to freely transfer international HPG traffic without delays and censorship.
On a different note, Hanse Davion strenuously continued to work on the WCDC delegation and especially Rynem of the Gerant Vorem, to extradite McCarron and his people to the Federated Commonwealth, handing over an extensive document containing all war crimes that had been perpetuated by McCarron during 'McCarron's Long March' more than a decade earlier. To a degree the entire situation was regarded as a personal affair for Davion as well, seeing that McCarron had been ordered to kill him and his wife.
While the WCDC wished to try McCarron themselves, the arguments of Davion proved to be successful and by the end of Autumn the WDCD agreed to extradite McCarron and his people to the Federated Suns. However, they wished to take part in the trial, both by sending a lawyer along, and some observers to ensure it was a fair trial. Additionally, McCarron and his people would be transported on WCDC spacecraft, to ensure their, relative, safety before they were tried. This was agreeable with Davion and McCarron and his people were prepared to be transferred.
Results: Contact with all IS powers, International HPG Union Treaty, Pease Treaty between Andurien and FWL, Diplomatic Bonuses: +15 with FedCom and Andurien, +10 with FWL, 0 with Draconis, Inofficial War with Comstar
[] Calls for Confederation: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 42%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 73 - Success
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 94 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 27 - Failure
The perceived 'incident' with the potential sale of ERS-HPGs, had brought Hannover on a direct collision course with the rest of the WCDC, with Hannover openly declaring that they would withdraw from the WCDC, should the ERS-HPG be sold to the Draconis Combine, even if 'merely black-boxed'. Over the past years, Hannover has surprisingly been able to get about a quarter of the small WCDC nations into their diplomatic orbit and this threat caused these nations to pause.
This incident threatened the possible creation of a Confederation and the talks to form this Confederation came to a halt for the duration of the incident.
active for 1 more turn
WCDC Trade Organization:
[] New Settlement Initiative: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10+10 = 70 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 10+10+10+10 = 40 - Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 89+10+10+10 = 119 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 31+10+10+10 = 61 - Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 56+10+10+10 = 86 - Success
More and more smaller settlement missions were sent out to various of the already settled systems, with the planet Niniveh, only 8.7 lightyears away from Sol, becoming something of a preferred target for Belters, who had started to build the first settlements floating in the atmosphere of the planet in an atmospheric region that had a similar temperature and pressure range of habitable terrestrial planets, even though there was a need to fend of some of the large life forms living in the atmosphere of the world.
active for 1 more turn
[] Build the Weapons: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 69+10+10+10+10 = 109 - Artificial Crit (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 19+10+10+10+10 = 59 - Success
Some weapon systems that had been recovered from various mechs were comparably simple designs, like the auto cannons, of which there were several different types available. Surprisingly enough, it appeared that these auto cannons were not classed by their caliber, like projectile weapons of the WCDC, but rather by how much damage they were able to inflict on armor. While understandable, there was of course a massive difference between a gattling style auto cannon firing a stream of low caliber munitions to a large rifled gun firing a single projectile.
To try and get some order into these classifications, different companies preferred to work with the larger caliber version of these weapons, though they had to make sure that any munitions available in the Inner Sphere were viable for their weapons.
active for 3 more turns
WCDC Office for Science and Development:
[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit
Roll 4 of 12, Roll 1d100: 84+10+10 = 104 - Artificial Crit
Roll 5 of 12, Roll 1d100: 75+10+10 = 95 - Arfificial Crit
Roll 6 of 12, Roll 1d100: 12+10+10 = 32 - Failure
Roll 7 of 12, Roll 1d100: 62+10+10 = 82 - Success
Roll 8 of 12, Roll 1d100: 46+10+10 = 66 - Failure
Roll 9 of 12, Roll 1d100: 67+10+10 = 87 - Success
Roll 10 of 12, Roll 1d100: 50+10+10 = 70 - Failure
Again, errors appeared in the various computer models still favoured to create a hybrid Faster Than Luight propulsion system, making some of the scientists question whether or not they were betting on the wrong horse with their work.
active for 2 more turns
[] Project Heavy Mysterious Mustard: active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 40%
Roll 1 of 5 turns, Roll 1d100: 62+10+10 = 82 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 5 turns, Roll 1d100: 39+10+10 = 59 - Success
Roll 3 of 5 turns, Roll 1d100: 76+10+10 = 96 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 4 of 5 turns, Roll 1d100: 84+10+10 = 104 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 5 of 5 turns, Roll 1d100: 65+10+10 = 85 - Success
Combined: 85
The new firmware for the Advanced Jump Drive was tested for bugs during Autumn, utilizing the two prototype automated jump ships that had been constructed during the project to develop the Advanced Jump Drive, with the final version being released for use in existing and new Jump Drives by the end of Autumn.
The new firmware made use of the various advanced features of the Advanced Jump Drive, such as the higher energy capacity of the internal capacitors, as well as the generally higher quality materials used in their construction. While the previous firmware had been designed based on the systems of the conventional Jump Drive, and made use of a single and simple charge to jump any distance between zero and 30 lightyears and completely emptied the internal capacitors, and with the Advanced Jump Drive used half of the energy, the new firmware made more efficient use of the energy.
Rather than use a fixed amount of energy for a variable distance, the new firmware instead used a variable amount of energy for a variable distance. At minimum, the new firmware allowed using just about 25 percent of the original jump charge, or 12.5 percent of the Advanced Jump Drives capacity, allowing the vessel to jump over a distance of 6.25 lightyears, with any lower distance still using the same amount of energy. At the full original charge, or half the charge of the Advanced Jump Drive, the range was the same 30 lightyears of the basic firmware. Finally, the full charge of the Advanced Jump Drive would allow the vessel to jump over a distance of 70 lightyears, more than twice as much as the conventional firmware.
Being a software package, it was relatively simple to upgrade the already existing jump drives to the new firmware and increase the range end energy efficiency of the Advanced Jump Drive.
Results: Improved Jump Drive, longer range, variable energy use per jump
WCDC Internal Events:
Nothing of import happens.
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:
Lothian League:
There is little of note to say.
Illyrian Palatinate:
There is little of note to say.
Circinus Federation:
There is little of note to say.
Marian Hegemony:
There is little of note to say.
Inner Sphere:
Lyran Commonwealth:
Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.
Federated Suns:
Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.
Draconis Combine:
Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.
Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:
Due to the Circinus Conference, a truce has been declared between the two warring powers.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
Random Event - Nothing happens