Turn 43 - Spring 2185/3035
WCDC Defense Council:
[] Improved System Defense & Forward Operation Base: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 100+5+5 = 110 - Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 95+5+5 = 105 - Crit Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 67+5+5 = 77 - Success
Combined: 81 - Success
The project to create an improved System Defense and a mobile Forwards Operation Base successfully concluded by the end of spring, where the Newport Vesta Dockyards unveiled the new and improved Redoubt class of System Defense Platforms, a 2245ktonne massing platform designed to carry a multitude of the heaviest weapon systems in the WCDC arsenal and the ability to service up to two Squadrons of Advanced Combat Craft simultaneously. Each of these platforms could unload a truly staggering volume of missile fire, with over 20000 Class IV and Class III missiles of tremendous range.
But not only could each of these platforms unload an unholy amount of firepower, but with a Heim-Fenyman Event Generator, they would be able to move from system to system, but for the most part it was intended to be used in situations where only a single jump point, or one of the 'non-standard' jump points, was attacked. In these cases a Redoubt could simply jump in and unleash hell.
While Sol, Beta Hydri and 61 Virginis would be building two of these platforms, it was expected Washington, Hannover and Solidarność would, for the time being, construct only a single platform, until their system infrastructure could cope with the construction of a second one.
The Caladran Dockyards of Beta Hydri, in contrast, presented the first prototype of the Lerbtur class of Mobile Forwards Operation Platforms, the 4th Emperor Rodale, based heavily on the Von Neumann, but with twice as much armor and halved production capabilities in favor for half a million tonnes of cargo space and 50000 tonnes of fuel to supply up to 200 combat craft simultaneously. In a pinch, she would supply any WarShip with new ammunition, and replacement parts, helping the internal fabricators of those vessels to cope.
Reward: New FTL cpable Defensive Station
[] Warship Roles: - 7 votes active
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 3, Roll 1d100: 26+5+5 = 36 - Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
With the WCDC Belusarius finally completed and put into service, it was time to test the vessel and see what it could actually be used for. The massive WarShip was heavier than anything the WCDC had ever fielded by a long shot and its firepower was enough to destroy almost all any system defense as it was at the moment.
It was not the Belisarius alone, but also Petan, who had designed and built a smaller Warship body for himself and was now offering two more to its siblings. And with plans drawn up to modify the base design of Petan into a vessel with a biological crew, tactics had to be derived to cope with the added firepower.
As such, the WCDC requested for Petan to take part in a series of war games to fully ascertain the capabilities of both platforms and enable the Defense Council to draw up plans for what roles these craft could be used.
Likely it would be to counter any Warships in the Inner Sphere. While these vessels had yet to be observed, they likely patrolled in border areas and were stationed in systems with naval bases, it was considered highly probable that the Inner Sphere powers still had access to a number of WarShips, even after the by now Four Sucession Wars and a general decline in its tech base compared to the 'mystical' Star League.
active for 2 more turns
WCDC Survey Office:
[] Deep Cover Intelligence II: active
Time: 10 turns, Chance of Success: 60%
Roll 1 of 10, Roll 1d100: 78+10 = 85 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 10, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 10, Roll 1d100: 95+10 = 105 - Success
Roll 4 of 10, Roll 1d100: 34+10 = 44 - Success
Roll 5 of 10, Roll 1d100: 73+10 = 83 - Success
Roll 6 of 10, Roll 1d100: 69+10 = 79 - Success
Roll 7 of 10, Roll 1d100: 31+10 = 41 - Success
Roll 8 of 10, Roll 1d100: 46+10 = 56 - Success
Slowly, the A Ship With A View finished a few deals on Marik, before swinging around towards the Lyran-FWL border, using the route from Savannah, over Dieudonne and Alhea to Shiloh. Here, the jump stopped for two weeks to observe border traffic between the Lyrans and the FWL, before continuing on. From Rochelle, to Uruh, Concord to Nestor.
active for 2 more turns
[] Deep Cover Intelligence III: - 7 votes active
Time: 1 turn, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 1, Roll 1d100: 72 - Success
With the availability of No Pirate Life For Me as a second modified jump ship, the idea had come up to simply send out the vessel and its accompanying dropships to act as traders, like on previous Deep Cover missions. Only this time around, the vessels would be cut loose for the most part, free to trade and travel where they would, all the while collecting valuable intelligence about the area they were in.
Now and again, they would emplace a small solar powered satellite to act as a Hyperwave Com relay station and Mesh networking point. This method would allow a Deep Cover Jumpship to remain in almost constant contact with Berlin, while not relying on Comstar as the primary mode of communication with agents. Where possible, the No Pirate Life For Me would make its way to previously installed Deep Cover Agents and supply them with their own Hyperwave Communication system as these were comparably compact.
By the end of Spring, the No Pirate Life For Me was ready to leave from Circinus, entering the FWL to reach Atreus and then Marik, before moving towards the Federated Suns.
Reward: continous intelligence reports over several years, while other operations are available
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network
[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5 = 26 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 47+5 = 52 - Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 46+5 = 51 - Success
Combined: 40 - Failure
Even with the continued work of the DSSINOO and more and more survey squadron commanders being more positively inclined to work for the DSSINOO, the higher ups of the Survey Office denied the request to operate one or two Survey Squadrons on their own, constantly surveying the surrounding space.
As the request was denied, the DSSINOO decided to wait for a year before asking again.
Result: No Survey Squadrons, next try on 4 turns
WCDC Diplomatic Corps:
[]Circinus Conference: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 98 - Crit Success
Freaking Comstar Roll, 1d20: 2 - Comstar does nothing
After getting the message from Ambassador Churchill that the Lyran and FedSun heads of state had pretty much forced a diplomatic conference onto the WCDC, the Diplomatic Corps and the various national governments themselves were understandably outraged. This was certainly not something they had expected or wished to deal with, having preferred to slowly get into diplomatic contact with the remaining Inner Sphere.
As the information slowly sunk in over the next few weeks, however, it was decided this situation could be a blessing in disguise. While the conference was forced onto the WCDC, this situation could be reasonably quickly be turned around into an event that could help the WCDC in the long run. Yes, they could well bluster their way through Inner Sphere politics and point towards their, hopefully, adequate military and the threat to annihilate any invading force. A diplomatic victory as a truly neutral force to find peace between two warring nations within the Inner Sphere would be a much preferable alternative. It would put the WCDC on the political landscape in a positive way and reinforce the stance that the WCDC only wished peace.
There would need to be precautions, however, to show the force the WCDC could bring to bear, when put on the defensive, should any of the attendants presume to try and take a more military view of the situation. For the time being seven Expeditionary Regiments were stationed on Circinus, as well as fifteen Combat Craft Squadrons. They would receive some reinforcement over the succeeding months of preparation for the conference and more than one national government demanded WCDC Belisarius should be in orbit of Circinus, once the first delegations arrived. And if possible, one or two of the new Redoubt System Defense Platforms should be stationed at Circinus for the duration, though it would reduce the defense of a single system within the WCDC.
Another thing to plan for would be accommodations for the various diplomatic parties, some of which might even include the head of state for a given Inner Sphere power, especially after Hanse Davion noted he would certainly be present for the Conference. While Clayborne Remembered was the capital of Circinus, the buildings, streets and other infrastructure of the town, which was unsuited to the demands of highly skilled, educated and powerful diplomats and heads of state. Instead, a new compound, perhaps a new town, would need to be built from the ground up to satisfy the Diplomatic Corps.
That was not to even begin with the headache that would come once the members of the Diplomatic Corps had to deal with WCDC internal legalistic battles and nations attempting to give precedent to their own diplomats to head the conference.
active for 5 more turns
[] Long Range Diplomacy - Marian Hegemony:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 79 - Success
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 45 - Failure
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 66 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 41 - Failure
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 100 - Crit Success
As a reaction to almost three months of being ignored and snubbed by the Caesar of the Marian Hegemony, the diplomatic team has had enough and communication with Jerat and the Diplomatic Corps lead to the permission being granted to go for a more drastic way to get O'Reilly to take note.
This began by the Squadrons that was send along with the diplomats to break orbit and land near the Roosevelt, a converted Undessa. Following this display of disregard to the Caesar's military power, especially since the weapon systems of the Sleipnir and Im-umi were pointedly directed at the Mech forces, 'guarding' the diplomatic mission, was a message to the Caesar informing him that the diplomatic mission would leave the planet within 12 hours, no matter what.
Consequently, the Caesar personally arrived at the Roosevelt after one hour, seemingly in a rage, and demanded that the squadron's combat spacecraft left the world and that he would allow the diplomats to leave when he decided they should. The response of the diplomatic teams boiled down to a diplomatic version of 'You and what army?', followed by informing that unless they could actually do their jobs and establish diplomatic relations, of some sort, they would leave, as their skills were more in demand elsewhere.
On the question of what could be more important than the Marian Hegemony, he was informed about the Circinus Conference and that the 'Great Houses' of the Inner Sphere would be arriving at Circinus within several months. The Marian Hegemony was simply not important enough to deal with, if they were received in such a manner.
Upon hearing this, Caesar O'Reilly paled and became speechless, before leaving. Another six hours later, the Legions surrounding the Roosevelt and its escorts were pulled back and an invitation for better diplomatic talks was given. Having gained this success, all squadrons, safe for one, returned to orbit, while the security of the diplomatic team while in their talks was increased.
Until the end of spring, some advances were made, though many of the diplomats believed it had to do with the gunboat diplomacy they had shown earlier.
active for 3 more turns
WCDC Trade Organization:
[] Heavy Combat Space Craft: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 65, Roll 1d100: 32+10+10+10+10 = 72 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 65, Roll 1d100: 37+10+10+10+10 = 77 - Success
Roll 3 of 65, Roll 1d100: 99+10+10+10+10 = 139 - Crit Success
Roll 4 of 65, Roll 1d100: 13+10+10+10+10 = 54 - Success
Interstingly enough, the shortening of the time frame did not stop any of the companies and design offices developing new heavy combat craft from continuing their work and at least one was already working on a prototype. Still, there was a bit of a low point within the design community, as the vastly larger Belisarius and Petan took the center stage in various magazines and articles.
active for 1 more turns
[] Mining Town: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 81+10+10+10 = 111 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10+10 = 50 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10 = 46 - Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 12+10+10+10 = 42 - Failure
Combined: 62 - Success
While the new existing mines were starting to operate all over WCDC space, several of the new settlements and mining operations that had sprung up on planets, dwarf planets and asteroids did not yield any germanium. This did not however make them any less valuable, as they still managed to produce valuable materials.
In the end, however, the new germanium mines that were set up produced more than three times as much germanium as would be needed when jump ship production would commence at full production rates of 20 vessels per month. Here, the Vereinigte Germanium Werke Spandau on New Berlin had the highest yield of a single mine in germanium, though it was only ten percent higher than the newly constructed deep core mine on Vesta.
While some surplus in germanium could be sold into the Inner Sphere, at least half of it would be put into strategic stores, to be used when the need arose.
Reward: Germanium Mines
WCDC Office for Science and Development:
[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit
Roll 4 of 12, Roll 1d100: 84+10+10 = 104 - Artificial Crit
During Spring, many of the theoretical advances made during winter were refined further, whittling the probable workable theories down to four. These four were widely different, however and it was believed that only massive scale modeling on the most powerful super computers available, one of them a model with more than sixty-five thousand quantum gates that could simulate quantum interaction between particles, but would be taxed on the models for months.
active for 8 more turns
[] Hyperwave Reflection Research: active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 5, Roll 1d100: 59+10+10 = 79 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 5, Roll 1d100: 96+10+10 = 116 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 5, Roll 1d100: 3+10+10 = 23 - Failure
Roll 4 of 5, Roll 1d100: 31+10+10 = 51 - Success
Following the problems of winter, the research team working steadily on the Hyperwave Reflection Problem came up with a few ingenious solutions to their problems of combining the Hyperwave Transceiver with the Superlimunal Wave Detector. By cannibalizing both systems and creating a new single hybrid system. By carefully choosing some Hyperwave frequencies too high for any practical use for communication at this time. The only downside of this system was that the transceiver had a much lower range and that the Hyperwaves generated would attenuate once they had reached the Kuiper Belt of the Solar System.
Practically, however, the frequency had been chosen precisely correct, as once the new device was turned on, the returns became a lot sharper. Collating the data from the new device with various informations of space traffic and the like, it quickly became apparent that the new device was essentially a Hyperwave Detection and Ranging system, an FTL Radar, after a fashion.
But while this first experiment was a clear success, a bit more research would need to be done on the system and allow it to properly be utilized as the first FTL sensor, even though it would only detect HFEG equipped spacecraft, Dropships, Jumpships and Warships, as well as any spacecraft carrying an enormous amount of germanium or other carbon group semiconductors and titanium group transition metals.
active for 1 more turns
WCDC Internal Events:
Following some talks between Petan and his siblings, Enthat and Haing, both AIs chose to take Petan up on the offer to be given the following two Petan class WarShip hulls already in production by Petan at Cterin. Both AIs were aware that they were inadequate compared to any Inner Sphere Warship that was out there. They already knew what defeat meant, even if they had been able to defeat the Onouch'l Automatons. The psychological effects still sat deep within their conscious mind'and they were unwilling to let this happen again. Not to the survivors of the Onouch'l Automatons, nor to the Tiaunt or the humans.
Around the same time as Petan was offering the new spacecraft to its siblings, several design offices were at work to convert the purely automated version of Petan's design into a version with a biological crew, while noting the basic design of Petan might be useful for other roles and carry other weapon systems.
Within the diplomatic community of the WCDC, some problems became more and more apparent, as legalistic problems slowly came to the front. The WCDC was merely an organization akin to the NATO of old, with a few roles in the economic and diplomatic side. However, there was no apparent leadership of the WCDC and some problems needed to be dealt with in a way that forced all member nations to make the decisions of national governments. Such systems were problematic if the WCDC would get further involved in external politics, as outside forces, like the Inner Sphere nations, might take advantage and bring single nations onto their side of an argument, changing the power structure within the WCDC.
Additionally, the WCDC had pulled closer together over the past ten years since its formation, much further than the EU or the UN had over a similar time frame. Sure there were potential threats from the outside, but the local space was in this situation together and the next logical step would be to enter an even closer cooperation, not unlike the EU, and form a Confederation.
This Confederation would essentially create an additional central governmental structure to quickly and efficiently deal with any problem that would normally involve national governments. It would also create a more centralized military command structure and establish a new currency, which would become an additional means of payment for the member nations, and allow simpler internal and especially external trade. However, the member nations would retain their sovereignty in internal and most other matters and have the freedom to secede from the new Confederaqtion.
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:
Lothian League:
There is little of note to say.
Illyrian Palatinate:
There is little of note to say.
Circinus Federation:
There is little of note to say.
Marian Hegemony:
There is little of note to say.
Inner Sphere:
Lyran Commonwealth:
Federated Suns:
Archon Katharina Steiner and First Prince Hanse Davion have informed us that they will personally appear to the Circinus Conference.
Draconis Combine:
While the Combine has informed us that they will take part in the Circinus Conference, it is currently unknown who they will send.
Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:
In the war between these two powers, the stalemate continues.
However, at least the Dutchy of Andurien has shown interest in the Circinus Conference, while we have not gotten an answer from the FWL yet.
Comstar is largely silent and based on HPG Radio Backscatter currently merely observing us and our diplomatic mission to Tharkad.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
Random Event - Nothing Happens