Turn 42 - Winter 2184/3034 Results
Turn 42 - Winter 2184/3034
WCDC Defense Council:
[] Project Byzantium: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 88+5+5 = 98 - Artificial Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 94+5+5 = 104 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 65+5+5 = 75 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+5+5 = 106 - Crit Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 38+5+5 = 48 - Success
Roll 6 of 6, Roll 1d100: 78+5+5 = 88 - Success
Combined: 86 - Success
Finally, after about one year of work and the limited availability of Germanium for a short time, the Advanced Jump Core has been finished for the Belisarius and was ready to be installed by mid Winter. Due to the sheer size of the WarShip, the Jump Core was effectively the most advanced that could be produced by the time, and extensive modeling of the core showed that the sheer size advantage could be used to reduce the size of the core by another single percent, saving about 7000 tonnes of weight.
Most of this saved weight went into a pair of additional hangars, which could be used by four Sleipnir sized spacecraft. Here, it were four AutoWars, meant to provide additional defense to the massive vessel. The remaining mass was used to increase the armor of the Belisarius increasing it from about 1.7 ktonnes to 2.7 ktonnes.
By the end of Winter, the Belisarius was put into service as the WCDC Belisarius and directly placed under the command of the Defense Council and given an international crew to further the cooperation between the various militaries. Its shakedown voyage led it from 61 Virginis to Sol and then to Beta Hydri.
Belisarius put into service for the WCDC, new research options for large scale weaponry and large scale jumpcapable combat spacecraft
[] Improved System Defense & Forward Operation Base: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 100+5+5 = 110 - Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 95+5+5 = 105 - Crit Success
Following some work on the part of the Defence Council and the WCDCTO, the various design offices could be pursued that the Von Neumanns were not a treat to the continued existence of the companies and that they could work well within the situation were a Von Neumann reached its limits. These arguments seemed to be very well-received by the companies and some began to almost immediately begin to design System Defense Stations and Mobile Forwards Operating Bases with gusto, several companies once again forming joint ventures to improve their chances in winning the contest for their design.
active for 1 more turns
WCDC Survey Office:
[] Deep Cover Intelligence II: active
Time: 10 turns, Chance of Success: 60%
Roll 1 of 10, Roll 1d100: 78+10 = 85 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 10, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 10, Roll 1d100: 95+10 = 105 - Success
Roll 4 of 10, Roll 1d100: 34+10 = 44 - Success
Roll 5 of 10, Roll 1d100: 73+10 = 83 - Success
Roll 6 of 10, Roll 1d100: 69+10 = 79 - Success
Roll 7 of 10, Roll 1d100: 31+10 = 41 - Success
Almost the A Ship With A View was pressed into service as an auxiliary for the FWL military, but once again some well-placed brides were able to prevent this from happening, as the jumpship made its way from Atreus towards Ionus, Tongatapu, New Olympia, Dickinson, Keystone, Lancaster, Angell II and finally Marik. At Marik they prepared for a limited time of observation, after almost constantly jumping the route, this time not under orders to set up an Ansible Link.
At Marik, they once again emplaced a few agents, who, other than their colleagues at Atreus, were meant to work deep cover and not create any agent network, but merely observe, transmitting data to Atreus, where another additionally placed deep cover agent would transmit the data via the Survey Ansible to Berlin.
active for 3 more turns
[] Further Survey IV: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 77+10 = 87 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 22+10 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 42+10 = 52 - Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 40+10 = 50 - Success
Combined: 35 - Success
Systems Discovered: 10+2d20 = 17
While there were no additional habited systems discovered by the Survey squadrons, two abandoned worlds, Cramer's World and New Atlantis were found.
This time, the survey teams were able to survey the two worlds a little deeper in detail. New Atlantis was an ocean covered world with less than five percent of landmass in various island chains of volcanoes. The main settlement of New Atlantis had been located on an island in the northern hemisphere, which had sunk beneath the waves about fifty years prior, with the last remaining survivors dying just five years prior. On Cramer's World, it appeared that a flu virus had mutated into a deadly pathogen that had subsequently wiped out the entire population.
All in all, 17 percent of the entirety of the area had been surveyed by the squadrons, raising the complete percentage up to 74 percent.
Results: 17% of all systems from 60 to 90 ly discovered
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network
[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5 = 26 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 47+5 = 52 - Success
Continued work on the Survey Squadrons superiors was finally paying off, making them understand that perhaps giving the DSSINOO one or two Survey Squadrons would be a boon, as it would certainly increase the knowledge of the surrounding space.
active for 1 more turns
WCDC Diplomatic Corps:
[] Long Range Diplomacy - Lyran Commonwealth: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 33 - Failure
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 73 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 67 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 96 - Success
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 25 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 98 - Crit Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 51 - Success
Roll 8 of 8, Roll 1d100: 97 - Crit Success
Combined: 68 - Success
Freaking Comstar Roll, 1d20: 8 - Comstar does nothing
Hanse Davion Fudge Factor Roll, 1d20: 20 - Of course...
Hanse Success, 1d20: 20 - Bloody Hanse Loving Dice!!!
During an official meeting between the diplomatic party, the Archon and the First Prince, Archon Steiner suffers a collapse. Doctor Jindan Bhattacharya, a medical professional, part of the diplomatic party, is the first at the scene and, with the help of a medical scanner, can diagnose her with a case of lung cancer in its beginning stages, which has led to a short time reduction of blood oxygen levels and to her collapse. Thankfully, the cancer was discovered before it had a chance of metastases and Doctor Bhattacharya offered to begin one of the WCDC treatments of this specific type of cancer, leading to a recess of the tumor within two months, without the need of surgery, chemo therapy and other less advanced treatments. However, Archon Steiner would need to take her medication for a further two months. The thanks of the Archon were considerate and directly translated into better relations.
This in turn allowed the diplomatic party to further their work by offering to license some treatments, drug based or otherwise, for various forms of cancer, heritable diseases, as well as psychological disorders.
Lower level talks meanwhile managed to secure a conversion rate between the Kroner and one of the reserve currencies of Sol, the Euro, with an exchange rate of one Kroner to 3.43 Euro. As the exchange rate of the FedCom Pound was fixed to 0.82 Kroner to one Kroner, one Pound was worth 4.18 Euro. Tis now allowed other currencies to be exchanged to both currencies.
"Tell me, Sir Ian," First Prince Hanse Davion said, a calculating look on his face. "With all those offers you are making us to keep us friendly, what should stop us from simply coming to your world and take them?"
Ambassador Sir Ian Churchill had dreaded that question every time he had sat in this comfortable office in the backrooms of the Lyran palace, but so far the negotiations had been going so well, that he was surprised it had come this late. He took a deep breath, knowing that he had already flushed in an outward sign of anger at the mere thought.
"Then let me be as frank as you were, Hanse," he bit out. "Your dropships would not even make it past our jumpship defenses and that you would lose those precious jumpships of yours as well."
He let that hang in the air for a few moments, before continuing.
"They would not even undock. It would be a nice casus belli for us to simply come to Tharkad or New Avalon and bombard any and all military and governmental installations in an accurate, rapid decapacitation strike. All the while your forces would batter into an immovable wall. You would not even see us coming."
The silence hung heavy in the air as Sir Ian looked at directly at the Davion House Lord, daring him to blink. Next to them, Archon Katharina Steiner frowned at her son-in-law.
Finally, Hanse chuckled and grinned broadly.
"That is the answer that I have expected," he said and stood up. "And that is the reason, why Katharina and I have chosen to accept your invitation to that peace conference you wish to hold on Circinus."
The sudden turn of the conversation made Sir Ian stop, openly gaping at Hanse.
"What peace conference?" he almost stuttered in surprise. "There is no peace conference..."
Hanse had the nerve to look offended.
"But we both have gotten your invitation yesterday," he said. "And I hear Comstar was surprisingly cooperative in sending your invitations from Tharkad to Andurien, Atreus and Luthien. To deal with that little scuffle between Marik and Humphreys. Surely you have not forgotten?"
Sir Ian suddenly felt like a ten tonne lorry had hit him.
"It would certainly hurt your diplomatic standing with us if you were to suddenly... cancel it."
Hanse dropped the act after a few moments.
"I am not some periphery autocrat you can impress with shiny presents and talks about peace, Sir Ian," he said with an almost evil grin. "I believe there is a saying. If you talk the talk, you better walk the walk..."
Result: Contact with the Lyran Commonwealth, +10 on Relations to Lyran Commonwealth, Forced Action - Circinus Conference
[] Long Range Diplomacy - Marian Hegemony:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 79 - Success
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 45 - Failure
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 66 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 41 - Failure
Once the diplomatic mission had been able to settle down on Alphard for a short while, they discovered that indeed, the Caesar of the Marian Hegemony was a petty leader of a backwater nation and used to get his will. While he had been cowed to a certain degree, he had ordered all his military forces to contain the diplomatic mission within the compound they were given, refusing to even talk with the diplomats, while officials notified the mission that they would only be allowed to return into the presence of the Caesar after paying him homage.
active for 4 more turns
WCDC Trade Organization:
[] Heavy Combat Space Craft: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of65, Roll 1d100: 32+10+10+10+10 = 72 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of65, Roll 1d100: 37+10+10+10+10 = 77 - Success
Roll 3 of65, Roll 1d100: 99+10+10+10+10 = 139 - Crit Success
Work on the various designs for Heavy Combat Crafts saw a massive improvement with the work on the Belisarius coming to completion and it only spurred on the design offices and dockyards for their work, so that the WCDCTO was confident that it could produce the results of the design challenge earlier than projected.
Result: Number of turns reduced by 1
active for 2 more turns
[] Mining Town: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 81+10+10+10 = 111 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10+10 = 50 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10 = 46 - Success
On Neu Berlin, the first mine was prepared to begin operation as the fabricators of the settlement was guided to begin with the construction of massive bucket-wheel excavators, not unlike those that were used centuries ago on Earth. Using these giant machines would allow to rapidly remove and overburden to get to the germanite below the surface, while other bucket-wheel extractors could quickly mine away the mineral itself. While there were other methods known to mine the mineral, it was decided by the Kaiser of Hannover and the local government, that it was better to go for a 'quick and dirty' job to make the settlement itself more attractive for immigrants, and improve the economy of Hannover and Neu Berlin themselves.
Meanwhile, several new settlements were founded on Neu Berlin, by the People's Republic of China, the United States of America, the Imerium of Jerat and at least five different corporate entities.
Other germanium deposits were discovered in various dwarf planets, where settlements were established to create Deep Core Mines to get to the deposits of germanium bearing ores.
active for 1 more turn
WCDC Office for Science and Development:
[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit
There was some success after months of not being able to come up with any point to start from as three teams were able to provide theoretical models and equations of how to successfully modify either a jump core to create Heim-Feynman Events, or to make a HFEG to initiate something akin to a hyperspace jump. But these theories were only a beginning, as they would need to be refined and possibly tested, but it was a start.
active for 9 more turns
[] Hyperwave Reflection Research: active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 5, Roll 1d100: 59+10+10 = 79 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 5, Roll 1d100: 96+10+10 = 116 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 5, Roll 1d100: 3+10+10 = 23 - Failure
Even though, it had been possible to finally identify what produced the reflections of Hyperwaves, that did not mean that anything actually useful could be done with it straight away. Attempts were made to create some sort of combination system of a hyperwave transceiver and a superluminal wave detector, but all of those failed for the moment, making the scientists think about how to better work on the problem tol solve it.
active for 2 more turns
WCDC Internal Events:
After apparently at least two years of work and buying off hundreds of thousands of tonnes of germanium from the free market, Petan finally transferred into his new body, an almost 750 ktonne WarShip design with an Advanced Jump Drive and HFEG. While the design of this AutoWar was supposed to carry along six dropships or advanced combat craft, Petan was very clear that he only intended to carry along his own ALI drones, should he be required to leave the system by his new WCDC obligations.
Again, he suggested that his two surviving siblings were welcome to receive similar new hulls, should they choose to, as now that the design was finished, it would be simpler to produce. He also shared the design with the WDCD Defense Council, enabling them to produce this purely AutoWar design.
The government of Washington sets up a settlement on Ares, followed by several of their native corporate entities, largely in the hope that Ares would turn out to be rich in germanium, like Neu Berlin.
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:
Lothian League:
There is little of note to say.
Illyrian Palatinate:
There is little of note to say.
Circinus Federation:
There is little of note to say.
Marian Hegemony:
There is little of note to say.
Inner Sphere:
Lyran Commonwealth:
Federated Suns:
Hanse Davion has pretty much forced us to host a 'Circinus Conference' on Circinus to broker a peace between the Free Worlds League and the Dutchy of Andurien. It is currently unknown what his aim is with this action, but it would theoretically make us known to the entirety of the Inner Sphere and any peace between the FWL and Andurien might lead to an increased interest of the FWL into us, especially considering our currently positive relation with the Lyrans. We are not sure about the FedSuns.
Draconis Combine:
Apprently surprising both the Draconis Combine is willing to send a delegation to Circinus, but it is unlikely it will involve the Coordinator.
Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:
While the stalemate of the two powers continued, Zeta Batallion attacked Goodna, together with the 6th Defenders of Andurien, but were unable to take the planet from the 2nd Free Worlds Guards for the moment.
Comstar is largely silent and based on HPG Radio Backscatter currently merely observing us, while the parts and documents stolen in Autumn are in transit to Terrra.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
An intelligence operation should be launched towards Terra, trying to determine how to deal with Comstar.
Random Event - Nothing Happens
*prepares for Durabys' reaction*
WCDC Defense Council:
[] Project Byzantium: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 88+5+5 = 98 - Artificial Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 94+5+5 = 104 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 65+5+5 = 75 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+5+5 = 106 - Crit Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 38+5+5 = 48 - Success
Roll 6 of 6, Roll 1d100: 78+5+5 = 88 - Success
Combined: 86 - Success
Finally, after about one year of work and the limited availability of Germanium for a short time, the Advanced Jump Core has been finished for the Belisarius and was ready to be installed by mid Winter. Due to the sheer size of the WarShip, the Jump Core was effectively the most advanced that could be produced by the time, and extensive modeling of the core showed that the sheer size advantage could be used to reduce the size of the core by another single percent, saving about 7000 tonnes of weight.
Most of this saved weight went into a pair of additional hangars, which could be used by four Sleipnir sized spacecraft. Here, it were four AutoWars, meant to provide additional defense to the massive vessel. The remaining mass was used to increase the armor of the Belisarius increasing it from about 1.7 ktonnes to 2.7 ktonnes.
By the end of Winter, the Belisarius was put into service as the WCDC Belisarius and directly placed under the command of the Defense Council and given an international crew to further the cooperation between the various militaries. Its shakedown voyage led it from 61 Virginis to Sol and then to Beta Hydri.
Belisarius put into service for the WCDC, new research options for large scale weaponry and large scale jumpcapable combat spacecraft
[] Improved System Defense & Forward Operation Base: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 100+5+5 = 110 - Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5+5 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 95+5+5 = 105 - Crit Success
Following some work on the part of the Defence Council and the WCDCTO, the various design offices could be pursued that the Von Neumanns were not a treat to the continued existence of the companies and that they could work well within the situation were a Von Neumann reached its limits. These arguments seemed to be very well-received by the companies and some began to almost immediately begin to design System Defense Stations and Mobile Forwards Operating Bases with gusto, several companies once again forming joint ventures to improve their chances in winning the contest for their design.
active for 1 more turns
WCDC Survey Office:
[] Deep Cover Intelligence II: active
Time: 10 turns, Chance of Success: 60%
Roll 1 of 10, Roll 1d100: 78+10 = 85 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 10, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 10, Roll 1d100: 95+10 = 105 - Success
Roll 4 of 10, Roll 1d100: 34+10 = 44 - Success
Roll 5 of 10, Roll 1d100: 73+10 = 83 - Success
Roll 6 of 10, Roll 1d100: 69+10 = 79 - Success
Roll 7 of 10, Roll 1d100: 31+10 = 41 - Success
Almost the A Ship With A View was pressed into service as an auxiliary for the FWL military, but once again some well-placed brides were able to prevent this from happening, as the jumpship made its way from Atreus towards Ionus, Tongatapu, New Olympia, Dickinson, Keystone, Lancaster, Angell II and finally Marik. At Marik they prepared for a limited time of observation, after almost constantly jumping the route, this time not under orders to set up an Ansible Link.
At Marik, they once again emplaced a few agents, who, other than their colleagues at Atreus, were meant to work deep cover and not create any agent network, but merely observe, transmitting data to Atreus, where another additionally placed deep cover agent would transmit the data via the Survey Ansible to Berlin.
active for 3 more turns
[] Further Survey IV: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 77+10 = 87 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 22+10 = 32 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 42+10 = 52 - Success
Roll 4 of 4, Roll 1d100: 40+10 = 50 - Success
Combined: 35 - Success
Systems Discovered: 10+2d20 = 17
While there were no additional habited systems discovered by the Survey squadrons, two abandoned worlds, Cramer's World and New Atlantis were found.
This time, the survey teams were able to survey the two worlds a little deeper in detail. New Atlantis was an ocean covered world with less than five percent of landmass in various island chains of volcanoes. The main settlement of New Atlantis had been located on an island in the northern hemisphere, which had sunk beneath the waves about fifty years prior, with the last remaining survivors dying just five years prior. On Cramer's World, it appeared that a flu virus had mutated into a deadly pathogen that had subsequently wiped out the entire population.
All in all, 17 percent of the entirety of the area had been surveyed by the squadrons, raising the complete percentage up to 74 percent.
Results: 17% of all systems from 60 to 90 ly discovered
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network
[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5 = 26 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 28+5 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 47+5 = 52 - Success
Continued work on the Survey Squadrons superiors was finally paying off, making them understand that perhaps giving the DSSINOO one or two Survey Squadrons would be a boon, as it would certainly increase the knowledge of the surrounding space.
active for 1 more turns
WCDC Diplomatic Corps:
[] Long Range Diplomacy - Lyran Commonwealth: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 33 - Failure
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 73 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 67 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 96 - Success
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 25 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 98 - Crit Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 51 - Success
Roll 8 of 8, Roll 1d100: 97 - Crit Success
Combined: 68 - Success
Freaking Comstar Roll, 1d20: 8 - Comstar does nothing
Hanse Davion Fudge Factor Roll, 1d20: 20 - Of course...
Hanse Success, 1d20: 20 - Bloody Hanse Loving Dice!!!
During an official meeting between the diplomatic party, the Archon and the First Prince, Archon Steiner suffers a collapse. Doctor Jindan Bhattacharya, a medical professional, part of the diplomatic party, is the first at the scene and, with the help of a medical scanner, can diagnose her with a case of lung cancer in its beginning stages, which has led to a short time reduction of blood oxygen levels and to her collapse. Thankfully, the cancer was discovered before it had a chance of metastases and Doctor Bhattacharya offered to begin one of the WCDC treatments of this specific type of cancer, leading to a recess of the tumor within two months, without the need of surgery, chemo therapy and other less advanced treatments. However, Archon Steiner would need to take her medication for a further two months. The thanks of the Archon were considerate and directly translated into better relations.
This in turn allowed the diplomatic party to further their work by offering to license some treatments, drug based or otherwise, for various forms of cancer, heritable diseases, as well as psychological disorders.
Lower level talks meanwhile managed to secure a conversion rate between the Kroner and one of the reserve currencies of Sol, the Euro, with an exchange rate of one Kroner to 3.43 Euro. As the exchange rate of the FedCom Pound was fixed to 0.82 Kroner to one Kroner, one Pound was worth 4.18 Euro. Tis now allowed other currencies to be exchanged to both currencies.
"Tell me, Sir Ian," First Prince Hanse Davion said, a calculating look on his face. "With all those offers you are making us to keep us friendly, what should stop us from simply coming to your world and take them?"
Ambassador Sir Ian Churchill had dreaded that question every time he had sat in this comfortable office in the backrooms of the Lyran palace, but so far the negotiations had been going so well, that he was surprised it had come this late. He took a deep breath, knowing that he had already flushed in an outward sign of anger at the mere thought.
"Then let me be as frank as you were, Hanse," he bit out. "Your dropships would not even make it past our jumpship defenses and that you would lose those precious jumpships of yours as well."
He let that hang in the air for a few moments, before continuing.
"They would not even undock. It would be a nice casus belli for us to simply come to Tharkad or New Avalon and bombard any and all military and governmental installations in an accurate, rapid decapacitation strike. All the while your forces would batter into an immovable wall. You would not even see us coming."
The silence hung heavy in the air as Sir Ian looked at directly at the Davion House Lord, daring him to blink. Next to them, Archon Katharina Steiner frowned at her son-in-law.
Finally, Hanse chuckled and grinned broadly.
"That is the answer that I have expected," he said and stood up. "And that is the reason, why Katharina and I have chosen to accept your invitation to that peace conference you wish to hold on Circinus."
The sudden turn of the conversation made Sir Ian stop, openly gaping at Hanse.
"What peace conference?" he almost stuttered in surprise. "There is no peace conference..."
Hanse had the nerve to look offended.
"But we both have gotten your invitation yesterday," he said. "And I hear Comstar was surprisingly cooperative in sending your invitations from Tharkad to Andurien, Atreus and Luthien. To deal with that little scuffle between Marik and Humphreys. Surely you have not forgotten?"
Sir Ian suddenly felt like a ten tonne lorry had hit him.
"It would certainly hurt your diplomatic standing with us if you were to suddenly... cancel it."
Hanse dropped the act after a few moments.
"I am not some periphery autocrat you can impress with shiny presents and talks about peace, Sir Ian," he said with an almost evil grin. "I believe there is a saying. If you talk the talk, you better walk the walk..."
Result: Contact with the Lyran Commonwealth, +10 on Relations to Lyran Commonwealth, Forced Action - Circinus Conference
[] Long Range Diplomacy - Marian Hegemony:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 79 - Success
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 45 - Failure
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 66 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 41 - Failure
Once the diplomatic mission had been able to settle down on Alphard for a short while, they discovered that indeed, the Caesar of the Marian Hegemony was a petty leader of a backwater nation and used to get his will. While he had been cowed to a certain degree, he had ordered all his military forces to contain the diplomatic mission within the compound they were given, refusing to even talk with the diplomats, while officials notified the mission that they would only be allowed to return into the presence of the Caesar after paying him homage.
active for 4 more turns
WCDC Trade Organization:
[] Heavy Combat Space Craft: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of
Roll 2 of
Roll 3 of
Work on the various designs for Heavy Combat Crafts saw a massive improvement with the work on the Belisarius coming to completion and it only spurred on the design offices and dockyards for their work, so that the WCDCTO was confident that it could produce the results of the design challenge earlier than projected.
Result: Number of turns reduced by 1
active for 2 more turns
[] Mining Town: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 81+10+10+10 = 111 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10+10 = 50 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10 = 46 - Success
On Neu Berlin, the first mine was prepared to begin operation as the fabricators of the settlement was guided to begin with the construction of massive bucket-wheel excavators, not unlike those that were used centuries ago on Earth. Using these giant machines would allow to rapidly remove and overburden to get to the germanite below the surface, while other bucket-wheel extractors could quickly mine away the mineral itself. While there were other methods known to mine the mineral, it was decided by the Kaiser of Hannover and the local government, that it was better to go for a 'quick and dirty' job to make the settlement itself more attractive for immigrants, and improve the economy of Hannover and Neu Berlin themselves.
Meanwhile, several new settlements were founded on Neu Berlin, by the People's Republic of China, the United States of America, the Imerium of Jerat and at least five different corporate entities.
Other germanium deposits were discovered in various dwarf planets, where settlements were established to create Deep Core Mines to get to the deposits of germanium bearing ores.
active for 1 more turn
WCDC Office for Science and Development:
[] HFEG Jump: active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 12, Roll 1d100: 14+10+10 = 34 - Failure
Roll 3 of 12, Roll 1d100: 77+10+10 = 97 - Artificial Crit
There was some success after months of not being able to come up with any point to start from as three teams were able to provide theoretical models and equations of how to successfully modify either a jump core to create Heim-Feynman Events, or to make a HFEG to initiate something akin to a hyperspace jump. But these theories were only a beginning, as they would need to be refined and possibly tested, but it was a start.
active for 9 more turns
[] Hyperwave Reflection Research: active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 5, Roll 1d100: 59+10+10 = 79 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 5, Roll 1d100: 96+10+10 = 116 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 5, Roll 1d100: 3+10+10 = 23 - Failure
Even though, it had been possible to finally identify what produced the reflections of Hyperwaves, that did not mean that anything actually useful could be done with it straight away. Attempts were made to create some sort of combination system of a hyperwave transceiver and a superluminal wave detector, but all of those failed for the moment, making the scientists think about how to better work on the problem tol solve it.
active for 2 more turns
WCDC Internal Events:
After apparently at least two years of work and buying off hundreds of thousands of tonnes of germanium from the free market, Petan finally transferred into his new body, an almost 750 ktonne WarShip design with an Advanced Jump Drive and HFEG. While the design of this AutoWar was supposed to carry along six dropships or advanced combat craft, Petan was very clear that he only intended to carry along his own ALI drones, should he be required to leave the system by his new WCDC obligations.
Again, he suggested that his two surviving siblings were welcome to receive similar new hulls, should they choose to, as now that the design was finished, it would be simpler to produce. He also shared the design with the WDCD Defense Council, enabling them to produce this purely AutoWar design.
The government of Washington sets up a settlement on Ares, followed by several of their native corporate entities, largely in the hope that Ares would turn out to be rich in germanium, like Neu Berlin.
Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:
Lothian League:
There is little of note to say.
Illyrian Palatinate:
There is little of note to say.
Circinus Federation:
There is little of note to say.
Marian Hegemony:
There is little of note to say.
Inner Sphere:
Lyran Commonwealth:
Federated Suns:
Hanse Davion has pretty much forced us to host a 'Circinus Conference' on Circinus to broker a peace between the Free Worlds League and the Dutchy of Andurien. It is currently unknown what his aim is with this action, but it would theoretically make us known to the entirety of the Inner Sphere and any peace between the FWL and Andurien might lead to an increased interest of the FWL into us, especially considering our currently positive relation with the Lyrans. We are not sure about the FedSuns.
Draconis Combine:
Apprently surprising both the Draconis Combine is willing to send a delegation to Circinus, but it is unlikely it will involve the Coordinator.
Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:
While the stalemate of the two powers continued, Zeta Batallion attacked Goodna, together with the 6th Defenders of Andurien, but were unable to take the planet from the 2nd Free Worlds Guards for the moment.
Comstar is largely silent and based on HPG Radio Backscatter currently merely observing us, while the parts and documents stolen in Autumn are in transit to Terrra.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
An intelligence operation should be launched towards Terra, trying to determine how to deal with Comstar.
Random Event - Nothing Happens
*prepares for Durabys' reaction*