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Growing Horizons: Inner Sphere - Quest

Yeah we are seeing the beginning of it already with that Logan lady a few turns back trying to micro manage her nobles and they pushed back hard. Which might yet turn into a bit of a civil war if she does try to replace nobles for the heinous crime of not bowing to her every whim. Things are going to get interesting as better coms make many noble postions less and less necessary and harder for them to get away with crap without getting caught. And each time like you say a bad noble causes problems its another nail in idea they are a good idea at all.
Louis XIV was known for two things: Creating a royal army and with Mazarin's help founding the modern French bureaucracy. Two things that made French nobles basically obsolete: The king no longer needed their bannermen or their administration. So when the revolution came, the nobility had been already castrated a century earlier, its power only coasting on via centuries-old pieces of paper of laws and rules, and not by force of tradition and customs, that were by then dying. The middle-class bureaucracy/proto-bourgeoisie and lower-class conscripted royal army mass joined the revolutionary intellectuals. The nobles were completely powerless, both militarily but also culturally, from preventing that. Game, set and match.
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People. I have a perfect idea. Listen to me.

Let's follow through Blade's mentioning of that Lady who started micro-managing her lords.

Give the Inner Sphere all our FTL comm tech for free and watch the ensuing fireworks.


The Steiner-Davions and ComStar will be far too busy with other stuff than with conquering/destroying us. Trust me.
... Actually that could get interesting fast. But i doubt the governments will let it spread that much especially at first. Our HPGs should greatly increasing their communications and be recognizable to them. See how they deal with that and if opportunity arises we might give them them rest or spread it ourselves. Remember we probable are going to be facing one hell of a war eventually and we might need the FedCom as meat shields. Best not to try to destroy or destablize them until we can actually handle the consequences or need to.
Where those came from?
Verdar, the sauroid alien robot we found on one of the abandoned worlds (presumably Ares). After some hemming and hawing about how to proceed we took the then defunct robot apart and inspected it (non-destructively) for all knowledge we could gleam from its body, then rebooted it. It basically introduced itself as Verdar, part of Union, and said it was part of an evacuation of humans on that planet we found him on. The reason for that evacuation was the arrival of forces from the Irinai Hegemony that were about to or already in the process of invading the planet.
IC we don't know much more about the Irinai, bout OOC they're bad news, and per WoG currently contained.
Verdar, the sauroid alien robot we found on one of the abandoned worlds (presumably Ares). After some hemming and hawing about how to proceed we took the then defunct robot apart and inspected it (non-destructively) for all knowledge we could gleam from its body, then rebooted it. It basically introduced itself as Verdar, part of Union, and said it was part of an evacuation of humans on that planet we found him on. The reason for that evacuation was the arrival of forces from the Irinai Hegemony that were about to or already in the process of invading the planet.
IC we don't know much more about the Irinai, bout OOC they're bad news, and per WoG currently contained.
But who are Irinai? They are obviously from a different universe than BT, but aside from that, I don't know if I am supposed to know who they are.
But who are Irinai? They are obviously from a different universe than BT, but aside from that, I don't know if I am supposed to know who they are.
Same universe as our WCDC comes from. A very evil race from farther out that eventually we would meet and fight. Hamster anolgues with no concept of morals or ethics. They will make you useful one way or another. Of course cant be sure of anything till meet them but everything fit so far.
But who are Irinai? They are obviously from a different universe than BT, but aside from that, I don't know if I am supposed to know who they are.
Same universe as our WCDC comes from. A very evil race from farther out that eventually we would meet and fight. Hamster anolgues with no concept of morals or ethics. They will make you useful one way or another. Of course cant be sure of anything till meet them but everything fit so far.
They originally appeared in my 'On The Shoulders Of Giants', the same 'verse that eventually gave birth to 'Growing Horizons' via 'Seeing Further'.

They are evil space hamsters that have mastered biotech and cybernetics that would make the Strogg (from Quake) or HR Giger run away in horror. And they do not know any ethical restraints. You will be useful in one way or another. Either by being their slave, or by becoming one of the bio-mechanical abominations filling whatever role needs to be filled at the time. Be it a 'robot' in an assembly line, a frontline berserker or a part of a septic tank...

And the entire thing is not something they are biologically predestined to be. Its all in their society, which is one that puts large stock on social darwinism...
Basically when we meet these guys and if they are as bad as i think we will need to go fanatic exterminator on them and burn their worlds to be safe.
But who are Irinai? They are obviously from a different universe than BT, but aside from that, I don't know if I am supposed to know who they are.
They are basically a tabletop grimderp Warhammer 40k Typical Tuesday Xenocidal alien race that the Imperium players gleefully Exterminatus in their tutorial phase...but put into a Star Trek/Mass Effect type of optimistic setting.
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Turn 40 - Summer 2184/3034 - Results
Turn 40 - Summer 2184/3034

WCDC Defense Council:

[] Project Byzantium: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 88+5+5 = 98 - Artificial Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 94+5+5 = 104 - Artificial Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 65+5+5 = 75 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+5+5 = 106 - Crit Success

With most of the weapon systems taken care of and the final design for the Advanced Jump Drive meant for the Belisarius not yet available, the team working on the behemoth of a spacecraft began to address some issues that bothered a substantial number of people in the Defense Council, the massive need for supplies and maintenance needed for the warship. One of the methods to cope with this problem would to increase the cargo space for spare parts and any parts needed for maintenance, but doing so would only move the problems with logistics. On top of this, the Belisarius already had cargo space for about 300ktonnes of material, from munitions, over replacement parts to consumables.

Instead of increasing the size of the cargo space, the project team instead reduced that cargo space by 100ktonnes to install a compact refinery and fabricator setup that had come out of the Von Neumann Project. This system, when combined with a few compact mining drones, though conventional small craft would be sufficient, could mine a small asteroid and make use of the material to fabricate everything, from munitions, over spare parts to upgrades. With internal stores for up to 35ktonnes of raw materials and the refinery engaged, the fabricator system could replace the complete missile load out of the Belisarius within two weeks, ans supply vessels within its Task Group with parts and munitions. This would almost completely remove the Belisarius, and vessels with similar setups, from the logistics train, outside of food for the crew.

Concerning the crew size, a crew of 862, as listed in the original documents of the Belisarius, was simply perceived as too large. Robots specially designed for maintenance could replace many the technicians, outside of those needed for supervision, while automation of the important system and expert system for their control, could further reduce the size of the crew. In the end Belisarius would have a crew of 312, with space for up to 100 additional crew members, should the vessel act as a base for operational command for large military operations.

Result: Project Cerulean Hammock becomes obsolete
active for 2 more turns

[] Improved System Defense & Forward Operation Base: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 45%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 100+5+5 = 110 - Crit Success (Bonus to all military R&D, Bonus to Space Combat R&D)

With the potential of the large scale warships like the Belisarius becoming apparent to the Defense Council, the need to further improve the Jump Point Defenses was evident. Around the same time, there was a perceived need to have a mobile version of a Forwards Operation Base.

For the improved system defense, the Raytan Defense Platform was believed to not be up to the possible threat of massed warship intrusions, even with upgraded weapon systems. As such, a completely new Defense Platform had to be designed, one that could be used in such a way that increased the defensibility of a system, meaning it should relatively easily be moved around inside a system. To this end, the new defense platform would need to be equipped with a Heim-Feynman Event Generator. There were talks about equipping one with a jump drive, but it was decided the high mass ratio of jump cores was prohibitive to move a jump point defense platform from, say, the Nadir to the Zenith point, on short notice. And as these platforms would not need to be mobile outside of moving from jump point to jump point (or an L1 point), only a Shrivatsa M2P2 Sail System would be needed for propulsion to keep it in place near a jump point, though the new platform would integrate several thruster 'pods' for quick maneuvers to evade incoming, non-relativistic fire.

Tentatively the platform would be equipped with weapons like those used for the rebuild of the Belisarius, but in higher numbers and with more armor spread over its hull. Tentatively, the maximum mass of the new Defense Platform was limited to 2.5Mtonnes.

For the Forwards Operation Base, the Defense Council was looking towards a modified version of the Von Neumann. The idea was to cut the industrial production capabilities by half and replace the expandable internal fabrication system with expandable docking systems for at least ten squadrons of various space craft simultaneously. Internal storage would carry most of the logistic items needed for space and ground operations, while the fabricators could easily replace used materials outside of food stuff. Four counter rotating 300 m Stanford torus style habitat rings could then be used for crew R&R.

active for 3 more turns

WCDC Survey Office:

[] Deep Cover Intelligence II: active
Time: 10 turns, Chance of Success: 60%
Roll 1 of 10, Roll 1d100: 78+10 = 85 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 10, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 3 of 10, Roll 1d100: 95+10 = 105 - Success
Roll 4 of 10, Roll 1d100: 34+10 = 44 - Success
Roll 5 of 10, Roll 1d100: 73+10 = 83 - Success

The arrival at Atreus, the capital world of the Free Worlds League, left the A Ship With A View in the middle of a capital dealing with a sort of civil war. The FWL government was looking for excuses to take over jumpships left and right and press them into service for the war, however the trading part of the mission was preventing anything like this from happening for the moment.

The counter espionage operations of the FWL were at an all time high from what could be determined, and while the agents meant to take a long look at the internal politics and the like were set up as trade delegations, they chose to tread softly for the moment. However, from what could be gleamed from the events on Atreus itself, it appeared the FWL was the most democratic nation of the Inner Sphere.

active for 5 more turns

[] Further Survey IV: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 77+10 = 87 - Success (Permanent Survey Squadrons)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 22+10 = 32 - Failure

While there was an almost immediate success of the new survey mission into the 90 ly space around the Three Systems, there was very little that was discovered over the course of Summer.

active for 2 more turns

Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network

[] DSSIN Survey Squadron: - 6 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 21+5 = 26 - Failure (All DSSINOO operations)

With the failure of attempting to discover New St. Andrews and Niobs, the DSSINOO began to lobby for getting their own survey squadrons to constantly survey space of interest and as a side effect map out more of the space closer towards the Inner Sphere, as apparently there were numerous systems 'lost' to the powers of the Inner Sphere during the time commonly known as the Succession Wars.

However, the Survey personnel of the Survey Office did not look kindly onto the DSSINOO moving into their turf.

active for 3 more turns

WCDC Diplomatic Corps:

[] Long Range Diplomacy - Lyran Commonwealth: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 33 - Failure
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 73 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 67 - Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 96 - Success
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 25 - Failure
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 98 - Crit Success

Freaking Comstar Roll, 1d20: 3 - Nothing happens
Hanse Davion Fudge Factor Roll, 1d20: 20 - Hanse Davion is on Thakad, and he brought friends!

The reply from Tharkad finally gave the Unexpected Oversupply of Gravitas and the diplomatic mission the permission to jump into the capital system of the Lyran Commonwealth. Once the dropships made planetfall, the diplomats were given a proper greeting and allowed to settle down in a luxury hotel, with the mechanized part of the security detail placed in a nearby military base for the time being, together with a mercenary outfit called the Kell Hounds, which had also recently arrived.

With some initial problems dealt with by lower level staff of the Lyran Government, the lead of the diplomatic mission, Sir Ian Churchill, and the other main diplomats, were invited to a formal banquet, where they met Archon Katrina Steiner. She was however not the only head of state present, and some delay for the mission to arrive at Tharkad had been to allow First Prince Hanse Davion to arrive, together with his wife Melissa Steiner-Davion.

Following the banquet, some more medium level talks took place, before the team was invited to high level talks with the Archon and the First Prince. During these talks, the First Prince and the Archon ruthlessly grilled the diplomats about the WCDC, apparently trying to conform what Cranston Snord informed them about. Eventually the talks fell on the technology and the military of the WCDC, where the diplomats attempted to answer truthfully, noting the WCDC would defend itself and its technology against any attackers, but that they would prefer peaceful co-existence.

Another question was surprising, concerning the native Sol system, or rather the local version of Earth Terra. Both the Archon and the First Prince wished to know whether the WCDC had any designs on the world, which was truthfully denied. The First Prince also made a throwaway comment about the mercenary outfit Wolf's Dragoons and that they had suddenly appeared with advanced technology, joking that the WCDC technology appeared to be different from what was guessed the Dragoons had arrived with.

At the sidelines, the Kell Hounds, especially Colonel Morgan Kell, were interested in the Fusilier Mechs, the Karakal II tanks and their performance. Kell was later joined by Doctor Buckaroo Banzai, who was more interested in the technological side of things, both men thunderstruck to learn about the lack of technology taken for granted on Battlemechs, like gyroscopes and similar things.

Around the same time, it was possible to reconnect to the Survey agents that had been left on Tharkad by the first Deep Cover mission into the Lyran Commonwealth, who, even with the cut communication to Berlin, had been able to set up a moderate ring of agents.

active for 2 more turns

[] Long Range Diplomacy - Marian Hegemony:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 79 - Success
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 45 - Failure

While on the way towards Alphard, several spacecraft of the mission suffered breakdowns of various sorts, one of the main transports even loosing its HFEG, as a chance encounter with a micrometeorite causing a crack in one of the superconducting rings just as it was spinning down from a return into normal space. The resulting explosion of the ring, which was still rotating with 10000 RPM at the time, heavily damaged nearby spacecraft in its squadron.

This event led to the mission being postponed, until the damaged vessels could arrive at FOB Pine Gap, where they could be repaired. With the need to get specialized replacement parts from the Three Systems, the entire mission had to wait three months, before the vessels were repaired, though by that time, a new squadron had been acquired for the mission to replace the damaged one.

active for 6 more turns

WCDC Trade Organization:

[] Heavy Combat Space Craft: - 5 votes active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 32+10+10+10+10 = 72 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Military-Industrial Complex, Interstellar Communication Network)

Work on the Belisarius certainly had resulted in a call for heavy advanced combat spacecraft of a Bombardment equivalent type of up to 100 ktonnes, which was perceived to be the upper limit of mass that could be moved with the help of a dropship collar. While conventional Bombardment craft easily massed more than the 100 ktonnes, most of that mass was water propellant, something that could be minimized in an advanced combat craft.

Much like before, it was the WCDCTO that had to deal with procurement for the Militaries of the WCDC, largely with giving the proper incentives for the design and production of new spacecraft like this. Though by this time, it was expected many of the designs would come with a prototype attached to them, as nearly thirty dock yards and design offices answered to the Request for Proposals.

active for 5 more turns

[] Mining Town: - 9 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 81+10+10+10 = 111 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network)

As the various Joint Ventures slowly began to set up the production lines for the jumpships they intended to produce, it became apparent that there would be significant amounts of Germanium required to keep a steady production, once it had ramped up. There was already a shortage of Germanium in 61 Virginis that had a negative impact on the Belisarius project.

To counter this, the WCDCTO began to inform the various mining companies of the WCDC about incentives to set up mines to provide a steady flow of Germanium for native jump core production, with the possibility of selling some into the Inner Sphere as well.

active for 3 more turns

WCDC Office for Science and Development:

[] HFEG Jump: - 5 votes active
Time: 12 turns, Chance of success: 25%
Roll 1 of 12, Roll 1d100: 40+10+10 = 60 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)

While there were many projects bandied around within the scientific community of the WCDC, most of them of a practical nature, it was the big shiny project of combining the jump core and the Heim-Feynman Event Generator into a single FTL drive system capable of operating in both FTL modes that was of the most interest fo the scientists, largely due to the possibility of a Nobel Prize in the future of any team that could design such a system. And even if it did not work, the research itself might bring more insights into both theories.

But even so, there was little to no actual work done, as there was such a number of different possible theoretical models that all had to be worked through it was hard to even find something to start on.

active for 11 more turns

[] Hyperwave Reflection Research: - 6 votes active
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 5, Roll 1d100: 59+10+10 = 79 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)

While other scientists began to work on the HFEG Jump project, other scientists were much more interested in discovering what those weird reflections had been that were sometimes seen on the Superliminal Wave Detectors and some problems that cropped up in the propagation of Hyperwaves used in the Hyperwave communication system.

After securing a grant, they built their own Superluminal Wave Detectors and Hyperwave transceivers and began to work uncovering the secrets of the reflected hyperwaves.

active for 4 more turns


WCDC Internal Events:

With the Not Invented Here busy constructing the Raytan Jump Point Defenses of Hannover, the Kaiser and the government decided that with the rediscovery of its sister world of Neu Berlin, they would re-settle the world, considering that a Force 9 earthquake had 'merely' destroyed the initial colony and the remaining people evacuated to Hannover. Based on the WCDC charter this would not exclue anyone else from putting their own settlement on the world, or the system itself.

So Hannover established an initial colony on Neu Berlin, using one of their natively created Planetary Settlement Kits, though they did request from the Not Invented Here to move to the Neu Berlin System upon completion of the Raytans to set up an interplanetary infrastructure.

In the 61 Virginis system, the initial jumpship production came to a slow down, as considerable amounts of the germanium on the free market were bought up by an unknown party, causing germanium prices raise by 150%.


Deep Space Signal Intelligence Network Report:

Lothian League:

There is little of note to say.

Illyrian Palatinate:

There is little of note to say.

Circinus Federation:

There is little of note to say.

Marian Hegemony:

There is little of note to say.

Inner Sphere:

Lyran Commonwealth:

Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.

Federated Suns:

Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.

Draconis Combine:

Nothing out of the ordinary as far as can be decerned.

Free Worlds League:
Dutchy of Andurien:

In the war between these two powers, the stalemate continues.


So far, the Diplomatic Mission to the Lyran Commonwealth has not run into further problems involving Comstar, but we should keep our eyes open.

Expansion and Suggestions:

The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.


Random Event - Nothing Continues To Happens


No options for the next turn will be forthcoming, as there will be no voting taking place for Turns 41 and 42.
Lets see going down list. Belisarius looking real good and skipping a project that was kinda needless in first place is great. Yeah understandable being concerned by ships that size and need but when you have obvious proof that is the size your neighbors can build... But yeah that thing looks like it will be a beast and with its foundry will be a great mothership. Need to think about cruiser and frigate weight versions to but that can come later.

And yes upscale the stations. Cap guns all around. These suckers should make our systems immune to anything not a full warship strike squadron going all in. Von neuman is something we should also spread. Let compound interest be our best friend. Survey office well shit did not see from that angle. Really should get them to set down and just negotiate a joint do nothing but free survey task force between the to or really we should just let the survey corp do their damn jobs.

The Fox and Melissa are also present?!

This will be very useful getting everything sorted fast and treaties set up. And you know bending comstar over the table fucking them dry.

Not sure they they would think we would be interested in the other earth but terracentric thinking has long been a ban of the IS. We might also want to pass data of the clans to them to since we should have basic primer on them by now... Might also want to do some quick war games with our stuff to see how they work out against them. Be interesting for both sides. I hope they have secured that base instead of letting house techs have access to shit but htat should be obvious security.

Marian is a bust practically already hopefully can recover. Heavy spaceships... have to deal and see how it plays out but my reasoning still applies. At least have cap weapon designs to put on them but if we do move up size chart their roles will shift but oh well time to deal and see how the dice actually roll on it.

At least getting germanium production up but i hope someone is try to find out who the fuck bought it up because that's a strategic material we dont need choking out. Better not be some fucking price gouging profiteer... Or someone selling or germanium to outsiders....

Hyperwave reflection is good. The fact a 60 is still a fail on HFEG is very concerning but we will get there one way or another. New colonies are always good to so let them at it.
Turn 40 - Map
I've taken the time to properly work with the Map provided by Mal-3, turning it into a usable SVG file for Inkscape. And updated the first Map for Turn 40.

EDIT: And I added a map of the Andurien-FWL war.
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So i was wrong we are actually in lupus sector next to a nice big cloud of something. Just looking at it makes me want to send survey corps into it. Thats a lot of nations. Not all i recognize.
Tentatively the platform would be equipped with weapons like those used for the rebuild of the Belisarius, but in higher numbers and with more armor spread over its hull. Tentatively, the maximum mass of the new Defense Platform was limited to 2.5Mtonnes.
The First Prince also made a throwaway comment about the mercenary outfit Wolf's Dragoons and that they had suddenly appeared with advanced technology, joking that the WCDC technology appeared to be different from what was guessed the Dragoons had arrived with.
Interesting. Possibilities are reverse-engineering stuff they found, trade, or outright help/support from polities we're aware of, like Irinai or Union, or polities we're unaware of. We should see if the Wolf's Dragoons' tech matches with any we know of.
In the 61 Virginis system, the initial jumpship production came to a slow down, as considerable amounts of the germanium on the free market were bought up by an unknown party, causing germanium prices raise by 150%.
Well, isn't that worrying. Might be price gouging by opportunists. Might be attempts at cornering the market by creating a monopoly. Still not worrying, but I wonder if we can just declare stuff a strategic resource and thereby direct more regulatory oversight to it? Seems like the most lawful way to approach things, rather than SWATing whoever did this. Heck, we might even just outright buy the germanium and increased prices at the same time, but with the explicit order to go over their (and any C-level suits') paperwork for the last (and also future) decade with a fine-toothed comb, just to show that while there are loopholes, there're also consequences for abuse.
Von neuman is something we should also spread. Let compound interest be our best friend.
Definitely. The VNs should definitely have "build new instance of myself" high up in their priority queue for any system they're requested to. Basically building local Raytans Mk II, then starting on reinstanciating, followed by travelling either themselves or their new instance to the next system there're orders to build the big stuff. Though they'll probably also push minimal interplanetary infrastructure somewhere in there, just to avoid running out of fuel. But I assume the VNs are intelligent enough to adjust their queues appropriately and sensibly, and hate micromanaging from their bosses as much as the next person :)
Marian is a bust practically already hopefully can recover.
Yeah, 50% is very fickle. A single abysmal throw can really ruin the chances for saving by the remaining throws. This wasn't one, though; we were only short by 5, rather than 45.
Hyperwave reflection is good. The fact a 60 is still a fail on HFEG is very concerning but we will get there one way or another. New colonies are always good to so let them at it.
The bonuses lowered the pure roll success value from 75 down to 55; we had 40. The overall odds of success were always around 30%, so… yeah. Unless we're lucking into a bonus, this will be tricky to achieve, but it makes sense, it's a big step closer to the grand unifying theory.

And such a delicious map. I want to turn it into a video that shows the progression of our expansion, but wouldn't even know where to start. And all these polities… I suspect these are just in the cut off part of the map, just like Terra and most of the other IS star nations.

PS: Why does Hanse Davion look like Kirk?
I know right. These things keep working out like this our defenses are going to be insane by IS standards. They will need to redevelop warships and actually invest in them just to have a shot at our worlds. Canon houses dabbled with warships but did not build large fleets save perhaps the free worlds... who lost much of their fleet when it was subverted by the blakists for their jihad iirc. Even then their fleet was not even 50 ships.
Interesting. Possibilities are reverse-engineering stuff they found, trade, or outright help/support from polities we're aware of, like Irinai or Union, or polities we're unaware of. We should see if the Wolf's Dragoons' tech matches with any we know of.
What? Oh yeah you dont play battletech. The dragoons are a clan scout unit. Made up of free births and a few trueborn bloodnamed sent in to scout out the IS before invasion. They were actually a ploy by wolf clan to buy time before the inevitable invasion and were supposed to prepare the IS against it but for complicated reason that amount to the devs dropping the ball they did not.
Well, isn't that worrying. Might be price gouging by opportunists. Might be attempts at cornering the market by creating a monopoly. Still not worrying, but I wonder if we can just declare stuff a strategic resource and thereby direct more regulatory oversight to it? Seems like the most lawful way to approach things, rather than SWATing whoever did this. Heck, we might even just outright buy the germanium and increased prices at the same time, but with the explicit order to go over their (and any C-level suits') paperwork for the last (and also future) decade with a fine-toothed comb, just to show that while there are loopholes, there're also consequences for abuse.
Is concerning and hopefully just some fool(s) price gouging and we can swat them fast. Actually @Warringer what does the export jumpship production look like right now? 20 units built? 100?
Definitely. The VNs should definitely have "build new instance of myself" high up in their priority queue for any system they're requested to. Basically building local Raytans Mk II, then starting on reinstanciating, followed by travelling either themselves or their new instance to the next system there're orders to build the big stuff. Though they'll probably also push minimal interplanetary infrastructure somewhere in there, just to avoid running out of fuel. But I assume the VNs are intelligent enough to adjust their queues appropriately and sensibly, and hate micromanaging from their bosses as much as the next person :)
Yeah we let them lose and reap the rewards as industry and resources start to puile up and we got them at the right time when we really need to kick it into overdrive.

The bonuses lowered the pure roll success value from 75 down to 55; we had 40. The overall odds of success were always around 30%, so… yeah. Unless we're lucking into a bonus, this will be tricky to achieve, but it makes sense, it's a big step closer to the grand unifying theory.
Yeah we should get something either way but still bad sign to me.
And such a delicious map. I want to turn it into a video that shows the progression of our expansion, but wouldn't even know where to start. And all these polities… I suspect these are just in the cut off part of the map, just like Terra and most of the other IS star nations.
Yeah a lot of them are far off the map because of distance though the Jarnfolk are a very nomadic people that i think have some homeworlds deep in the periphery somewhere who travel just about everywhere. A lot of those powers are people we will probable never meet or talk to.
Why does Jaime Wolf look like Sean Connery? Because the devs could and why not?
Why does Jaime Wolf look like Sean Connery? Because the devs could and why not?
Well, to be fair, Hanse has the luck of Ripped Shirt Kirk at times...
Is concerning and hopefully just some fool(s) price gouging and we can swat them fast. Actually @Warringer what does the export jumpship production look like right now? 20 units built? 100?
At the moment, there have been 15 jumpships been build in about 6 months, including the prototypes. But the production is slowly ramping up, and once we get a stable source of Germanium, its going to be 20 jumpships per month, for the existing yards. Nothing stops us from setting up more yards.
Ok that sounds very good. The IS has not seen that kind of production in centuries and are going to want to buy every ship they can. Might need to deal with would be investors though. That could get complicated fast.
Ok that sounds very good. The IS has not seen that kind of production in centuries and are going to want to buy every ship they can. Might need to deal with would be investors though. That could get complicated fast.


let house lords and high nobles set up stakes in war industries and shipyards in WCDC space?

Fuck no! At least not in the short term. Or even in the long term.

Sales, limited according to realities sure.

But surely we will not give them the means to invade us.


The FedCom using any exports we make to help em conquer the rest of the IS and then come for us.
We are right next to the merchant house and about to trade like crazy with them. Their corporations and noble houses, which in many cases tend to be one and the same, are going to want to buy in and try to expand into our region.
We are right next to the merchant house and about to trade like crazy with them. Their corporations and noble houses, which in many cases tend to be one and the same, are going to want to buy in and try to expand into our region.

So I hope we have sent our best diplomats there with clear instructions on what to accept and not.

There is no such thing as free trade or free trade agreements in semi feudal IS. It is not realistic for us to offer one or for them to expect it.

So what their trade houses want and what they can expect ar different things.
So I hope we have sent our best diplomats there with clear instructions on what to accept and not.

There is no such thing as free trade or free trade agreements in semi feudal IS. It is not realistic for us to offer one or for them to expect it.

So what their trade houses want and what they can expect ar different things.
Oh probable will not be immediantly since they are coming off of generational total war turn attritional grind but we will get offers and demands i bet as their corps try to expand into our markets and their big industries seeing threat and opportunity try to buy out our industries and facilities. Or sabatoge them because they are asshats like that. Getting them to knock it off will take action on both ourside and the Archon. The Steiner-Davions will want a good relationship with us so will not let greedy idiots get in the way.
Oh probable will not be immediantly since they are coming off of generational total war turn attritional grind but we will get offers and demands i bet as their corps try to expand into our markets and their big industries seeing threat and opportunity try to buy out our industries and facilities. Or sabatoge them because they are asshats like that. Getting them to knock it off will take action on both ourside and the Archon. The Steiner-Davions will want a good relationship with us so will not let greedy idiots get in the way.
I'd like to see thos corps try and get a food in the door with us. Considering that we can produce our own stuff cheaper and that in many cases our tech is possibly at least a bit better than anything they can offer.

While the WCDC does not realize it yet, but they essentially have at least half the production capabilities of the Lyran Commonwealth within the Three Systems, if not more...
My concern is that with IS being in the gunboat diplomacy phase as a standard, with noble houses having their official, deniable and black assets independent of their liege lords we will be fending off raids and actual sanctioned expeditions year around if we let IS economic interests do manage to get a foot in early enough and allow them to make noises, compounded by the fact w gote a host of alliens around for the IS bastards to go full burn the xenos.

is a good thing we turled up first isnt it
Yeah but they dont know we got better stufff. Yet. Once they do they will be quite desperate to protect there market share and see if they can steal stuff. Which will be a bitch because all our stuff might as well be black boxed because of divergent tech and construction techniques. Still I bet we will see all kinds of crap and them trying to grab text books and samples and trying to purchase or steal full up fabrication gear. With more subtle attempts like trying to buy up shares or buy out companies. Get you fancy suits and martini's folks James Bond time...

Or time for shadowrun without magic and dragons...
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