Turn 88 - Summer 2194/3044
Confederated Forces:
[] Clan Intimidation & Evacuation: active
Time: ? turns, Chance of success: 65%, Reward: ?
Roll 1 of ?, Roll 1d100: 98+35+15 = 148 - Crit Success (Diplomacy with Lupus Republic, All Military Action)
Roll 2 of ?, Roll 1d100: 87+35+15 = 137 - Success
Roll 3 of ?, Roll 1d100: 75+35+15 = 125 - Success
Roll 4 of ?, Roll 1d100: 44+35+15 = 94 - Success
Roll 5 of ?, Roll 1d100: 44+35+15 = 94 - Success
Roll 6 of ?, Roll 1d100: 87+35+15 = 137 - Success
Roll 7 of ?, Roll 1d100: 70+35+15 = 120 - Success
Should the Evacuation force swing by Tanis to immediately begin a Trial of Possession for the place?
[] No - 4 votes
As the Evacuation Fleet reached space near Tanis, having expected to directly challenge Clan Cloud Cobra for the system and subsequently began to set it up as a staging base for dealing with the clans, that possibility was denied to the Fleet by the Diplomatic Corps, who rather wanted to make sure that the Clans were fully aware of the OCP, before dealing with them in any way. As such, the Fleet continued on towards Clans Space and Strana Mechty, which they reached by the end of Summer, taking care to keep outside of any Clan owned system until the entirety of the fleet jumped into the Oort Cloud of the system, before preparing to jump directly into the L1 point of Strana Mechty and its primary.
On arrival, the vessels remained within the L1 point, immediately broadcasting an all frequency demand for SafCon under Zellbrigen and that no one wished to fight. This was immediately challenged from Strana Mechty, with Sophist Biccon Winters responding that she had invited the forces of the OCP to Clan Space, for the express purpose of evacuating the entirety of Clan Nova Cat.
This almost immediately resulted in the demand to appear before the Grand Council in the Hall of Kahns. Sophist Winters acquiesced to the demand, noting she would bring with her representatives of the OCP, as well as guards. As such Winters and General Aldrana ven Hrevno, the Ormiold Commanding General of the 5th Expedictionary Division and in command of Ground Forces, as well as 1st Heavy Combined Arms Regiment of the 2nd Combined Arms Brigade Combat Team of the 5th Expeditionary Division to act as guard forces.
The choice had been made due to the 1st Heavy Combined Arms Regiment being equipped with all three Mech and Tank types used in the mainline combat forces of the OCP, as well as two Hunter-Killer packs and heavy mechanized infantry to act as a show of force upon encountering the Clans, possibly intimidating Clan leadership.
Upon landing, the entirety of the 1st Heavy Combined Arms Regiment disembarked and secured the landing area without opposition, setting up a protective cordon around the dropships. The landing operating itself was observed by various different clans, especially by Clans Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, Snow Raven and Ghost Bear.
However, both Winters and ven Hrevno were left waiting to be summoned before the Kahns, while many Clans moved forces into position to counter the 1st Heavy Combined Arms Regiment.
active for ? more turns
[] Cutting Communications: active
Time: 3 turns, Chance of success: 55%
Roll 1 of 3, Roll 1d100: 55+15 = 70 - Success
Roll 2 of 3, Roll 1d100: 47+15 = 62 - Success
Following the destruction of the two Bastions in the Far Star system, observation continued, showing surprising panic and an inability to fully deal with the situation within the Hegemony Forces. Following a period of about a week when actions of the forces appeared to be random at best, the forces then began to patrol the system as if nothing had happened, while two smaller WarShips, likely acting as couriers, left the system.
Meanwhile, in the Inner Sphere, the two Arethusa class vessels CFS Belladonna and CFS Ighttiniss reached space around Terra, and prepared to intercept and destroy the last number station satellites discovered some time ago.
active for 1 more turn
OCP Survey Office:
[] Kill all Terran Spies: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 40%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 56+15 = 71 - Success (All Intelligence Actions)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 41+10+15 = 66 - Success (MIIO Cooperation)
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 99+10+15 = 123 - Crit Success
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 34+10+15 = 59 - Failure
Roll 5 of 8, Roll 1d100: 75+10+15 = 100 - Success
Roll 6 of 8, Roll 1d100: 93+10+15 = 118 - Success
Roll 7 of 8, Roll 1d100: 12+10+15 = 37 - Failure
The continued secret 'Loki War' spilled out in the open in Summer, when several of the Renegade Loki factions combined forces and openly defied Archon Steiner. They were able to undermine and gain control of two mercenary companies, which were used to perpetuate significant acts of property damage in an attempt to destroy the OCP embassy on Tharkad, while managing smuggling a dirty bomb into the Embassy on New Avalon, which contaminated the entirety of the building with plutonium-239 and killing several of the Embassy staff.
This was not the only use of dirty bombs, as another dirty bomb, seeded with radioactive combalt-60, detonated on New Earth inside the conference center prepared to hold the Tau Ceti Conference. To make matters worse, the timing had been so that Melissa Steiner-Davion had been present in the conference center and was buried by rubble from the bomb for nearly two entire days, crushing both her legs, and she was forced to inhale a large dose of the cobalt-60 dust released by the detonation. She was immediately rushed into hospital, where the best medical personnel on New Earth took care of her.
The OCP managed to talk the Confederation of Habitats to provide their own highly trained medical staff, just as the medical staff of the OCP delegation prepared to support the treatment of Melissa Steiner-Davion. While it would be possible to decontaminate her, her legs needed to be amputated and either replaced by cybernetics of cloned limbs. It was unclear whether she would bear any more children.
While it remained unclear what the reaction of Archon Steiner and First Prince Davion would be, the FWL's reaction was one of fear and SAFE began to root out any and all Hegemony agents they could find with the help of the OCP.
active for 1 more turn
[] Scouting the Terran Hegemony: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 35%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 90+15 = 105 - Success (All Intelligence Actions)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 96+15 = 111 - Crit Success
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 63+15 = 78 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 66+15 = 81 - Success
With the discovery that there were storage yards within the space of the Terran Hegemony, one of the new orders for the Scouting vessels were to immediately begin a search for those storage yards, even if it meant to search every system within the sphere of influence of the Hegemony. However, the search was made somewhat easier by the lack of jump ship traffic within the Hegemony, which was curtailed by the Hegemony government on grounds of 'security against enemy sponsored pirates'.
To this end it appeared the Hegemony had complete control over interstellar travel, utilising armored convoys of Carrack class jumpships, supported by several destroyer class vessels to carry logistics between the systems of the Hegemony. To continuously perpetuate the narrative, it appeared that transport convoys that were scheduled for departure, were never sent, while the news reported attacks on those convoys, adding supply chain shortages on all worlds of the Hegemony.
By the end of Summer, the survey craft had reached all officially known systems of the Hegemony and emplaced survey satellites and began the arduous search for the storage yards.
active for 2 more turns
OCP Diplomatic Corps:[/B]
[] International Cooperation: active
Time: 8 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 8, Roll 1d100: 99+10 = 109 - Crit Success (All Diplomatic Actions)
Roll 2 of 8, Roll 1d100: 57+10 = 67 - Success
Roll 3 of 8, Roll 1d100: 7+10 = 17 - Failure
Roll 4 of 8, Roll 1d100: 30+10 = 40 - Failure
As protests against the Conference continued, the LOKI attack on the Conference Center resulted in the deaths of many of the protesters, who had gathered in front of the building when the blast went off. Consequently, the dirty aspect of the explosion and the release of cobalt-60 led to a considerable number of injured people, who needed to be helped.
This disrupted the protests, as FedSun news agencies published the story as an attack by a hostile force wanting to invade the entirety of the Inner Sphere and periphery and that the bombing of the Conference Center was an attempt to prevent the Conference. Additionally, the medical state of Melissa Steiner-Davion was readily broadcast. This was partially an attempt to use the attack to disrupt the protests with a counter-narrative as well as drum up support for the Conference and for Melissa.
The entire situation meant that another location on New Earth needed to be found, delaying the Conference further.
active for 4 more turns
[] Integration Office: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of Success: 55%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 53+10 = 63 - Success (All Diplomatic Actions)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 33+10 = 43 - Failure
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 23+10 = 33 - Failure
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 21+10 = 31 - Failure
As discussions in Parliament continued, the front lines of those for and against an Integration Office became more pronounced and attacks from either side became more heated. In one instance, a fight broke out between MPs that had to be broken up, with both MPs injured in more than their pride.
active for 2 more turns
OCP Trade Organization:[/B]
[] Space Industry IV: active
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 60%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 16+10+10+10+20+15 = 81 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network, Space Industry, Space Mining)
Roll 2 of 4, Roll 1d100: 67+10+10+10+20+20 = 137 - Success
With more incentives going out, more and more of the large companies felt it was time to move some of their heavy industry completely from the surface of Earth and Jerat and move it completely into space, though some incentives were given to clean up the vacated industrial areas and renature them.
active for 2 more turns
[] Space Mining IV: - 7 votes
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success: 70%
Roll 1 of 4, Roll 1d100: 90+10+10+10+20+20 = 160 - Success (Stronger Economy, Economic Ties, Interstellar Communication Network, Space Industry, Space Mining)
With the extension of the space borne industry, it was only logical that an extension of the space borne mining should follow to supply the new industrial stations with raw materials to continue producing. Some people within the OCPTO even believed that continued expansion of mining in space might lead to the OCP becoming a post-scarcity society when it came to raw materials over the short to medium term.
active for 3 more turns
OCP Office for Science and Development:
[] Hyperwave Lanes: active
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 40%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 56+10+10 = 76 - Success (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Roll 2 of 6, Roll 1d100: 4+10+10 = 24 - Failure
Roll 3 of 6, Roll 1d100: 44+10+10 = 65 - Success
Roll 4 of 6, Roll 1d100: 70+10+10 = 90 - Success
Roll 5 of 6, Roll 1d100: 83+10+10 = 103 - Success
Roll 6 of 6, Roll 1d100: 84+10+10 = 104 - Success
Combined: 77
FTL multiplicator, Roll 1d20: 19
Hyperwave Lane Range, Roll 2d20: 30
The Von Neumann On Silent Rubber Feet could slightly speed up the production of the Hyperwave Lange Generator statites and finish one month ahead of schedule, before acting as central control, while the orbit of the statites was slowed down until they remained stationary over the same spot over the Sun's surface, held in place sorely by the pressure of radiation and solar wind. Special vanes integrated into the design allowed them to maneuver in space and keep a close formation as they floated over the surface of the Sun.
After several weeks of preparation and initial tests, the Hyperwave Lane Generators were finally synchronized and began to project the first Hyperwave Lane towards Beta Hydri, where the arrival of the focussed Hyperwaves was detected a day later, showing that the Hyperwave lane had an usable range of at least about 24 lightyears.
An unmanned HFEG capable craft did the first actual test, which arrived at Beta Hydri after just over six hours, showing that the FTL velocity of this single vessel had increased from 5 lightyears per day to 95 lightyears per day or 34675 times the speed of light. This alone was a reason to celebrate, but tests for an entire squadron had to be performed and one of the system defense squadrons was volunteered for test. The squadron arrived at Beta Hydri within a mere four hours. As such, the speed for squadrons had increased from 7.5 lightyears per day to 142.5 lightyears per day, or 52000 times the speed of light.
The FTL speed for travel through the Everchanging Black had increased by 19 times.
The final tests were done to get the range of the system, once again sending out an unmanned HFEG equipped vessel. This time it was noted that the effective range of the Hyperwave lane seemed to be around 30 lightyears, after which the strength of the Hyperwave Lane rapidly attenuated.
With the relative ease of construction for the generators, this meant that a network of Hyperwave Lanes would be an extremely fast way to travel between the systems of the OCP, easily becoming a contender for Jump Drives, especially since it was proposed an HFEG equipped vessel could switch between Hyperwave Lanes while within the Everchanging Black, allowing reaching systems within 30 lightyears in less than a day.
Result: Hyperwave Lanes increase HFEG speeds up to 19 times, New Economic Action
[] Better MetaMaterials: - 6 votes
Time: 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%
Roll 1 of 6, Roll 1d100: 20+10+10 = 40 - Failure (Research Center Sol, Interstellar Communication Network)
Ever since the discovery of the Algareon Megastructures, many of the material engineers within the OCP wondered what materials might be used by The Tribunal to construct these structures. They were sure that meta materials of some type had been utilized, but were unsure which ones. Additionally, analysis of the Helm Database had shown there were numerous surprisingly simple meta materials out there that could improve the design of heat sinks and even armor over the results already achieved.
As such suggestions were made to the Office for Science and Development to begin a research program to develop new meta materials, which was denied, on the grounds that it was outside of the budget for Summer, but might be within the budget later in the year.
active for 5 more turns
OCP Internal Events:
Not much of interest happens internally.
Intelligence Report:
Periphery Alliance:
Lupus Republic:
Not much is happening within the Lupus Republic.
Lothian League:
Not much is happening within the Lothian League.
Far Star Situation:
Some talks with the Algareon continued for the time being, waiting for an official diplomatic mission.
Terran Hegemony
There is currently a lack of intelligence about the Terran Hegemony.
Taurian Concordat:
Not much of interest is happening within the Concordat.
Magistracy of Canopus:
Not much of interest is happening within the Magistracy.
Inner Sphere:
Federated Commonwealth:
Not much of interest is happening in the Federated Commonwealth.
Draconis Combine:
The Draconis Combine continues to splinter and collapse.
Free Worlds League:
The buildup along the Andurien-FWL border halted as the situation with the Terran Hegemony had appeared, though with a delay.
Dutchy of Andurien:
The buildup along the Andurien-FWL border halted as the situation with the Terran Hegemony had appeared, though with a delay.
Confederation of Habitats:
Not much of interest is happening within the CoH.
Slowly the bioweapon could be controlled, as more vaccine and cure was spread through Terras infected population.
Expansion and Suggestions:
The DSSI Network slowly continues to expand into the Inner Sphere.
Random Event - Nothing happens