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Growing Horizons: Inner Sphere - Quest

Turn 42 - Winter 2184/3034 Results
Turn 42 - Winter 2184/3034

WCDC Defense Council:

[] Project Byzantium: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 88+5+5 = 98 - Artificial Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 94+5+5 = 104 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 65+5+5 = 75 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+5+5 = 106 - Crit Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 38+5+5 = 48 - Success
Roll 6 of 6, Roll 1d100: 78+5+5 = 88 - Success
Combined: 86 - Success

Finally, after about one year of work and the limited availability of Germanium for a short time, the Advanced Jump Core has been finished for the Belisarius and was ready to be installed by mid Winter. Due to the sheer size of the WarShip, the Jump Core was effectively the most advanced that could be produced by the time, and extensive modeling of the core showed that the sheer size advantage could be used to reduce the size of the core by another single percent, saving about 7000 tonnes of weight.

Most of this saved weight went into a pair of additional hangars, which could be used by four Sleipnir sized spacecraft. Here, it were four AutoWars, meant to provide additional defense to the massive vessel. The remaining mass was used to increase the armor of the Belisarius increasing it from about 1.7 ktonnes to 2.7 ktonnes.

By the end of Winter, the Belisarius was put into service as the WCDC Belisarius and directly placed under the command of the Defense Council and given an international crew to further the cooperation between the various militaries. Its shakedown voyage led it from 61 Virginis to Sol and then to Beta Hydri.

Belisarius put into service for the WCDC, new research options for large scale weaponry and large scale jumpcapable combat spacecraft

[] Improved System Defense & Forward Operation Base: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 100+5+5 = 110 - Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 95+5+5 = 105 - Crit Success

Following some work on the part of the Defence Council and the WCDCTO, the various design offices could be pursued that the Von Neumanns were not a treat to the continued existence of the companies and that they could work well within the situation were a Von Neumann reached its limits. These arguments seemed to be very well-received by the companies and some began to almost immediately begin to design System Defense Stations and Mobile Forwards Operating Bases with gusto, several companies once again forming joint ventures to improve their chances in winning the contest for their design.

active for 1 more turns

WCDC Survey Office:

[] Deep Cover Intelligence II: active
Time: 10 turns, Chance of Success: 60%
Roll 1 of 10, Roll 1d100: 78+10 = 85 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 10, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 10, Roll 1d100: 95+10 = 105 - Success
Roll 4 of 10, Roll 1d100: 34+10 = 44 - Success
Roll 5 of 10, Roll 1d100: 73+10 = 83 - Success
Roll 6 of 10, Roll 1d100: 69+10 = 79 - Success
Roll 7 of 10, Roll 1d100: 31+10 = 41 - Success

Almost the A Ship With A View was pressed into service as an auxiliary for the FWL military, but once again some well-placed brides were able to prevent this from happening, as the jumpship made its way from Atreus towards Ionus, Tongatapu, New Olympia, Dickinson, Keystone, Lancaster, Angell II and finally Marik. At Marik they prepared for a limited time of observation, after almost constantly jumping the route, this time not under orders to set up an Ansible Link.

At Marik, they once again emplaced a few agents, who, other than their colleagues at Atreus, were meant to work deep cover and not create any agent network, but merely observe, transmitting data to Atreus, where another additionally placed deep cover agent would transmit the data via the Survey Ansible to Berlin.

active for 3 more turns

[] Further Survey IV: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 77+10 = 87 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 22+10 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 42+10 = 52 - Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 40+10 = 50 - Success
Combined: 35 - Success
Systems Discovered: 10+2d20 = 17

While there were no additional habited systems discovered by the Survey squadrons, two abandoned worlds, Cramer's World and New Atlantis were found.

This time, the survey teams were able to survey the two worlds a little deeper in detail. New Atlantis was an ocean covered world with less than five percent of landmass in various island chains of volcanoes. The main settlement of New Atlantis had been located on an island in the northern hemisphere, which had sunk beneath the waves about fifty years prior, with the last remaining survivors dying just five years prior. On Cramer's World, it appeared that a flu virus had mutated into a deadly pathogen that had subsequently wiped out the entire population.

All in all, 17 percent of the entirety of the area had been surveyed by the squadrons, raising the complete percentage up to 74 percent.

Results: 17% of all systems from 60 to 90 ly discovered

Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network

[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5 = 26 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 47+5 = 52 - Success

Continued work on the Survey Squadrons superiors was finally paying off, making them understand that perhaps giving the DSSINOO one or two Survey Squadrons would be a boon, as it would certainly increase the knowledge of the surrounding space.

active for 1 more turns

WCDC Diplomatic Corps:

[] Long Range Diplomacy - Lyran Commonwealth: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 33 - Failure
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 73 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 67 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 96 - Success
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 25 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 98 - Crit Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 51 - Success
Roll 8 of 8, Roll 1d100: 97 - Crit Success
Combined: 68 - Success

Freaking Comstar Roll, 1d20: 8 - Comstar does nothing
Hanse Davion Fudge Factor Roll, 1d20: 20 - Of course...
Hanse Success, 1d20: 20 - Bloody Hanse Loving Dice!!!

During an official meeting between the diplomatic party, the Archon and the First Prince, Archon Steiner suffers a collapse. Doctor Jindan Bhattacharya, a medical professional, part of the diplomatic party, is the first at the scene and, with the help of a medical scanner, can diagnose her with a case of lung cancer in its beginning stages, which has led to a short time reduction of blood oxygen levels and to her collapse. Thankfully, the cancer was discovered before it had a chance of metastases and Doctor Bhattacharya offered to begin one of the WCDC treatments of this specific type of cancer, leading to a recess of the tumor within two months, without the need of surgery, chemo therapy and other less advanced treatments. However, Archon Steiner would need to take her medication for a further two months. The thanks of the Archon were considerate and directly translated into better relations.

This in turn allowed the diplomatic party to further their work by offering to license some treatments, drug based or otherwise, for various forms of cancer, heritable diseases, as well as psychological disorders.

Lower level talks meanwhile managed to secure a conversion rate between the Kroner and one of the reserve currencies of Sol, the Euro, with an exchange rate of one Kroner to 3.43 Euro. As the exchange rate of the FedCom Pound was fixed to 0.82 Kroner to one Kroner, one Pound was worth 4.18 Euro. Tis now allowed other currencies to be exchanged to both currencies.


"Tell me, Sir Ian," First Prince Hanse Davion said, a calculating look on his face. "With all those offers you are making us to keep us friendly, what should stop us from simply coming to your world and take them?"

Ambassador Sir Ian Churchill had dreaded that question every time he had sat in this comfortable office in the backrooms of the Lyran palace, but so far the negotiations had been going so well, that he was surprised it had come this late. He took a deep breath, knowing that he had already flushed in an outward sign of anger at the mere thought.

"Then let me be as frank as you were, Hanse," he bit out. "Your dropships would not even make it past our jumpship defenses and that you would lose those precious jumpships of yours as well."

He let that hang in the air for a few moments, before continuing.

"They would not even undock. It would be a nice casus belli for us to simply come to Tharkad or New Avalon and bombard any and all military and governmental installations in an accurate, rapid decapacitation strike. All the while your forces would batter into an immovable wall. You would not even see us coming."

The silence hung heavy in the air as Sir Ian looked at directly at the Davion House Lord, daring him to blink. Next to them, Archon Katharina Steiner frowned at her son-in-law.

Finally, Hanse chuckled and grinned broadly.

"That is the answer that I have expected," he said and stood up. "And that is the reason, why Katharina and I have chosen to accept your invitation to that peace conference you wish to hold on Circinus."

The sudden turn of the conversation made Sir Ian stop, openly gaping at Hanse.

"What peace conference?" he almost stuttered in surprise. "There is no peace conference..."

Hanse had the nerve to look offended.

"But we both have gotten your invitation yesterday," he said. "And I hear Comstar was surprisingly cooperative in sending your invitations from Tharkad to Andurien, Atreus and Luthien. To deal with that little scuffle between Marik and Humphreys. Surely you have not forgotten?"

Sir Ian suddenly felt like a ten tonne lorry had hit him.

"It would certainly hurt your diplomatic standing with us if you were to suddenly... cancel it."

Hanse dropped the act after a few moments.

"I am not some periphery autocrat you can impress with shiny presents and talks about peace, Sir Ian," he said with an almost evil grin. "I believe there is a saying. If you talk the talk, you better walk the walk..."


Result: Contact with the Lyran Commonwealth, +10 on Relations to Lyran Commonwealth, Forced Action - Circinus Conference

[] Long Range Diplomacy - Marian Hegemony:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 79 - Success
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 45 - Failure
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 66 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 41 - Failure

Once the diplomatic mission had been able to settle down on Alphard for a short while, they discovered that indeed, the Caesar of the Marian Hegemony was a petty leader of a backwater nation and used to get his will. While he had been cowed to a certain degree, he had ordered all his military forces to contain the diplomatic mission within the compound they were given, refusing to even talk with the diplomats, while officials notified the mission that they would only be allowed to return into the presence of the Caesar after paying him homage.

active for 4 more turns

WCDC Trade Organization:

[] Heavy Combat Space Craft: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 65, Roll 1d100: 32+10+10+10+10 = 72 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 65, Roll 1d100: 37+10+10+10+10 = 77 - Success
Roll 3 of 65, Roll 1d100: 99+10+10+10+10 = 139 - Crit Success

Work on the various designs for Heavy Combat Crafts saw a massive improvement with the work on the Belisarius coming to completion and it only spurred on the design offices and dockyards for their work, so that the WCDCTO was confident that it could produce the results of the design challenge earlier than projected.

Result: Number of turns reduced by 1
active for 2 more turns

[] Mining Town: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 81+10+10+10 = 111 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10+10 = 50 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10 = 46 - Success

On Neu Berlin, the first mine was prepared to begin operation as the fabricators of the settlement was guided to begin with the construction of massive bucket-wheel excavators, not unlike those that were used centuries ago on Earth. Using these giant machines would allow to rapidly remove and overburden to get to the germanite below the surface, while other bucket-wheel extractors could quickly mine away the mineral itself. While there were other methods known to mine the mineral, it was decided by the Kaiser of Hannover and the local government, that it was better to go for a 'quick and dirty' job to make the settlement itself more attractive for immigrants, and improve the economy of Hannover and Neu Berlin themselves.

Meanwhile, several new settlements were founded on Neu Berlin, by the People's Republic of China, the United States of America, the Imerium of Jerat and at least five different corporate entities.

Other germanium deposits were discovered in various dwarf planets, where settlements were established to create Deep Core Mines to get to the deposits of germanium bearing ores.

active for 1 more turn

WCDC Office for Science and Development:

[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit

There was some success after months of not being able to come up with any point to start from as three teams were able to provide theoretical models and equations of how to successfully modify either a jump core to create Heim-Feynman Events, or to make a HFEG to initiate something akin to a hyperspace jump. But these theories were only a beginning, as they would need to be refined and possibly tested, but it was a start.

active for 9 more turns

[] Hyperwave Reflection Research: active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 5, Roll 1d100: 59+10+10 = 79 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 5, Roll 1d100: 96+10+10 = 116 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 5, Roll 1d100: 3+10+10 = 23 - Failure

Even though, it had been possible to finally identify what produced the reflections of Hyperwaves, that did not mean that anything actually useful could be done with it straight away. Attempts were made to create some sort of combination system of a hyperwave transceiver and a superluminal wave detector, but all of those failed for the moment, making the scientists think about how to better work on the problem tol solve it.

active for 2 more turns


WCDC Internal Events:

After apparently at least two years of work and buying off hundreds of thousands of tonnes of germanium from the free market, Petan finally transferred into his new body, an almost 750 ktonne WarShip design with an Advanced Jump Drive and HFEG. While the design of this AutoWar was supposed to carry along six dropships or advanced combat craft, Petan was very clear that he only intended to carry along his own ALI drones, should he be required to leave the system by his new WCDC obligations.

Again, he suggested that his two surviving siblings were welcome to receive similar new hulls, should they choose to, as now that the design was finished, it would be simpler to produce. He also shared the design with the WDCD Defense Council, enabling them to produce this purely AutoWar design.

The government of Washington sets up a settlement on Ares, followed by several of their native corporate entities, largely in the hope that Ares would turn out to be rich in germanium, like Neu Berlin.


Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:

Lothian League:

There is little of note to say.

Illyrian Palatinate:

There is little of note to say.

Circinus Federation:

There is little of note to say.

Marian Hegemony:

There is little of note to say.

Inner Sphere:

Lyran Commonwealth:
Federated Suns:

Hanse Davion has pretty much forced us to host a 'Circinus Conference' on Circinus to broker a peace between the Free Worlds League and the Dutchy of Andurien. It is currently unknown what his aim is with this action, but it would theoretically make us known to the entirety of the Inner Sphere and any peace between the FWL and Andurien might lead to an increased interest of the FWL into us, especially considering our currently positive relation with the Lyrans. We are not sure about the FedSuns.

Draconis Combine:

Apprently surprising both the Draconis Combine is willing to send a delegation to Circinus, but it is unlikely it will involve the Coordinator.

Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:

While the stalemate of the two powers continued, Zeta Batallion attacked Goodna, together with the 6th Defenders of Andurien, but were unable to take the planet from the 2nd Free Worlds Guards for the moment.


Comstar is largely silent and based on HPG Radio Backscatter currently merely observing us, while the parts and documents stolen in Autumn are in transit to Terrra.

Expansion and Suggestions:

The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.

An intelligence operation should be launched towards Terra, trying to determine how to deal with Comstar.


Random Event - Nothing Happens



*prepares for Durabys' reaction*
Turn 43 - Spring 2185/3035
Turn 43 - Spring 2185/3035

WCDC Defense Council:

[] Improved System Defense & Forward Operation Base: active for 1 more turns
While the Raytan Jump Point Defense Stations do their job for system defense, there are ideas how to improve on the system, giving it FTL capabilities, so that they can be emplaced in systems without existing interplanetary infrastructure. Additionally, such a station could potentially act as a mobile Forward Operation Base for offensive operations. Together with the Caldran Ansible, it would also allow the operations command and staff to remain protected bhind the potential front lines. Potentially, such a design might be equipped with the new Jump Drive.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: New FTL cpable Defensive Station

[] Extended Anti-Piracy Patrols:
While the project to improve the defense against piracy in Known Space around the WCDC was a success, many within the Diplomatic Corps and the Military believed that more should be done to prevent piracy in this sector of space, as the destruction of any 'Pirate Heaven' close by would proove to remain a problem not only for the WCDC, but also for any nearby nation the WCDC had contact with. As such, longer duration and longer ranged patrols to discover any potential pirate havens in known space and destroy them before they can be fully established.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Long Duration, long range patrols, reduction of pirate activity to almost zero within known space

[] Project Black Light:
On one of the former colonies, an apparent plasma weapon has been recovered. It would be a good idea to take a close look at the weapon and potentially develop a usable weapon from it.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Plasma Weapon technology, 50% chance of plasma weapon prototype (1d4 for type)

[] Warship Roles:
Now that the Belisarius has been refit and put into service, some wargames should be made with her to figure out how to best make use of the massive vessel and any potential warships built by the WCDC in the future.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: +20 to any space engagement with a warship present

[] Capital Weapons:
While the majority of weapon systems used on the Belisarius are in a sense prototypes, it might be a good idea to take a closer look at the various weapon systems taken from the WarShip to figure out how to build better weapons for such massive vessels.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: Multiple new Capital Weapon Systems

WCDC Survey Office:

[] Deep Cover Intelligence II: active (3 turns)
With the Preparations successful, it is time to send the Deep Cover Intelligence mission out into the Inner Sphere and begin trading with the Free Worlds League. And while doing so, gather information about the economy and military of the Inner Sphere nation. It might also be possible to place some deep cover agents into both nations to gather long term information.
Time: 10 turns, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Information about the Free Worlds League, 75% chance of emplacing an intelligence network

[] Further Survey V:
Following the Initial Survey, more information should be gathered further outside of the Walker Cluster and the already known space.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: (10+2d20) systems from 60 to 90 ly discovered, followup action allows surveying the remaining space

[] Project Orange Grass:
The complete overhaul of A Ship With A View has been quite successful, so it might be a good idea to request the remaining Invader class Jumpships and Leopard Class dropships to be upgraded to the new Invader MKII and Leopard MKII specifications, to be used for low profile recon missions into the Inner phsere.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: 7 Invader MKII, 15x Leopard MKII avaiable for Deep Cover missions

[] Deep Cover Intelligence III:
There is one already build new spycraft in form of the No Pirate Life For Me. Maybe it would be a good idea for an even longer ranged operation to make a long tour through the Inner Sphere and touch in places previously not visited, such as the Draconis Combine and the Federated Commonwealth, as well as the various other periphery powers.
Time: 1 turn, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: continous intelligence reports over several years, while other operations are available
This option takes one turn to initiate, than continues without using up an option

Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network

[] HumInt: (5 turns)
Find a way to emplace HumInt agents into places of interest.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 40%, Reward: A way to insert agents to planets where they can gather human intelligence

[] Network Extension: (3 turns)
The worlds of New St. Andrews and Niops appear to be good cancidates for the extension of the Network.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Network extension into New St. Andrews and Niops

[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: active (1 turns)
PErhaps it would be a good idea to put some dedicated survey squadron under the command of the DSSINOO to help them with some survey work in the area surroiunding FOB Pine Gap
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d4 Survey squadrons for the DSSINOO, +1d6 on DSSINOO survey operations

[] Operation Green Granite:
There are a number of Walsingham class jumpships avaiable to the DSSINOO, which have recently been upgraded with HFEGs. They should be additionally equipped with Superluminal Wave Detectors and used to analyze jumpship movements inside the borders of both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Worlds League, as well as the Marian Hegemony to paint a good picture of any jumpship operations there.
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: Detailed information about jumpship movements deep in the Inner Sphere

WCDC Diplomatic Corps:

[] Circinus Conference: active (6 turns)
The WCDC was forced into this coference by the First Prince of the Federated Suns and the complicit Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth to host a peace conference on Circinus to broken a peace between the FWL and the Dutchy of Andurien. While not something that we wish to do, we should do our best to get this conference to a good end and hopefully impress our neighbours into not attacking us. Perhaps Belisarius might make a good argument for that.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: Contact with all IS powers, Diplomatic Bonuses: +10 with FedCom and Andurien, +5 with FWL, 0 with Draconis, ? to Comstar

[] Long Range Diplomacy - Marian Hegemony: active (4 turns)
The Marian Hegemony is now a more known quantity and the current Caesar is interested in trade deals. So it might be a good idea to open official diplomatic contact with the Marians. It might certainly help if one could make them uninterested in any military operation against the WCDC.
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: Contact with the Marian Hegemony

[] Humanitarian Aid IV:
With the formation of the Prometheus Foundation, it would be a shame not to make use of it. As such, it might be advantageous to send out a diplomatic mission to one of the neighboring systems discovered recently, and offer the planet some humanitarian aid. Rumors within the Foundation note they have been able to produce a couple of Planetary Settlement Kits, usually meant to establish new settlements on habitable worlds.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: +10 on diplomatic action on targeted world, targeted world is slowly brought up to a Walker Cluster tech level
Please select a world from the list of Known Habited Worlds neat the Walker Cluster

[] Charm Offensive IV:
In the wake of the Black Warrior Attack and the fears that are still around in the nearby systems, it would be a good idea to alley their fear.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Better diplomatic relations to the ten known worlds, +5 to diplomatic actions with the ten worlds

[] We need new members:
There are 8 nations in the Three Systems that have declined to become members of the WCDC. The Three Systems can't effort to have some nations working on cross purposes and endanger the entire rest of the Walker Cluster. So there is a need to get them aboard and into the WCDC.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 25%, Reward: 1d6 nations of the 8 nations that declined WCDC membership initially, become WCDC members

[] Invite Others III:
The WCDC was working out nicely and maybe it was time to invite one of the other worlds outside the Three Systems into the WCDC?
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 35%, Reward: The selected world joins the WCDC as a member
Please select a world from the list of Known Habited Worlds neat the Walker Cluster

WCDC Trade Organization:

[] Heavy Combat Space Craft: active (2 turns)
After the success of the previous projects to build light and medium space craft with the new technologies, it is not time to begin with the development of heavy combat space craft to replace the current classes of Bombard type spacecraft.
Time: 65 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: One design of a heavy combat spacecraft, 30% chance of a working prototype
This type of vessel is not a super heavy vessel like the Belisarius but at most mass 100.000 tonnes to be carried by a jumpship

[] Mining Town: active (1 turn)
With the possibility of future construction of jump ships in large amounts, the situation with germanium might become problematic and more sources have to be found within the systems of the WCDC and mines constructed to exploit any finds.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 55%, Reward: Germanium Mines

[] New Settlement Initiative:
There are many virgin, uninhabited planets nearby discovered by the initial survey missions. So it is only natural that the Trade Organization should offer a few incentives to send out a few new settlement missions. Perhaps one or two Planetary Settelment Kits for free would do for settling an additional planet or two.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: 1d4 newly settled planets

[] Industrial Export:
Some surprising things have come up during historical research, including the Terran Hegemony flooding the Periphery with cheap goods and systems that killed off local suppliers and left worlds in the cold, following the Amaris Crisis and the following Successor Wars. Now some companies believe they could make a profit selling power generation, atmospheric processors, water purification and other similar systems to the worlds and polities surrounding the WCDC. Some even propose to set up factories for these things on other planets and polities. This would certainly improve the economic situation of these worlds, diplomatic contact with them, as well as improve the WCDC economy.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world, +10 to diplomacy with selected world
Select a world or polity to export to

[] Build the Weapons:
Since the weapons used by the Inner Sphere were successfully reverese engineered, it is not possible to build carbon copies of them and perhaps even build up on them, though mostly for export. Handing the plans over to several arms cpmpanies will allow that they can be sold easily
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: Ability to build IS weapons, Options to create upgraded IS weapons, Possibility to sell weapons

[] Build the Technology:
With mechs been taken apart, it might be a possibility that parts for them could be replicated and sold on the open market in the future. Especially Myomer bundles are interesting in thie regard, though WCDC technology allows to make motive materials that are more compact compared to IS Myomer.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: Ability to build IS mech components, Options to upgrade IS Mech components, Possibility to sell Mech components

WCDC Office for Science and Development:

[] HFEG Jump: active (9 turns)
In the wake of the success with the Jump Drive and the HFEG working in parallel, there have been some signs that it might be possible to combine both systems into a single drive system.
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%, Reward: HF Jump Drive

[] Hyperwave Reflection Research: active (2 turns)
During the work on the Superlimunal Wave Detector, there were apparently some reflections happening of hyperwaves in some form or another. Research should be done into what caused these reflections.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: ?

[] Project Heavy Mysterious Mustard:
With the completion of the Jump Drive Project, it might be a good idea whether or not it would be possible to burn some research time to further improve the Jump Drive, Improve the range, materials, allow faster charing from a fusion reactor, this kind of thing.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 40%, Reward: Improved Jump Drive

[] Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network:
The development of the Hypwerwave Communication system has brought a few interesting possible uses for the technology. For one, some scientists have compared it to WiFi technology. Perhaps it would be possible to take the system and develop it into a FTL equivalent for use in local area (system) mesh networks.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Hyperwave Local Area Mesh Network

[] Compact Hyperwave Transceiver:
The scientists are sure that it will be possible to create much more compact hyperwave transcivers than the scurrently microwave sized designs. These transceivers might take a hit in range and network speed however.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Compact Hyperwave transceivers (1d6 for final size)


2 Action for:

1 Action for:

A double na 20 for Hanse!?

Bullshit! I call bullshit!

* Gives Hanse Davion the finger.*

Holy shit batman, we better have smart dust every fucking where to prevent the Comstar assholes from trying to kill everyone on the scene and pin the blame on us.


Can we send an invitation to * snerk* Ceasar O Railly? That should play nicely to his arrogance, the chance to sit with the Big Boys.

What of the Taurians? They must be going nuts with Fedcom becoming a reality. Very surprisedwe have heard nothing from them.

A double na 20 for Hanse!?

Bullshit! I call bullshit!

* Gives Hanse Davion the finger.*

Holy shit batman, we better have smart dust every fucking where to prevent the Comstar assholes from trying to kill everyone on the scene and pin the blame on us.
Well... I have some dice rolls that might say that Comstar tries to be cute and send their own warships to Circinus... Should they get a nat 20 roll on their stupid idea roll...

Can we send an invitation to * snerk* Ceasar O Railly? That should play nicely to his arrogance, the chance to sit with the Big Boys.

What of the Taurians? They must be going nuts with Fedcom becoming a reality. Very surprised we have heard nothing from them.
The Taurians are outside of our preview at the moment.
Well... I have some dice rolls that might say that Comstar tries to be cute and send their own warships to Circinus... Should they get a nat 20 roll on their stupid idea roll...

The Taurians are outside of our preview at the moment.


Ok I gues we know where Belisarius and possibly the Petan will be during the conferance.

Will think of a plan and post a bit later if none has better ideas in the meantime.

*Gives Hanse the finger again%

Tsk. Every time I look up something on Sarna.net, I'm baffled by the timescales involved. Ships and ship classes being hundreds of years in service, with only moderate refits and refurbishments, really blows my mind.
Even in our time line the longest serving ships are decommissioned around the time they meet the half-century mark. And in the IS ships and ship classes are expected to last many times that. This comparatively quick turnover in fleet composition should really blow the IS peoples minds, once they realise that no ship in our fleet is older than a couple decades, and cement the impression that we are, if smaller, on a progression curve that rivals the Star League. Only at that time did the IS ever design and field as many different and new ship classes as we do now (accounting for size differences, of course).
Warships has always been the red head step child of the franchises. Necessary but unwanted by devs. They made the first designs before even making a real rules set for them which only added to the fun. Tech advanced so slowly in the the IS even in the star league that Ragnarok proofing become logically so we area actually advancing rally fast and already branching into stuff the league never did perhaps because the Cameron's were terrified of idea of humanity spreading even farther beyond any hope of being controlled by a single throne.
We need a better diplomat to deal with Hanse. We really need it. Also, a much more centralized spy and intel service.
Good luck with that. Hanse whole thing is that he is one of those maybe once a generation true geniuses that rise above all around them. Most of the people we got that could outmatch wits with him have god as part of their title or did. Revamping spy agency might not be a bad idea. We need a overarching force to at least coordinated efforts.

Ok I gues we know where Belisarius and possibly the Petan will be during the conferance.

Will think of a plan and post a bit later if none has better ideas in the meantime.

*Gives Hanse the finger again%
Yep fuck Hanse in the ass but we can recover from this. If nothing else we have iirc plenty of circumstantial evidence that comstar is fueling the war so we can use that. Explaining that is easy as comstar already made a enemy of us and we keeping track of their everything. Maybe sell or use hpg tech to sweeten peace deal. Damnit dont want combine getting that but they will. Do we even accept this or do we send diplomats packing? We want peace yes but with Fedcom not being used as patsy for whatever Hanse is doing. FUCKING FRAKING HELL Now we got to waste at least a pile of actions mostly likely on sprucing up and preparing Circinus, who is not even a member yet, for this because we will need to make it a show case of us now and upping security. That a rolled together Econ, Diplomacy and a military action altogether. Part of me wants to bomb the conference ourselves and blame comstar or the combine for the decapitation.

Ok Ok Belisarius at least will be there. Perhaps even used as actually host of talks or at least tours? Petan i prefer we let come only if he wants. i want to keep him as a nuclear option. We directly call up the guardian of the dead only in oh shit emergencies. Need to think about this to.

[x] Project Black Light:
On one of the former colonies, an apparent plasma weapon has been recovered. It would be a good idea to take a close look at the weapon and potentially develop a usable weapon from it.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%, Reward: Plasma Weapon technology, 50% chance of plasma weapon prototype (1d4 for type)

[x] Deep Cover Intelligence III:
There is one already build new spycraft in form of the No Pirate Life For Me. Maybe it would be a good idea for an even longer ranged operation to make a long tour through the Inner Sphere and touch in places previously not visited, such as the Draconis Combine and the Federated Commonwealth, as well as the various other periphery powers.
Time: 1 turn, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: continous intelligence reports over several years, while other operations are available
This option takes one turn to initiate, than continues without using up an option

Want to get plasma guns out of way open that tree and deep 3 looks like instant easy win.

As for rest of turn? Military are solid wins so far. When get chance probable do another survey to finish out local sphere and those worlds we did find look interesting. Wonder if we can turn tha ocean world into a breadbasket/resort world? Deep cover keeps getting lucky so good thing heading back. Might want to order them to just come home mission success before luck runs out. Two good things is we have normalized relations with FedCom more or less and established currency so great there. Trade is very good. Science is usual. Good for Petan with his new "suit" and sharing the design. We will need them probable. Even better independent colonization efforts. Perhaps we will not need to push hard on that. Marians? My gut reaction is either to recall them or tell them to sit and wait out timer. We should not bow and scrape to a jumped up pirate lord.
Good luck with that. Hanse whole thing is that he is one of those maybe once a generation true geniuses that rise above all around them. Most of the people we got that could outmatch wits with him have god as part of their title or did. Revamping spy agency might not be a bad idea. We need a overarching force to at least coordinated efforts.

You realize that this just makes me advocate giving Adam and the Jerat God-Emperor a blank check for making an intel agency and diplomatic corp for us, right?
i want to keep him as a nuclear option. We directly call up the guardian of the dead only in oh shit emergencies.
Petan is our nuclear option. Literally. In both the physical and Public Relations sense. Because he is an immortal Ender Wiggin. For whoever hadn't read the book or watched the movie this means he ends threats so they will never come back for another go. Ever.
Which means that if when the Robes start committing atrocities like using chemical weapons or, God help us here because the Spheroids will want to kill us after what he will do due to short-circuiting from the millennia-old flashbacks, uses one of the SLDF's World Plague bioweapons, that were used on the Ruins of Gabriel, he will go for the kill, by burning a straight line toward Terra and have several of his dropships accelerate to RKKV velocities out from the Oort cloud.
He has held the line for thousands of years without breaking do no make him hold the line all over your face.
If ComStar brings the Fun Stuff out of the Hegemony's Toy Box then Terra will burn. The Camerons actually had Little Boy equivalent bioweapons in the sourcebooks. Actual honest to "INSERT DEITY OF YOUR CHOICE" biosphere annihilation agents. Luckily Amaris never got his hands on any. The only fucking reason I imagine they would have developed those is to 'cleanse' any potential Alien civilizations from the face of the universe.
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If ComStar brings the Fun Stuff out of the Hegemony's Fun Box then Terra will burn. The Camerons actually had Little Boy equivalent bioweapons in the sourcebooks. Actual honest to "INSERT DEITY OF YOUR CHOICE" biosphere annihilation agents. Luckily Amaris never got his hands on any. The only fucking reason I imagine they would have developed those is to 'cleanse' any potential Alien civilizations from the face of the universe.
Which they might have if you listen to more extreme theory's like them deliberately ruining worlds beyond a certain range to stall out humanities expansion so they could keep control. Kurita has at least one such weapons but even they are not that crazy and have it sealed as a in case we lose final fuck you maybe.
Okay, Hansekirk is at it again and settles us with hosting a Peace Conference.

To get a time horizon to deal with, the quoted worlds are at least this many jumps out from Circinus:
Tharkad → Circinus 17 Jumps/weeks​
Andurien → Circinus 20 Jumps/weeks​
Atreus → Circinus 10 Jumps/weeks​
Luthien → Circinus 29 Jumps/weeks​
Terra → Circinus 17 Jumps/weeks​
Since there'll be (house) politics and diplomacy and non-direct routes, this will likely take longer. The diplomats could of course go pony express across the Inner Sphere, but I give this low odds in general, except for the more distant Luthien / Dragonis Combine, which might want to expedite their diplomats at least until they're at their borders.
So I guess all will arrive in Autumn 2035 (Turn 45) or Spring 2036 (Turn 46). Any later than that and there will be shenanigans in play, possibly in our claimed space.

If we want to dress to impress, which is what Hanse wants us to according to the dialogue, then we'll want host the Peace Conference in style. The Belisarius will need to be there, as will be a smaller fleet. The difficulty will lay the balancing act of presenting a hard military target without at the same time appearing too threatening to any (or all) powers gathered. We don't want them to Voltron against us.
For this purpose I also want fiddle with the VNs' priority queues to build at least one, possibly two Raytan Mk 2 in Circinus, as well as build one of our FTL FOB stations. Their blueprints should be ready next turn (thankfully the rolls were big enough that even a 1 would see them succeed). This might not give us enough time to build one in time for the start of the conference, but we might be able to swing by and relieve the Belisarius from running oversight.
Which, of course, doesn't mean we won't also have a bigger fleet on standby, ready to jump in at a moment's notice. The Peace Conference will present a juicy target for an attack of opportunity by all aiming to get egg on our face. This assessment also doesn't exclude the participating parties either.

At the same time we'll have to face the chance that this will be used as a distraction to act elsewhere or even both. We've seen that ComStar is capable of fielding personnel that is capable buzzing shit up directly under our noses. Incidentally, I don't doubt that this will get out sooner or later, at least to those capable of reading between the lines, and this will dampen some of the threat potential we will represent (in the sense of "they don't dominate actually every field").
But back to business: I actually don't want Petan to show up for the Peace Conference. Cterin is too delectable a target for any intelligence agency to not be interested in it. I mean, a whole world cordoned off for thousands of years? The spooks will think this is some kind of secret military/government facility and the (obviously fake) hyper aggressive biological weapon is humbug, or they will have reasonable doubt to our claims and want to get a look for themselves. Letting Petan do his thing, and telling him why we want him to be usual justifiably paranoid self, will do us good.

In that vein, among the military options stand out, if we want to prepare for the Peace Conference:
[] Warship Roles:
[] Extended Anti-Piracy Patrols:
The former is a quick action, that will likely resolve in time for the Peace Conference, and prepare us for the off-chance that it will become a War Conference. The latter will likely not be finished by the time the conference starts, but its news and progress will impress upon the attending diplomats that we are a calming and civilising influence within our sphere of influence.
Also, look at that juicy, juicy +20 WarShip participation bonus…
Lastly worth mentioning in Military is Capital weapons, which would be something we'll want look into as well, both for capital ship construction, but also for asteroid/moon surface defence stations. Anything we can put on a capital, we can also put on a stationary moon station. All that rock underneath can be used for a really wondrously large heatsink.

For Survey I agree with @Blade4's assessment, Deep Cover Intelligence III is too good to pass up. Especially since it looks like we'll be able to move this part of Survey out to DSINNOO, which appears to shape up to be our foreign intelligence agency. To supply them with better means we might want to go for Orange Grass next, followed by Further Survey V.

[X] Warship Roles
[X] Deep Cover Intelligence III
Schreiben is probable right on this. Still rather get plasma weapons but getting warships worked up is probable more immanently useful. Especially when Warringer did say on a high roll comstar might go full retard.

[X] Warship Roles
[X] Deep Cover Intelligence III

And personal i hope we have at least 3 turns because we need time to prepare.
Petan is our nuclear option. Literally. In both the physical and Public Relations sense. Because he is an immortal Ender Wiggin. For whoever hadn't read the book or watched the movie this means he ends threats so they will never come back for another go. Ever.
Which means that if when the Robes start committing atrocities like using chemical weapons or, God help us here because the Spheroids will want to kill us after what he will do due to short-circuiting from the millennia-old flashbacks, uses one of the SLDF's World Plague bioweapons, that were used on the Ruins of Gabriel, he will go for the kill, by burning a straight line toward Terra and have several of his dropships accelerate to RKKV velocities out from the Oort cloud.
He would not even need to burn his way to Terra. He'll just go deep space, since our Advanced Jump Drive can charge from reactors without issues. And while charing the jump drive, he can go via HFEG. And only than, he'll go full RKKV and burn the surface of Terra with a full Macross Missile Massacre, after fabricating cobald salted nukes all the way in.
But back to business: I actually don't want Petan to show up for the Peace Conference. Cterin is too delectable a target for any intelligence agency to not be interested in it. I mean, a whole world cordoned off for thousands of years? The spooks will think this is some kind of secret military/government facility and the (obviously fake) hyper aggressive biological weapon is humbug, or they will have reasonable doubt to our claims and want to get a look for themselves. Letting Petan do his thing, and telling him why we want him to be usual justifiably paranoid self, will do us good.
Petan can keep his gob shut if need be. Largely because he does not want everyone to know that there is The Plague about on Cterin. Because he knows that it would lead to some... interested parties... Keep in mind that Petan got his own cult worshiping him as Guardian Of The Dead and that cult had about half of the population of 61 Virginis as members, even if they are generally following another religion. Polytheism is fun that way...

Though the defense of Cterin is pretty solid. If Petan says 'Help me out here for a bit' to any of the nations of 61 Virginis, he will be backed up by a quarter to a half of the entire fleet strength in system at all times. Even if someone manages to go down to the planet, they will not leave.
Okay. I have a short term solution. Want to have Hanse Davion feel to be on the other end of the stick for a change? Simple. Have the God-Emperor of Jerat go to the Peace Talks, representing the WDCD.

Let's see how the magnificent bastard manages to deal with an immortal Outer God. That should give him a cold shower.

You are aware that I'm German, right? ;)
And you are aware, I hope, that it is not something to be proud of (to be a Literalist Nazi, emphasis given).
He would not even need to burn his way to Terra. He'll just go deep space, since our Advanced Jump Drive can charge from reactors without issues. And while charing the jump drive, he can go via HFEG. And only than, he'll go full RKKV and burn the surface of Terra with a full Macross Missile Massacre, after fabricating cobald salted nukes all the way in.
Sick as it is to say killing Terra would solve many problems. And probable create a few. Still perhaps a net positive.

Though the defense of Cterin is pretty solid. If Petan says 'Help me out here for a bit' to any of the nations of 61 Virginis, he will be backed up by a quarter to a half of the entire fleet strength in system at all times. Even if someone manages to go down to the planet, they will not leave.
He asks for help the WCDC would be obligated to help as well but then if he is asking for help we would have a foothold/incursion situation where all available forces are rushing to the system anyway.

Okay. I have a short term solution. Want to have Hanse Davion feel to be on the other end of the stick for a change? Simple. Have the God-Emperor of Jerat go to the Peace Talks, representing the WDCD.
Yeah he would make a excellent ambassador. Probable only one we can trust to thread this bullet hell.
Okay. I have a short term solution. Want to have Hanse Davion feel to be on the other end of the stick for a change? Simple. Have the God-Emperor of Jerat go to the Peace Talks, representing the WDCD.

Let's see how the magnificent bastard manages to deal with an immortal Outer God. That should give him a cold shower.
That is currently a bit of a problem...

His last reincarnation died in September 2176. His current reincarnation is right now about 8 and a half years old. Hard to take a kid seriously. Even the Imperial Government mostly ignores what he says until he's at least 16 years of age, because it takes some time for him to get used to his new self.
That is currently a bit of a problem...

His last reincarnation died in September 2176. His current reincarnation is right now about 8 and a half years old. Hard to take a kid seriously. Even the Imperial Government mostly ignores what he says until he's at least 16 years of age, because it takes some time for him to get used to his new self.
Well damn. How about Adam then? Would he be interested?
He asks for help the WCDC would be obligated to help as well but then if he is asking for help we would have a foothold/incursion situation where all available forces are rushing to the system anyway.
What are they going to do, once someone lands on the planet? Watch them die slowly or get blasted out of the sky before they can even leave the atmosphere?
Well damn. How about Adam then? Would he be interested?
He would likely be.


If taking a beeline from 61 Virginis to Terra, Petan would get there within 30 days, and that is if he goes alone. He can make about 122.5ly per five days. 100ly per double jump and 22.5ly in HF space while recharging. If he was travelling with en entire squadron worth of ships, say, with his siblings and 17 dropship sized craft craft, he'd make the trip in 28 days.
If taking a beeline from 61 Virginis to Terra, Petan would get there within 30 days, and that is if he goes alone. He can make about 122.5ly per five days. 100ly per double jump and 22.5ly in HF space while recharging. If he was travelling with en entire squadron worth of ships, say, with his siblings and 17 dropship sized craft craft, he'd make the trip in 28 days.
Oh god. He is like Jihad-era Word of Blake Double Jump WarShip fast. Hahahaha. They have zero chance of reacting to that.
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