Turn 89 - Autumn 2194/3044
Confederated Forces:
[] Clan Intimidation & Evacuation:
Time: ? turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: ?
Roll 1 of ?, Roll 1d100: 98+35+15 = 148 - Crit Success (Diplomacy with Lupus Republic, All Military Action)
Roll 2 of ?, Roll 1d100: 87+35+15 = 137 - Success
Roll 3 of ?, Roll 1d100: 75+35+15 = 125 - Success
Roll 4 of ?, Roll 1d100: 44+35+15 = 94 - Success
Roll 5 of ?, Roll 1d100: 44+35+15 = 94 - Success
Roll 6 of ?, Roll 1d100: 87+35+15 = 137 - Success
Roll 7 of ?, Roll 1d100: 70+35+15 = 120 - Success
Roll 8 of ?, Roll 1d100: 67+35+15 = 117 - Success
The reason for the refusal of the Grand Council to summon the leadership of the fleet after their landing on Strana Mechty became clear relatively quickly. The entire situation was propagating some panic within the Clans and it was believed necessary that the Kahns and SaKahns of all Clans should come to Strana Mechty to take part in the Grand Council, rather than deal with the situation over HPG. To Sophist Winters and General ven Hrevno, the situation was less of a problem, as it allowed the intelligence section of the Fleet to gather intelligence, largely from HGP Radio Backscatter as various Clans communicated .
For the most part, the reaction was split up between the lines of the three factions within the Clans. The Crusaders generally wished to almost immediately begin a Trial of Anihiliation against Clan Nova Cat for the crime of betraying the Great Father and his vision, foremost in this were Clan Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar, which were pressing especially strong.
The Guardians however were tentatively on the side of Nova Cat, though there had been some screaming matches between the Kahns of Nova Cat and Ghost Bear over the whole issue, which had slowly calmed down, after the explanation that the exodus of Nova Cat would allow the Guardians to have a base in the Inner Sphere, something they wished to for to protect it from outside threats.
The Wardens were standing in the middle, inclined to wait and see what would happen.
Even with these divergent points of view, all Clans went into a heightened state of alertness, preparing for what might happen at the Grand Council.
The rest of the time was used by intelligence to thoroughly penetrate Strana Mechty's communications network, relatively easily breaking the codes of any Clan on the planet and utilizing drones and Smart Dust to directly connect to various transmitters.
Eventually, all Kahns and SaKahns had arrived at Strana Mechty and entered the Grand Hall for a Council that lasted about three days, before Sophist Winters and General ven Hrevno were finally invited. Thanks to using drones and Smart Dust, it had been possible to listen in on the heavy discussions within the Council Chambers. Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar had indeed immediately called for a Trial of Anihiliation of Nova Cat, without even hearing the delegation, but that was immediately opposed by the Guardians, while the Wardens had remained neutral. There had been an attempt of Smoke Jaguar to initiate a Trial of Grievance, but that in turn had been smashed down by both the Wardens and the Guardians, as there had not yet been any decision been reached about the situation.
When Winters and ven Hrevno had been called in, they were accompanied by a mixed Heavy Armor Company, made up of tanks and mechs, as well as one of the Hunter-Killer packs as security detail. This led to consternation within the Grand Council, followed by an almost violent reaction to the commanding General of the Evacuation Force being non-human. That ven Hrevno was a second generation American and had grown up in Ohio was not of interest. His presence alone caused several warriors pull out weapons, preparing to shoot the General, until Winters, still someone well respected among the Kahns due to her former status as Oathmaster of Nova Cat, could talk everyone down.
In the end they were allowed to speak, with Sophist Winter explaining their reasoning carefully. She also tried to paint the picture of peaceful coexistence with aliens. Of course Nova Cat was in on the situation, but it came to the surprise of many others that Clan Star Adder and Hell's Horses were also implicated by Winters into the situation. This led to a vocal uproar within the Crusader camp, and they called for more Trials of Anihiliation against with Star Adder and Hell's Horses as a result. As both the Guardians and the Wardens once again denied the Trial almost immediately, the day's talks were called off and Winters and ven Hrevno sent back to their dropship.
Almost immediately after they were dismissed from the Grand Council, it was Kahn Leo Showers of Clan Smoke Jaguar that ordered an attack on the convoy as well as on the landing force. Thanks to the infiltration of Clan communication, the element of surprise was lost to Smoke Jaguar.
Smoke Jaguar Attack Force, Roll 1d100: 32+20+10 = 62 (Elite Clan Warriors, Knowledge of the Area)
1st Regiment 2nd Brigade, Roll 1d100: 98+5+10+10+5 = 128 (General Combat Bonus, Against Mechs, Knowledge of Clan Tactics, Battlefield Awareness)
Result: 62 vs 128 - Overwhelming OCP Success
As veterans of the 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 5th Expeditionary Division later called it, the Smoke Jaguars entered combat 'fat and happy', convinced of their superior technology, weapons and training. Even with allowing the Smoke Jaguars to fire the first shot, almost all Smoke Jaguar warriors, be they mech pilots or Elementals, were hit from beyond their own range by helical rail guns, particle beams, lasers and plasma bolts, not to mention smart missiles, putting their forces into disarray as they attempted to close into weapons range. While the defence against Smoke Jaguar Forces was an overwhelming success, there were still a number of OCP soldiers killed or injured over almost four hours of combat, during which the convoy made it to the landing zone.
Sophist Winters called the attacking Smoke Jaguars honourless cowards for breaking SafCon as it had been granted by the Grand Council in this situation and demanded Kahn Showers and those responsible would be punished. In fact, she called for a Trial of Grievance against Showers. Showers of course denied any knowledge of the attack, calling it a reaction of his warriors over the entire situation, with Winters responding that he was not fit to be a Kahn, if he could not keep his warriors under control. This in turn led to the Trial of Grievance between Winters and Showers, in mech to mech combat two days later.
Showers arrived in his Mad Dog class Omni Mech, while Winters had chosen to take a modified Fusilier, which was given to her several years earlier, modified to allow a single person piloting it.
Showers, Roll 1d100: 77+20-10 = 87 (Elite Clan Warrior, Lack of Preparedness)
Winters, Roll 1d100: 57+20+10+5 = 92 (Elite Clan Warrior, Battlefield Awareness, New tactics)
Result: 87 vs 92 - Winters wins barely
The Trial in the Circle of Equals spread out over almost half an hour, with both combatants showing their own elite status as warriors. However, Showers did lack some preparedness for the fight, as he had primarily been a politician for years before this point, making his reflexes appear a little rusty. Winters however could count on the more advanced battlefield awareness both the Fusiliers drones and Smark Dust dispensers gave her, as well as the new tactics she had learned from the 8th Expeditionary Division during the maneuvers back in the Republic.
Still, the Trial only ended with Winters being lucky, a rail gun bolt from her Fusilier penetrating the ammo bins of the Mad Dog's LRMs, causing them to cook off and blow the entire right side from Showers' mech, from the arm to the leg, taking him out of the fight and heavily injuring him in the subsequent collapse as his mech toppled and his body straps failed in the critical moment.
Winters' Fusilier had been heavily damaged in return and only the more advanced security features had allowed the mech to survive several hits from the Mad Dogs lasers.
The entire aftermath of the situation, from the Smoke Jaguar attack to the Trial of Grievance against Showers, was rampant in the Clan's ChatterNet and other communication channels. One of the main threads of conversation was whether or not the OCP was the new normal within the Inner Sphere, contrary to what everyone had received from Wolf's Dragoons, who had somehow dropped from the radar years earlier.
Additionally, the aftermath allowed the Evacuation Force to make inroads with the Kahns of the Guardians, as well as those of Clan Wolf, who appeared to be mostly pragmatic about the entire situation and wished to use it to prevent the Crusaders from calling for an invasion of the Inner Sphere.
While this allowed beginning talking to the clans, it was clear the Crusaders Clans would not keep sitting on their hands for long, as it appeared both Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Burrock and even Clan Blood Spirit were preparing attacks of their own, perhaps even in concert with each other. To react to eventual threats,
CFS Undyerlor and
CFS Und-athtas, carrying the rest of the 5th Expeditionary Division were moved to orbit of Strana MEchty and put on notice to reach 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade within several minutes with an emergency reentry and combat landing.
active for ? more turns
[] Cutting Communications:
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 3, Roll 1d100: 55+15 = 70 - Success
Roll 2 of 3, Roll 1d100: 47+15 = 62 - Success
Roll 3 of 3, Roll 1d100: 64+15 = 79 - Success
Combined: 70 - Success
CFS Belladonna and
CFS Ighttiniss destroyed the various number stations one after the other, The Confederation Space Force thought about completely securing the Far Star system against the Hegemony and decided to move the newly formed 5th Frontier Fleet to Graveyard, utilizing the newly discovered tesseract link.
Together with 1st Battle Fleet and a single Lerbtur, 5th Frontier Fleet then moved in on Far Star, preparing to engage the Hegemony vessels.
Hegemony, Roll 1d100: 43+10-10 = 48 (Advantage of Numbers, Surprise)
OCP, Roll 1d100: 78+10+10 = 98 (Longer Range, Surprise)
Result: 48 vs 98 - Overwhelming OCP Success
Combat against Hegemony forces was surprisingly one sided, as they were almost paralysed by surprise, after 1st Battle and 5th Frontier Fleet jumped into the system and immediately engaged the Hegemony with long range missile bombardment, as well as particle beams to take out any biological crew of the vessels.
From the reactions and the attempts to communicate with the attacking OCP forces, the crews of the Hegemony vessels appeared to be surprised to be attacked by full-blown WarShips, initially believing them to belong to the Hegemony and being reinforcements, before being thrown off their game by being confronted by a force they knew nothing about.
In the end, all Hegemony WarShips were destroyed, with only a few survivors being taken as the last vessel finally was forced to surrender.
This meant that the Far Star system was secured by the OCP and the Lerbtur began to utilize the resources of the system, but especially the derelicts from the Hegemony to set up heavy system defences.
Reward: Far Star is secured, the Communication link between the Inner Sphere and the Hegemony is severed
OCP Survey Office:
[] Kill all Terran Spies:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 40%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 56+15 = 71 - Success (All Intelligence Actions)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 41+10+15 = 66 - Success (MIIO Cooperation)
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 99+10+15 = 123 - Crit Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 34+10+15 = 59 - Failure
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 75+10+15 = 100 - Success
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 93+10+15 = 118 - Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 12+10+15 = 37 - Failure
Roll 8 of 8, Roll 1d100: 77+10+15 = 102 - Success
Combined: 84 . Success
Agents taken out, Roll (40+3d20): 80
Negative IntOps, Roll 3d20: 50
The two attacks of the LOKI cells against not only the OCP embassies, but also the NEw Terra Conference, appeared to be the straw that broke the camels back as far as Archon Steiner was concerned. With backing from First Prince Davion, she declared LOKI to be defunct and a threat to national security, giving the order of any and all Lyran agencies to work to destroy LOKI once and for all. This sparked off a wider 'secret war' as all intelligence agencies of the FEderated Commonwealth began to move in against LOKI. Of course the Survey Office followed suit, supporting the other agencies, though it was believed that the final death of LOKI would take years of operations against their various hidden cells.
Meanwhile, SAFE was able to almost purge their own ranks from Hegemony agents, most of which were unable to act in the Hegemonies interest, as they lacked any new orders, indicating that they had been tightly controlled from Terra Nova.
In the end, int was believed about 80 percent of Hegemony agents had been taken out over the past two years, with most survivors active within the nations of the former Draconis Combine.
Reward: 80% of Terran Agents are taken out, -50 to Terran Hegemony IntOps, Background Event: War on LOKI
[] Scouting the Terran Hegemony:
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 35%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 90+15 = 105 - Success (All Intelligence Actions)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+15 = 111 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 63+15 = 78 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 66+15 = 81 - Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 55+15 = 70 - Success
With the remaining surveillance satellites emplaced, the scout vessels were able to check for the systems where the Hegemony was stockpiling their forces, discovering one of these systems by mid Autumn. A quick survey of the system, about ten lightyears distant to Terra Nove, showed that at least seven hundred WarShips were docked with several huge anchorages, apparently in deep storage, while several more anchorages were locked with large scale transport jumpships, based on the Star Lord class, with no less then eight dropship collars, each with a full complement of dropships docked to the collars.
From previous knowledge, this appeared to be about a third of the production of a hundred years, with one third purposelessly destroyed at Algareon every two years. With this data, there should be at least two more of these systems around, where the rest of the 'Stocpile Fleet' was docked. However, there still was the fact that about two hundred WarShips, though largely smaller vessels of up to 1Mtonne, were currently active within the Hegemony at any given moment, running patrols and the like.
These 'Stockpile Systems' would certainly be the first to be hit by any OCP attack, utilizing either Class V KKV missile or Class VI RKKV missiles, the latter which were under active development.
active for 1 more turns
OCP Diplomatic Corps:[/B]
[] International Cooperation:
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 99+10 = 109 - Crit Success (All Diplomatic Actions)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 57+10 = 67 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 7+10 = 17 - Failure
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 67+10 = 77 - Success
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 94+10 = 104 - Success
One of the first reactions to the LOKI attack on the conference center on New Earth were offers of help from both the OCP and the Confederation of Habitats, largely to supply New Terra, any by extension New Avalon, with drugs that would help with radiation damage to people, but also help decontaminate the considerable areas that were affected. There was some initial resistance against this outside help, but it was First Prince Davion who put his foot down and openly welcomed any help, stating in private it might help usher in a new age of cooperation, while also asking for medical help for his wife Melissa, who was in a medically stable state, but still had lost her legs and sustained several additional injuries.
This of course led to both the OCP and the Confederation of Habitats sending medical personnel and supplies to both New Earth and New Avalon.
Meanwhile, Davion used the attack and a condemnation of the attack and its Hegemony backers to open up the Conference in a hastily prepared different conference center, which was put under heavy guard to prevent a similar attack by LOKI or other Hegemony agents. He immediately said the conference's goal was not to create a new Star League, as even he, who had previously loved to have taken the throne, had been put off by the repeated news of the Hegemonies crimes against humanity and even their own people. How could he himself attempt to emulate something like that?
Still, he noted, the general goal of the Star League, to unify humanity in peace, was a worthy goal, but not one that should be pursued at the end of a gun pointed at your head. Instead, he proposed to unify all humanity in an organization meant for peace, without their own standing army, something likened by the OCP delegation to the earlier League of Nations on Earth. Davion even called his proposed organization a 'League of Nations', where every nation of the Inner Sphere would have the same representation as every other, which was perceived as a nod towards the Periphery nations that were the losers of the Star League.
Of course, the first thing this 'League of Nations' would need to do was to fight either the Clans or the Terran Hegemony.
active for 3 more turns
[] Integration Office:
Time: 6 turns, Chance of Success: 55%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 53+10 = 63 - Success (All Diplomatic Actions)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 33+10 = 43 - Failure
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 21+10 = 31 - Failure
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 19+10 = 29 - Failure
[] CANCEL - 6 votes
Because the idea of the Integration Office was so highly controversial, the two groups in Parliament could only agree not to agree, and the laws that would have introduced it were put on hold for the foreseeable future to deal with more important issues that did not bother Parliament so much.
Result: Action canecelled, unable to work on it for 4 turns
OCP Trade Organization:[/B]
[] Space Industry IV:
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10+20+15 = 81 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network, Space Industry, Space Mining)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 30+10+10+10+20+20 = 100 - Success
Roll 3 of 4, Roll 1d100: 71+10+10+10+20+20 = 141 - Success
Slowly more and more of the former medium and heavy industrial areas on both Earth and Jerat, but also other worlds, like Hannover and Washington, were moving wholesale into space, either into orbital facilities or asteroid factories, where none of the dangerous byproducts could be introduced into a biosphere. Even in the Circinus Cooperative and the Illyrian Palatinate the few industries the two polities had were moved into space, which in turn lead to more industries settling in their space, helping create local job opportunities in space as well as helping the local economy in general.
active for 1 more turns
[] Space Mining IV: - 7 votes
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 90+10+10+10+20+20 = 160 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network, Space Industry, Space Mining)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 75+10+10+10+20+20 = 145 - Success
The same incentives that helped move industry into space also helped move the last remains of planetary mining into space, where it was easier to get to the various raw materials needed for heavy and medium industry and refine them with the help of the infinite energy provided by a system's primary. Some mining, like the germanium mines on New Berlin, however, were unlikely to be closed and moved into space, as especially this material was in high demand for jumpship and WarShip construction, especially with the growing threat of the Hegemony.
active for 2 more turns
OCP Office for Science and Development:
[] Better MetaMaterials: - 6 votes
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10 = 40 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 86+10+10 = 106 - Success
Finally, after some political wrangling within the scientific community, money had been granted to a number of projects which goal was to develop new Meta Materials with various applications, be they structural engineering, electronics, heat management or others.
Largely, this research aimed to make do with the various super computing centers to play around with mathematical and genetic modelling, as to test out many possible configurations and find new variants that performed better than existing ones.
active for 4 more turns
[] Non-Germanium Jumpdrives - 5 votes
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 25+10+10 = 45 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Concurrently, as research into Meta Materials began, some scientists were beginning to wonder about ways to replace the expansive Germanium in jump drives. Partially this was grounded on the scarcity of germanium itself, but also in seeking to replace the germanium mines that had sprung up on various planets, some of which were far from ecologically sound in their mining and refining methods. If germanium could be replaced by the extremely abundant silicon, for example, these mines would not be needed anymore.
The project ran into the same problems as the Meta Material projects had encountered earlier, insufficient possible funding with the number of different projects under the purview of the Office for Science and Development.
active for 5 more turns
OCP Internal Events:
With the potential for a massively expanded Hegemony threat, should they reactivate the WarShips they have in deep storage, many within Parliament began to talk about the possibility to massively expand the Confederations Fleet already, even if the currently active Fleet Expansion Project was still underway. Providing additional funding would certainly ease some minds at the very least.
Additionally, there was the idea to use the New Earth Conference to auction off the old Comstar vessels taken by the Confederation during the destruction of that organization, at least giving the Inner Sphere some WarShips to support and operation against the Hegemony.
Then there were some scientists lobbying in Parliament to expand the funding capabilities of the Office for Science and Development, as more and more scientific projects were running into problems securing their funding.
Intelligence Report:
Periphery Alliance:
Lupus Republic:
Not much is happening within the Lupus Republic.
Lothian League:
Not much is happening within the Lothian League.
Far Star Situation:
Not much of interest is coming from Algareon.
Terran Hegemony
There is currently a lack of intelligence about the Terran Hegemony.
Taurian Concordat:
Not much of interest is happening within the Concordat.
Magistracy of Canopus:
Not much of interest is happening within the Magistracy.
Inner Sphere:
Federated Commonwealth:
Not much of interest is happening in the Federated Commonwealth.
Draconis Combine:
The Draconis Combine continues to splinter and collapse.
Free Worlds League:
Not much of interest is happening in the FWL.
Dutchy of Andurien:
Not much of interest is happening in the Dutchy of Andurien.
Confederation of Habitats:
Not much of interest is happening within the CoH.
Slowly the bioweapon could be controlled, as more vaccine and cure was spread through Terras infected population.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
Random Event - Nothing happens