Uh. Warringer? Any Hyperwave communicator that the Black Boxes are are easily detectable by other Hyperwave sensors. We may not be able to read them but per sourcebooks, we can definitely know that the FedCom has its own, if rather primitive, network. The Combine gained FedComs Black Boxes in OTL and was not only able to detect but also read their messages.
Can you tone down FedCom wank here? We know they have Hypercomms.
No, we do not know. Take a look at the
Black Box page on Sarna. The FedCom is currently making use of the K-1 series, which has a range of 200ly, and since they were using it coordinate the 4th Succession War, I am pretty certain that the majority of the network is along the main areas of interest, in this case the border to the Combine and the Capellans, it does not rule out some stations along the FWL border, but by the time the hyperwaves from any Black Box reaches or any of our Superlimunal Wave Detector and/or Hyperwave Communicator, it has either deteriorated so much that it becomes part of the background hyperwave noise from the nearby starforming region of the Lupus Clouds.
The K-1A series, with a range of 400ly, is only going to be introduced in 3035, some time next year, and it will take a while until the entire Black Box Network is replaced, for us to map out.
So, no, we do not know that FedCom had the Black Boxes. We might have heard one or two, but the signals have not been more than a
Wow! Signal on our systems that had not repeated, yet. It does not meant that we won't discover the Black Box, if Hanse arrives at Circinus with one in his luggage to keep up communication with home, since Circinus does not have a HPG anymore. It might make Comstar officially send only an Explorer Corps Ship to keep up to date, though I'm not sure if its officially known that Explorer Corps ships for a mobile HPG.
Also keep in mind that our HyperwaveCom is sending a constant stream of data at 10MBit/s in a spread Hyperwave spectrum, which looks a lot different to the burst style low bandwidth style of communication of a Black Box. The Spread Spectrum is also the reason, why we can transmit continuously at a high data rate over a long distance. Thanks Heddy Lamar...
That gives me an idea though... Hyperwave astronomy...
I know what Hanse wanted to do OTL.
He wanted to recreate the Star League.
Which means? He wants us to be the fulcrum to his level to help recreate it and become a replacement member state for the Lyrans/Suns and CapCon.
He is aiming for us to become a full-right voting member state. Fucking hell.
Okay. We are torpedoing this crap.
Its going to come to a 'You and what army' type of response, while
Belisarius and Petan orbit overhead and the WCDC Expeditionary Forces on Circinus are on maneuver.
Probable Hanse throwing his weight around and honest curiosity about this periphery unknown that has already conquered one minor power combined with fact high level meeting between all the houses are very rare. Hanse and Melissa wedding was the first time since the star league fell all 5 house lords were in the same room. No one is probable expecting this to work but the two belligerents involved are just bleeding all over each other to no useful end and this could end the war or perhaps try to get us to side with one of them... The combine has no reason to care about us but this lets their diplomats in a room where they can cut deals/observe and it costs them nothing to show up. Hanse is the wild card who might be just doing this to see what we do and how well. A poor showing means we are shit allies at best he can ignore or subvert. Or just more neobarbs talking big but got nothing. A strong gives him chances to see what we can really do behind the smoke and mirrors. Or he could be hoping while we concentrate on this meeting with most of our forces he can fast raid or conquer or something. But that is a very low probability to me. Hell he could start war with combine early with this as distraction to... Perhaps hoping comstar gives him cause for war with the damage on our property not his? Hanse could get a lot from this.
Pretty much this. FedCom is already gearing up to the 'war of 39', though they might start it off earlier. And if he can get the FWL and Andurien to stop fighting for a bit, he can do so much better, especially since he is currently lending some Merc outfits to Andurien and it would help him, if, during the 'War of 39', Andurien could keep the FWL occupied for a bit, while he (hopefully) curbstomps all over the Combine.
That is not to mention that this little 'neobarb' periphery nation just offered him and Katharina more jumpships, per month, than the entire Inner Sphere can produce in a year. Than we handed him a way to read Comstar mail and to become completely independent of the toaster worshipers for coms. And there is this little tablet computer that is currently taken apart in the NIAS.
Of course, he wants to see what we can offer and if we are total idiots for not having an adequate defense with all those technical goodies. Because if we don't have that adequate defense, he'd be in a much better position than anyone else to say 'I'm Hanse Davion, you are not FedCom!'
Yeah problem is it easy to make threats and proclamations but what happens when push becomes shove is what matters. Hanse will not Grok we are not to be fucked with until he sees something try only to be bent over the table and brutalized. We need him to understand we are not worth that fight and better of friends or neutral then deciding Tharkard and New Avalon need new cobalt jacketed remodeling at relativistic speed.
Which is why I hope my 'Comstar does something stupid' roll lands on the 'ComGuards disguised as Death Comandos raid Circinus' option...