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[] Clan Intimidation & Evacuation: active
Time: ? turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: ?
Roll 1 of ?, Roll 1d100: 98+35+15 = 148 - Crit Success (Diplomacy with Lupus Republic, All Military Action)
Roll 2 of ?, Roll 1d100: 87+35+15 = 137 - Success
Roll 3 of ?, Roll 1d100: 75+35+15 = 125 - Success
Roll 4 of ?, Roll 1d100: 44+35+15 = 94 - Success
Roll 5 of ?, Roll 1d100: 44+35+15 = 94 - Success
Roll 6 of ?, Roll 1d100: 87+35+15 = 137 - Success
Roll 7 of ?, Roll 1d100: 70+35+15 = 120 - Success
Roll 8 of ?, Roll 1d100: 67+35+15 = 117 - Success
Roll 9 of ?, Roll 1d100: 41+35+15 = 91 - Success
During the talks with mainly the Guardian Clans, it became clear that while Nova Cat had taken the lead in the evacuation from Clans Space, Star Adder was entangled with the evacuation themselves, while it became clear many of the lower tier Warriors and others of Clan Hell's Horses were more interested in evacuation, with only the higher ups, including their Kahn, being staunchly leaning towards being Crusaders.
As talks continued, Clan Jade Falcon attacked Nova Cat holdings on Barcella, while Smoke Jaguar attacked those on Circe. While the attack on Barcella was beaten back, as Jade Falcon did not have a substantial holding on the planet, the holdings on Circe were overrun by Smoke Jaguar, though most of the Nova Cat holdings on Circe had been long since evacuated, with only a few people still there to pretend that the cities and industry were still active.
The succeeding attack on Nova Cat holdings happened on Gatekeeper, as the Nova Cats shared the planet with Clan Jade Falcon. Other than the previous attacks, it was possible to learn of it beforehand and the information was shared with Kahn Severen Leroux asking the OCP contingent of the Evacuation force for support, as almost all the warriors on Gatekeeper had been moved to their holdings on Priori and Grant's Station. Since Gatekeeper still held the important industry of Nova Cat that was in the process of being dismantled for transport, it needed to be protected. As such, General ven Hrevno gave the order to CFS Market Garden and CFS Jedburgh, carrying the 4th Expeditionary Division to deploy on Gatekeeper to defend the civilians in the Nova Cats holdings.
The two Engrod class vessels arrived in the planet's L1 point after jumping into the Zenit Point and a followup jump through the Everchanging Black, allowing the forty landing craft of the 4th Division to deploy around the Nova Cat holdings before the Jade Falcon attack could begin, but did nothing to prevent the attack, as the Jade Falcon Warriors entered combat with screams of Nova Cat being dezgra.
Clan Jade Falcon, Roll 1d100: 48+10+10+10 = 78 - (Veteran Clan Warriors, Knowledge of the Area, High Morale)
4th Expeditionary Division, Roll 1d100: 91+10+10+5+10+10+5 = 141 - (Numeric Superiority, Orbital Support, General Combat Bonus,
Against Mechs, Knowledge of Clan Tactics, Battlefield Awareness)
Result: 78 vs 141 - Clear OCP Success
While the entirety of the Clan Warriors were veterans, with knowledge of the area and high morale, the 4th Division had the clear advantage of numeric superiority and Orbital Support, and the Clan forces could be easily engaged from long range with artillery, guided by drone and orbital surveillance, destroying or mission killing about a third of the attacking forced, before they could enter the range of the main OCP combat vehicles, where the Jade Falcon warriors met with the longer ranged OCP weapons, which took their own toll on the attacking force.
For the most part, the 4th Division kept itself to defensive tactics, only sparingly leaving their defensive emplacements. There were attempts of the Clans to engage with Elementals, but Hunter-Killer packs proved to be effective in engaging and routing the Clan powered armor troops, though they were forced to kill the Elementals in most cases.
In the end, the Jade Falcon warriors had to withdraw, with about half their forces destroyed, while defensive tactics of the 4th Division left them with only two dozen dead and around three hundred wounded.
The result was that the Jade Falcon Kahn, Yvonne Hazen, raged about their defeat within the Hall of Kahns, calling once again for an official Trial of Anihiliation. When it was once again denied by the combined votes of the Warden and Guardian Clans, she began meeting Kahn Stephen Tyler of Ice Hellion and saKahn Dorian Wirth of Smoke Jaguar, where they began to discuss an attack on OCP forces on Strana Mechty.
This attack was going to be coordinated and not only involve ground, but also space assets as several Clan WarShips of Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar and Ice Hellion closed in on Strana Mechty, jumping into the Zenit and Nadir Jumppoints and burning towards Strana Mechty. The arrival of ten WarShips of various classes burning towards the L1 point of Strana Mechty was officially called training, but the moment they arrived in weapons range, they attacked, while the ground forces struck the forces of the OCP on the ground.
Attack Force, Roll 1d100: 43+5+10-5 = 53 - (Superior Numbers, Updated Equipment, Lack of Space Combat Experience)
Evacuation Fleet, Roll 1d100: 73+10+20+10 = 113 - (AutoWars, WarShip Inclusion, Prepared for Attack)
Result: 53 vs 113 - Overwhealming Success for OCP
Clan Naval Forces:
Jade Falcon:
CJF Turkina's Pride Cameron-class
CJF Jade Aerie Black Lion-class
CJF Jade Talon Aegis-class
CJF Black Talon Aegis-class
CJF Green Lantern Congress-class
Smoke Jaguar:
CSJ Veiled Huntress Texas-class
CSJ Queen Lynx York-class
CSJ Griffin Lola III-class
CSJ Storm Cat Lola III-class
Ice Hellion:
CIS Cage's Pride McKenna-class
CIS Taney Aegis-class
CIS Chaos Sailor Aegis-class
CIS Cold Hunter Lola III-class
CIS Impaler Lola III-class
CIS Radiant Lola III-class
CIS Swift Bait Fredasa-class
CIS Hellion's Pride Fredasa-class
While the Clan WarShips had the superior numbers, upgraded equipment and weapons, when compared to the original equipment of the Belisarius and the vessels captured from ComStar, it showed that the Clans did not have the experience for WarShip combat, nor were they actually mentally equipped for the type of cooperative combat WarShips were designed for.
Here, the use of AutoWars, be they on a Combat Craft or WarShip scale and the increased networking of all OCP combatants into a single force, eased the defeat of the attacking WarShips. Long range weapons, from Plasma Bolters, to Class III and IV missiles, as well as the superior defenses offered by the new type of armor, as well as Plasma Shielding, proved to be beneficial against Clan WarShips and attack dropships, while the automated point defense weapons took care of any Clan missiles and aerospace fighters, at least those that made it through the gauntlet of drones and small Combat Craft, like the Sleipnir.
In the end, almost the entirety of the attacking Naval Forces was either destroyed, mission killed or chosen to withdraw, with the entirety of the Ice Hellion force destroyed or heavily damaged. Rather than become embroiled in a running battle, the choice was made to keep the Evacuation Fleet at the Strana Mechty L1 point, to better support any operations on the planet.
Attack Force, Roll 1d100: 68+10+10+10 = 98 - (Veteran Clan Warriors, Knowledge of the Area, High Morale)
5th Division, Roll 1d100: 71+10+10+5+10+10+5 = 121 - (Numeric Superiority, Orbital Support, General Combat Bonus,
Against Mechs, Knowledge of Clan Tactics, Battlefield Awareness)
Result: 98 vs 121 - 5th Division Wins
On the ground, the initial attack coincided with the attack on the L1 point, with a Galaxy each of Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar and Ice Hellion warriors attacking from different directions. The attacking warriors once again were veterans with knowledge of the area and a high morale, wanting to destroy not only the OCP forces, but also the Nova Cat Forces that had moved in to support the OCP.
The moment the attack commenced, however, the remaining landing craft of the 5th Division dropped from orbit and performed a textbook combat landing, with Armor Regiments hitting the attacking Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar and Ice Hellion Galaxies in the back, while the Combat Aviation Brigade hit them from above and Artillery Units from further away. Meanwhile, the Mechanized Infantry units moved in on the initial landing area to support the defense.
As the Clan Galaxies turned around to fight off the heavy elements hitting them in the back, the central units broke out to again hit the Galaxies in the back, which only lead to sow confusion in the ranks of the Clans, after they withdraw into the fortified positions again. During this phase of combat and the conclusion of the Naval attack, CFS Ach-hinond and CFS Dan-omcha of the 6th Expeditionary Division moved in on Strana Mechty and prepared to deploy to the surface.
As more landing craft were inbound, even the hardened Clan warriors were forced to admit defeat and withdraw from the battlefield, having lost a combined half of their forces on the ground in return for about two hundred dead and three thousand wounded on the side of the 5th Expeditionary Division.
The entire situation proved to be something of a watershed moment, as the defeat of three Clan Galaxies and 17 WarShips, supposedly controlled by the finest warriors of the Inner Sphere, sowed the seeds of doubt into the minds of everyone within the Clans. One almost immediate result were attacks of other Clans on holdings and forces of Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar and Ice Hellion, who had shown themselves to be weaker than previously expected, with the defeats themselves striking a heavy blow to these Clans morale.
For the Warden and Guardian Clans, the situation was mixed. Star Adder fully switched to join up with Nova Cat for the evacuation, while the leadership of Hell's Horses doubled down on the Crusader mindset and forced those that wanted to go with the Nova Cats out and into the waiting hands of Nova Cat and Star Adder, reducing the Clan's size overnight, technically forming a new Clan.
Meanwhile, the leadership of Snow Raven and Diamond saw an opportunity and wished to make deals with the OCP and the Lupus Republic, though both clans appeared to have a grudge against each other and tried to outmanoeuvre each other. The Cloud Cobras also took notice of the naval defeat, as they were putting strong emphasis on their aerospace forces, like Snow Raven, and approached the Evacuation Fleet's leadership for potential trade. Clan Wolf meanwhile was more on a diplomatic bent with their talks.
During this entire situation, someone from the Republic, or maybe within the fleets' intelligence, released information of Clan Burrock's heavy involvement with the Dark Caste, which in turn led to Burrock being embroiled in the fighting as well.
As Winter continued, more and more political and societal problems, previously hidden, revealed themselves within the Clans and it appeared that war was looming within Clan Space.
active for ? more turns
[] Fleet Extension: - 5 votes active
Time: 3 turns, Chance of Success: 70%
Roll 1 of 3, Roll 1d100: 71 - Success
With Clans Space appearing to technically become something of a non-issue, with a potential 'civil war' looming, the massive number of potential fleet assets of the Terran Hegemony turned out to be more important to the War Hawks within Parliament. Some pressured for the WarShips of ComStar to be pushed into service with the Space Forces for a quick fix of the issue, but the fact that either vessel would have to be massively refurbished put a dampener on that proposition.
Instead, a plan to expand the WarShip forces of the OCP ahead of the current Fleet Expansion was proposed and gained more and more support within Parliament.
active for 2 more turns
OCP Survey Office:
[] Scouting the Terran Hegemony: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 35%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 90+15 = 105 - Success (All Intelligence Actions)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+15 = 111 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 63+15 = 78 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 66+15 = 81 - Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 55+15 = 70 - Success
Roll 6 of 6, Roll 1d100: 54+15 = 69 - Success
Combined: 86 - Success
Over the course of Winter, the Survey Vessels continued to search for more of the 'Stockpile Systems', discovering two more, thanks to following up on newly finished WarShips with the help of Superliminal Wave Detectors. Each of these systems contained the same amount of WarShips as the first discovered system.
By the end of Winter a fourth system was discovered, this one with its installations under construction and a reduced number of WarShips already in storage.
Overall, 650 WarShips were stored in these systems, with an equal or larger number of transport jumpships.
The destruction of the new Far Star Stations was meanwhile noted and HPG news report firmly settled the attack to destroy the stations on Algareon, with orders going out to begin the construction of a new Bastion class station and to pull vessels away from patrols to rebuild Far Star again. By the way these messages were compiled, it appeared Algareon had destroyed the Far Stat installations at least five times, which explained the Algareon controlled systems along the route from Algareon to Far Star.
It did not appear to be a situation wherein the Central Command of the Hegemony needed to reactivate stored vessels.
Reward: Up to date Intelligence on the Terran Hegemony
Intelligence Operation for capture without actual capture does not make sense.
[] Hegenomy Observation: - 4 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 68+10 = 78 - Success (All Intelligence Actions)
While the last remaining 'Stockpile Systems' were discovered, Survey Fleet decided that more long term surveillance needed to begin for the Terran Hegemony, to discover any stockpiles that might have been missed, as well as map out all patrols and orbital military installations of the Hegemony. Additionally, it was noted the routes of all convoys needed to be mapped as well. This was to support planning of an attack on the Hegemony, from the destruction of the stockpiles, military installations and patrols, to cutting of logistics between the worlds and insulate them.
To this end, more Walsinghams and support vessels were moved through the Tesseracts to Graveyard and Far Star.
active for 3 more turns
OCP Diplomatic Corps:[/B]
[] International Cooperation: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 99+10 = 109 - Crit Success (All Diplomatic Actions)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 57+10 = 67 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 7+10 = 17 - Failure
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 67+10 = 77 - Success
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 94+10 = 104 - Success
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 52+10 = 62 - Success
Over the course of Winter, the talks about forming 'League of Nations' got more concrete. Keeping the long term problems of the Star League in mind, every member of this 'League of Nations' would have a voice within the General Assembly, while there would not be any form of independent military for it, even if it would take over the Merecenary Review Board, which had almost been abandoned with the fall of Comstar.
Still, First Prince Davion tried to push the 'League of Nations' along routes that made it more of an extension of the Federated Commonwealth in many ways, including proposing to set up the Assembly Hall of the 'League of Nations' on New Avalon, Which was vigorously denied in favour or setting it up on New Earth, which was still within the Federated Commonwealth.
While these talks were going on, the OCP delegation informed the others present that the Clans might not be as serious a threat as previously believed, stating that everything was shaping up towards some sort of 'Civil War' among the Clans, and that as such, the primary threat for the Inner Sphere was coming from the Hegemony.
Some intelligence from the Hegemony was shared with the other delegations, including the massive 'Stockpile Systems', which were likely meant to support an invasion of the Inner Sphere by the Hegemony, which in turn shocked everyone present into silence, before making almost all of them panic.
active for 2 more turns
[] WarShip Auction: - 8 votes active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 41+10 = 51 - (All Diplomatic Actions)
With the potential of getting the Inner Sphere involved in a war with the Hegemony and the non-starter idea of pushing the former Comstar vessels into service with the OCP, the diplomatic corps wondered if it was possible to take those WarShips and auction them off to the nations of the Inner Sphere as they were. For one such an auction would give the Inner Sphere much-needed naval power in a confrontation with the Hegemony and possibly the Clans, while gaining the OCP some diplomatic brownie points.
And the panic about the reveal of the 'Stockpile Systems' seemed to be as good a reason to offer those WarShips as any. It was almost as if it was planned by someone within the Diplomatic Corps.
active for 3 more turns
OCP Trade Organization:[/B]
[] Space Industry IV: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10+20+15 = 81 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network, Space Industry, Space Mining)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 30+10+10+10+20+20 = 100 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 71+10+10+10+20+20 = 141 - Success
Roll 4 of 5, Roll 1d100: 52+10+10+10+20+20 = 112 - Success
Combined: 108 - Crit Success
As the incentive project to move the remaining medium and heavy industry into space ran out, it was slated to be a full success, with none of the industries noted being planet bound anymore, meaning that the vast majority of these industries had easy access to an abundance of raw materials as well as power, in the form of asteroid mined materials and solar energy from a system's primary.
With this success, it was believed there would not need to be any more of these incentive programs and the next step might be to move the OCP into becoming as close to being a post-scarcity civilization as possible.
Reward: Last Space Industry Action, +5 on internal and external trade, All Medium and Heavy Industry moved into space
[] Space Mining IV:
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 90+10+10+10+20+20 = 160 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network, Space Industry, Space Mining)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 75+10+10+10+20+20 = 145 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 36+10+10+10+20+20 = 96 - Success
Meanwhile the project to fully move to asteroid and space mining to supply any form of industry with raw materials continued as several more planete bound mines were closed off and more asteroid mines took their place.
active for 1 more turns
OCP Office for Science and Development:
[] Better MetaMaterials:
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10 = 40 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 86+10+10 = 106 - Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 6+10+10 = 26 - Failure
As the project began to work towards the development of new Meta Materials, largely on the base of existing ones, none of the evolutionary models for their development resulted in better materials and in many cases the evolutionary models only produced worse materials instead.
Not only thins, but several of the super computing centers were asked to provide more computing power to other projects.
active for 3 more turns
[] Non-Germanium Jumpdrives:
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 25+10+10 = 45 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 67+10+10 = 87 - Success
Finally, it was possible to gain the funding needed for work on the non-Germanium Jump Drives and RSN drives, and several of the super computing centers previously asked to work on meta materials instead were asked to work on the new jump drive technology instead.
Already there were models for the various drive systems and work began to evaluate and design a better replacement for Germanium, utilizing Silicon, Caron and Tin.
active for 4 more turns
OCP Internal Events:
Three new Fleets, 4th and 5th Frontier Fleet, as well as 5th Battle Fleet were put into service. 4th and 5th Frontier Fleet were stationed at Circinus, while 5th Battle Fleet was stationed at New Berlin.
Intelligence Report:
Periphery Alliance:
Lupus Republic:
Not much is happening within the Lupus Republic.
Lothian League:
Not much is happening within the Lothian League.
Far Star Situation:
Not much of interest is coming from Algareon.
Terran Hegemony
There is currently a lack of intelligence about the Terran Hegemony.
Taurian Concordat:
Within the Taurian Concordat, the first natively build WarShip, the TCS Concordat of the redesigned Concordat Class was put into service. It had been build as a proof of concept for the native capabilities of constructing WarShips and something as way to show off the Federated Commonwealth, by being the first of the Inner Sphere nations, outside the OCP, to build new WarShips.
Magistracy of Canopus:
Not much of interest is happening within the Magistracy.
Inner Sphere:
Federated Commonwealth:
Not much of interest is happening in the Federated Commonwealth.
Draconis Combine:
The Draconis Combine continues to splinter and collapse.
Free Worlds League:
Not much of interest is happening in the FWL.
Dutchy of Andurien:
Not much of interest is happening in the Dutchy of Andurien.
Confederation of Habitats:
Not much of interest is happening within the CoH.
Slowly the bioweapon could be controlled, as more vaccine and cure was spread through Terras infected population.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
[] Clan Intimidation & Evacuation: active (? turns)
Offer send full military expedition to clan homeworlds with our transports and hope the full weight of it makes the clans hesitate to do something stupid... and brutally murder the first would be ristar to try. Several battleships with Cruiser and frigate/Arethusa escorts plus attached ACC's and 4 to 8 divisions of troops to bolster the local Lupus leaving and give the clans a wake up call. They can also be handed info on Hegemony at same time and fact they are also probable infiltrated.
Time: ? turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: ?
[] Fleet Extension: active (2 turns)
The last Fleet extension is finished, but now the Confederated Space Force requests more vessels.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Construction of (5+2d6) new WarShips Only avaiable after the last Fleet Extension is finished
Only avaiable after completion of the WarShip Upgrade Program
[] Military Action:
There is always some military action that seems to be important.
Time: 2 to 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: varies Please suggest a military action
OCP Survey Office:
[] Hegenomy Observation: active (3 turns)
With the discovery of the WarShip Stockpiles, it might be a good idea to begin mapping patrols, military installations and resupply routed throughout the Terran Hegemony to get a large picture of their preparedness for large scale combat, so that the planning stages of any fight with the Terran Hegemony can proceed with the best possible amount of information.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Result: +15 to Operatings against the Terran Hegemony
[] Counter-Espionage Operations:
With the recent involvement of the Lyran agency Loki in the Attack on Circinus, it seems prudent to run some operations to counter either Loki or any other intelligence agency within the Inner Sphere.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: ? Select an Inner Sphere Intelligence Agency to counter
[] Operational Intelligence:
The Confederation is lacking much in the way of concrete intelligence on the various Inner Sphere Powers military forces and aperatus. An Intelligence Operation should be launched to gather intelligence, to support any military operational planning against an Inner Sphere power.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 55%, Reward: +5 to Operational Planning against Inner Shere nation Select one Inner Sphere nation to concentrate on
[] Targeted Intelligence:
A targeted Intelligence Operation should begin to gather targeted intelligence.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Targeted Intelligence Suggest a target for the Intelligence Operation
[] Intelligence Action:
There is always some intelligence action that seems to be important.
Time: 2 to 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: varies Please suggest an intelligence action
OCP Diplomatic Corps:
[] International Cooperation: active (2 turns)
With the success in the reproachment efforts and the good standing of the Confederation in international affairs, perhaps the threat of the Terran Hegemony and the Clans could be used to begin the process of International Cooperation within the Inner Sphere, creating some sort of informal alliance of some sort.
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: International Cooperation Note: Rolls will be taken individually for each nation once a conference of some sort begins
[] WarShip Auction: active (3 turns)
With the growing threat of the Hegemony, the Comstar WarShips in storage of the the Confederation should be auctioned off to the Inner Sphere, helping them to establish their own defences and get some diplomatic support from the Inner Sphere nations.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: +10 diplomatic relations to the winners of the auction
[] Algareon Contact:
Algareon may very well be a polity that could support any potential war with the Terran Hegemony and as such needs to be officially contacted diplomatically and possibly asked whether or not they would actually support the War Effort against the Hegemony.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward, Diplomatic contact with Algareon, +10 to actions against the Hegemony with Algareon support
[] Technological Help:
With the Federated Commonwealth poised to take the technological lead in the Inner Sphere over the other powers (safe the Confederation and the Republic) it might be a good idea to offer technological aid to any of the other Inner Sphere Powers that might be interested in it, to help bridge the gap between them and the FedCom. Technically a similar program exists with the FedCom already, with the Scholarly Exchange, but direct support might yield some improved relations and a potential ally, should the FedCom act against the Confederation and/or the Alliance.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 40%, Reward: +10 diplomatic relations, +5 external trade Select a nation or nations, cannot be the Federated Commonwealth
[] Diplomatic Contact:
The OCP only has closer diplomatic contact with the majority of Inner Sphere nations, some nations still do not have an OCP embassy.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: Embassy in selected nation Select Inner Sphere nation to diplomatically contact, may be selected multiple times
[] Invite Others IV:
The OCP was working out nicely and maybe it was time to invite one of the other worlds outside the Three Systems into the OCP?
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 35%, Reward: The selected world joins the OCP as a member Please select a world from the list of Known Habited Worlds neat the Walker Cluster
[] We need new members:
There are 8 nations in the Three Systems that have declined to become members of the OCP. The Three Systems can't effort to have some nations working on cross purposes and endanger the entire rest of the Walker Cluster. So there is a need to get them aboard and into the OCP.
Time: 2 turns, Chance of success: 25%, Reward: 1d6 nations of the 8 nations that declined OCP membership initially, become OCP members
[] Integration Office:closed off for 4 turns
As we keep expanding there are a number of single worlds about us that could be peacefully absorbed and better off for it. Perhaps we should see about creating a organization perhaps attached to Prometheus that when ready andwilling can bring them in the OCP without direct need of parliament to pick out worlds for targeted recruitment? If nothing else the world of Farnham's Planet could be used as a test case with the offer then spread about to neighboring worlds.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of Success: 55%, Reward: Integration Office
[] Diplomatic Action:
There is always some diplomatic action that seems to be important.
Time: 2 to 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: varies Please suggest a diplomatic action
OCP Trade Organization:
[] Space Mining IV: active (1 turns)
The industrial capacity of the OCP is growing and with it grows the need for raw materials, be they gassious, liquid or solid. Projects should be started to improve the raw material situation of the OCP and possibly even export those raw materials.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: Last Space Mining Action, +5 on internal and external trade If this action becomesa critical success, all mining is moved into space from planetside
[] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity Select a world or polity to export to
[] Economic Action:
There is always some economic action that seems to be important.
Time: 2 to 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: varies Please suggest an economic action
OCP Office for Science and Development:
[] Better MetaMaterials: active (3 turns)
With the various needs for better materials and the discovery of the Algareon Megastructures, there was some interest in developing new and better ameta materials that could be used in various new ways to create new systems
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: +10 to all practical/engineering research
[] Non-Germanium Jumpdrives: active (4 turns)
It is time to replace the scarce germanium with the much more abundant silicon.
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: New Jumpdrive/RSN drive, (2d20-30) size difference for the new drive
[] Search for more Tesseracts:
With the new tesseracts explored, perhaps a search should be done to look for more of them, near the newly explored tesseract ends.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: 1d10 more tesseracts discovered
[] Expand Funding:
With several projects having experienced issues with getting enough funding, it is time to work to expand the funding capabilities of the Office for Science and Development.
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to research, of the actions ends with a crit succes one additional Scientific action per turn
[] Random Research:
There are so many research topics out there that cannot be counted and they should be given funding. MAybe they will be useful...
Time: 2-6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: Random research result Please suggest a Research Topic
Can be taken multiple times simultanously
I think Counteinteligence could be useful, just in case. Loki being Loki and the Hegemony thinking that maaaaaaaaaaybe we would be the first ones to fall to avoid their plans being fucked are things to have in mind.
[X] Hegenomy Observation: active (3 turns)
With the discovery of the WarShip Stockpiles, it might be a good idea to begin mapping patrols, military installations and resupply routed throughout the Terran Hegemony to get a large picture of their preparedness for large scale combat, so that the planning stages of any fight with the Terran Hegemony can proceed with the best possible amount of information.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Result: +15 to Operatings against the Terran Hegemony
I vote we spend some effort on interrogating the Terran Hegemony prisoners we took, see if we can get some grassroots info about their society.
[X] Space Mining IV: active (1 turns)
The industrial capacity of the OCP is growing and with it grows the need for raw materials, be they gassious, liquid or solid. Projects should be started to improve the raw material situation of the OCP and possibly even export those raw materials.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: Last Space Mining Action, +5 on internal and external trade If this action becomesa critical success, all mining is moved into space from planetside
Even if it's not a critical success, we're going to need a lot of materials to fight both the Terran Hegemony and the Evil Space Hamsters.
Now for my reactions.
The Reactions of the Porcelain Turkeys, Speed Freaks, and Clan Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat are about what I expected. Their defeats is going to be enough to kick off the Wars of Reaving, as we did what it took a combined international force to pull with both the annihilation of the Smoke Jaguars and Great Refusal in OTL.
The split of the Hells Horses makes me think we're going to get the Stone Lions early.
The reactions of the Hegemony and Algareon look like they settled into a pattern for a long time, and the fact the WCDC is going to break the pattern may lead to some interesting effects by both sides.
[X] Hegenomy Observation: active (3 turns)
With the discovery of the WarShip Stockpiles, it might be a good idea to begin mapping patrols, military installations and resupply routed throughout the Terran Hegemony to get a large picture of their preparedness for large scale combat, so that the planning stages of any fight with the Terran Hegemony can proceed with the best possible amount of information.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Result: +15 to Operatings against the Terran Hegemony
[X] Space Mining IV: active (1 turns)
The industrial capacity of the OCP is growing and with it grows the need for raw materials, be they gassious, liquid or solid. Projects should be started to improve the raw material situation of the OCP and possibly even export those raw materials.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%, Reward: Last Space Mining Action, +5 on internal and external trade If this action becomesa critical success, all mining is moved into space from planetside
Up to you though starting over from the beginning... Yeah not liking it and just reposting over there might not work that well given how far along we are but we would still probable get higher traffic than now. What we really need is more players and not driving them away. The last guy posted good stuff but not sure he is coming back because we did not jump on his stuff which is a shame because we are getting to point we could think about doing it. Thats another problem of the game i think how slow it can be. One post a week usually and each turn a three month period with a action taking at least 3 turns so any action takes a month or so real time to resolve. The clan action we started 9 weeks ago and just now getting to the pay off/fun part and i think we were planning it at least a few weeks before we even started it so might be closer to 12 weeks. You need patience and some commitment to play this and get anything out of it. Still more traffic would push the flow along with discussions and debates to keep it fresh.
Just my opinion now to actual update if family will stop with it needs to get done bullshit.
[X] Counter-Espionage Operations:
With the recent involvement of the Lyran agency Loki in the Attack on Circinus, it seems prudent to run some operations to counter either Loki or any other intelligence agency within the Inner Sphere.
Time: 5 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: ? Select an Inner Sphere Intelligence Agency to counter : LOKI
[X] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity Select a world or polity to export to : The Magistracy of Canopus (and the Aurigan Coalition if it exists)
And finally we get to the fighting and damn we got some good rolls to go with our bonuses. It looks like this could be the solid win we need breaking the clans for us. So many points not sure which to start on. Basically the crusaders have fucked themselves hard. No batchall or honor just straight up a blatant attempt at a ambush because how dare we do what we said and bid in reinforcing the cats. And then lost. Hard. The crusader cause might be screwed hard now with those that still hold to it increasingly isolated and attacked by the others sniffing weakness. Which after the wars are over could mean a more friendly though still very dangerous clans with a warden/guardian political axis. As is all three clans are going to be shamed hard and every clan will want to jump them if not make calls for absorption for these sins. Hellions are probable going to get it bad. They are not that big or strong in the first place and losing a galaxy or a large part of one and the naval loses could push them to the brink. Crusader Horses are screwed. Surprised the lower ranks did not kill them but guess pointless if they are leaving anyway so no point. Whats left of them will not be strong enough to hold off challengers and Jaguars and Falcon are liable to jump them for effective absorption with harvest trials to shore up their ranks. Wonder how things like genetic programs divided up? Hell who will absorb the Burrocks this time around seeing the adders are leaving with us? Unless they want to do that to before they go? Shit could we functionally have 4 clans in the Lupus?
The navel slaughter is probable going to scare a lot of people as well. It sounds like it was barely a fight even with it technically a ambush. The clans might start looking hard at their navies and wonder how well do they even measure up. Hell ground combat must have them freaked as well. The supposed best warriors in the galaxy and we are beating them like drums. Fighting like their SLDF ancestors only better and with better tech. It must be scary to realize you are out ranged and gunned like that given our tanks/mechs main guns usually do 15 to 20 damage at very long ranges so every fight basically being sniped to death.
If adders and most of horses are leaving do we even have enough ships now or are we going to need several trips? Would say we should go rescue the cats taken by the jaguars on Circe but knowing them they are already dead. We are taking casualties to but they are wort it i hope and if nothing else we are getting very good combat experience that will be useful down the road. Next free diplo action we need to get someone talking to the clans as a whole or individually as well.
Ok the rest. The hegemony is basically asleep still i think given new info. They have lost far star several times so as long as we dont hit them till ready we should be able to deliver a knock out blow they cant fight. Perhaps we dont hit them again till ready to deliver that blow? 650 warships and those transports are probable loaded to. Jeez that wakes up we are in the shit. Thats enough they could try to bully through our defenses on our main worlds though more likely it would be a ugly war in the IS. I regret auction now. We need that action for diplo talk but see where it goes. Taurians getting a warship out is shocking. Far ahead of where i thought they be. Hanse must be on verge of a new heart attack from all this and that. And Hanses actions just highlight why we need to keep the major houses at a distance with that attempt to set up a soft absorption of everyone into his nation even as he talks peace. Though fact the hegemony could probable eat them alive at will is a more pressing concern.
Though also what the actual fuck they have enough to conquer and occupy the houses right now what are they building up even more for? What do they need Algareon for?
[] Targeted Intelligence:
A targeted Intelligence Operation should begin to gather targeted intelligence.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Targeted Intelligence
Why are the hegemony building up that armada in cold storage? They have enough now to conquer most every known civilization at once yet continue to build up so what has them scared?
[X] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity
Taurian Concordat
Before we start trade with others we should keep up relation with the concordate first and Namar we dont even have relations with the Magastracy or Augians so how would we establish trade deals?
The polity YOU selected at the start of the game pretty much is based on cooperation and their reactions to things will always be to go for diplomacy before the guns come out. Always.
On top of that, you, personally weee always outvoted by the other players when you suggested going to war. Of course that 'brute forces' you, personally to go along.
Not only that I didn't vote back then, people who did select it because it comes with a more advanced tech base than any other. I bet they didn't know it actually railroads you to a specific playstyle. I don't think selection said that. It said what tech you get. That's what other people looked at. Starting the game with most dakka to make the game playable. Because they also expected domination victory, and it wasn't achievable with non-FTL factions. People realized it is impossible after we had a first ... argument, and you yelled at everyone you want the game different, and others unlike me took a cue and stay silent. Before that, they were all fine with attacking FedCom. If we two didn't have an argument they wouldn't get what playstyle you demand.
[X] Targeted Intelligence:
A targeted Intelligence Operation should begin to gather targeted intelligence.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Targeted Intelligence
Why are the hegemony building up that armada in cold storage? They have enough now to conquer most every known civilization at once yet continue to build up so what has them scared?
[X] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity
Taurian Concordat
We might as well as strike another Industrial Export deal with whatever polity that failed in the auction as they will be more than one actually displeased with a result.
[X] Targeted Intelligence:
A targeted Intelligence Operation should begin to gather targeted intelligence.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Targeted Intelligence
Why are the hegemony building up that armada in cold storage? They have enough now to conquer most every known civilization at once yet continue to build up so what has them scared?
[X] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity
Taurian Concordat
We might as well as strike another Industrial Export deal with whatever polity that failed in the auction as they will be more than one actually displeased with a result.
We did FWL first just to build bridge to Taurians then other things got in way and from there we have fedcom, terra, and habitats as potentials and we really need to break a diplo open to talk to magistracy or they need to woman up and actually talk to us first. Lupus might be getting to point we could do something as well. Honestly i want to focus on building up periphery and terra to try to counter balance fedcom and maybe see if we can start spreading hte democracy fire on terra about and make real change.
We did FWL first just to build bridge to Taurians then other things got in way and from there we have fedcom, terra, and habitats as potentials and we really need to break a diplo open to talk to magistracy or they need to woman up and actually talk to us first. Lupus might be getting to point we could do something as well. Honestly i want to focus on building up periphery and terra to try to counter balance fedcom and maybe see if we can start spreading hte democracy fire on terra about and make real change.
Yes, but we tried to counter-balance the negative relation with FedCom back then. We didn't know the game meta back then. Now we do...
I personally suggest spending the next economic activities to improve the relationship with whoever loses the Warship auction, or spend diplomatic to do the same. Or better yet, do both, open the relations with Magistracy and fix the relations with economic actions. We can also interact with Habitats, Terra, or Algenon.
We will hopefully have the result of the intel action finding out who is Hegemony afraid of.
Military action would be a waste - we don't necessarily destroy the Hegemony's stockpiles. They are meant to be used against designated bad guys, not us.
Lets see if we even take diplo loss from the selling and yeah a lot of things we need to throw actions at. Frankly the magistracy can come talk to us at this rate because we just dont have the free actions to get back to them. We have to many other things we need to get to.
Funny thing there is a pretty popular battletech game or two over there already. One i know best is a splinter colony of Taurian and magistracy people who find and manage to kill a alien infestation, resident evil 4 los plagas analogues, that over took a sldf splinter colony and last time i check was making slow contact with the IS while searching for the last survivors of the aliens that fled the defeat. As fitting for QQ they spec hard into bio science and are super Human but also they are all amazonian dick girls.
Still pretty interesting read.
And the other i saw but not really got into is some weird cross with monster girls and seems set super early in battlech like before any houses form and in the initial colony rush era.
Funny thing there is a pretty popular battletech game or two over there already. One i know best is a splinter colony of Taurian and magistracy people who find and manage to kill a alien infestation, resident evil 4 los plagas analogues, that over took a sldf splinter colony and last time i check was making slow contact with the IS while searching for the last survivors of the aliens that fled the defeat. As fitting for QQ they spec hard into bio science and are super Human but also they are all amazonian dick girls.
Still pretty interesting read.
And the other i saw but not really got into is some weird cross with monster girls and seems set super early in battlech like before any houses form and in the initial colony rush era.
[X] Targeted Intelligence:
A targeted Intelligence Operation should begin to gather targeted intelligence.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Targeted Intelligence
Why are the hegemony building up that armada in cold storage? They have enough now to conquer most every known civilization at once yet continue to build up so what has them scared?
[X] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity
Taurian Concordat
[X] Targeted Intelligence:
A targeted Intelligence Operation should begin to gather targeted intelligence.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Targeted Intelligence
Why are the hegemony building up that armada in cold storage? They have enough now to conquer most every known civilization at once yet continue to build up so what has them scared?
[X] Industrial Export/Trade Delegations:
With the analysis of the Helm Database and the preparations of many OCP companies to build and export Inner Sphere technology, trade delegations should be sent out to look for customers for the technology in the Inner Sphere and with it improve diplomacy as well.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%, Reward: +10 to external trade with selected world/polity, +10 to diplomacy with selected world/polity
Taurian Concordat
Funny thing there is a pretty popular battletech game or two over there already. One i know best is a splinter colony of Taurian and magistracy people who find and manage to kill a alien infestation, resident evil 4 los plagas analogues, that over took a sldf splinter colony and last time i check was making slow contact with the IS while searching for the last survivors of the aliens that fled the defeat. As fitting for QQ they spec hard into bio science and are super Human but also they are all amazonian dick girls.
Still pretty interesting read.
And the other i saw but not really got into is some weird cross with monster girls and seems set super early in battlech like before any houses form and in the initial colony rush era.
On Spacebattles, everyone would min-max to hell, and take notes from Stellaris to play as Fanatic Purifiers. Purge the unclean, kill the xenos, burn the witch. I can image how happy Warringer is going to be with that.
Not sure. Going by last page looks like the gm got busy or something and has not got back to the game. Yeah his profile page the holidays and stuff has him busy but it is not dead.
On Spacebattles, everyone would min-max to hell, and take notes from Stellaris to play as Fanatic Purifiers. Purge the unclean, kill the xenos, burn the witch. I can image how happy Warringer is going to be with that.
Do remember even with the lampreys the kill them all faction lost and they were trying other things. There can be a strong imperium vibe but it does not rule.
Do remember even with the lampreys the kill them all faction lost and they were trying other things. There can be a strong imperium vibe but it does not rule.
SB will always go on path of overwhelming firepower, unless you tell them game is based on different meta. SB is always meta. And even though they will try to go to path of overwhelming firepower because that's only thing they can focus on.
SB diverge from this fact only when they forget they aren't on QQ and go for harem anime logic, in which case Xon's Most Holy Inquisition stomps the game, and everyone returns back to getting more dakka.