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Growing Horizons: Inner Sphere - Quest

Because human space is exceedingly small compared to the rest of the galaxy and its contained itself by the Hegemony.
Shit. The Terran Hegemony surrounds us (the Sphere, Periphery and Clans) in a ring?! Holy fucking shit. I knew Iron Womb tech combined with SLDF auto factories could allow one to create an entire empire of tens of trillions from scratch but this is hax!bullshit.
Shit. The Terran Hegemony surrounds us (the Sphere, Periphery and Clans) in a ring?! Holy fucking shit. I knew Iron Womb tech combined with SLDF auto factories could allow one to create an entire empire of tens of trillions from scratch but this is hax!bullshit.
It cant. It really cant. At best they have worlds or stations around but if they had a solid ring around it the shear size means they could have walked in any time and taken the center unless they are that distracted dealing with other problems like rebels and races within and other empires without.
Our current encounter proves that there can be civilizations hidden everywhere and we won't hear about them unless we run into them by complete accident. We should have to hear about that coalition by now, but we didn't ...
Your statement was every starting point we could have started at having someone and we know that is wrong because they would be openly shaking things up but beyond that we are in the dark.

Star League wasn't post-scarcity not even at height of their power so it doesn't fit the universe.
The only reason they were not post scaricty was because it would have upset the apple cart of noble rule. Without houses and feudal rule holding the people back the IS would have totally diffrent and unrecognizable.

Let me ask you this simple Question...

Are you the GM of this Quest?


Than stop trying to be the GM!

I am the GM, when I give a Word of God, it is THE FUCKING WORD OF FUCKING GOD!

This is exactly why the bloody BTRR over at SB developed into a dumpster fire and it will not happen in this Quest. So please, for the love of god, leave your pessimism at the freaking door!

Let me ask you this simple Question...

Are you the GM of this Quest?


Than stop trying to be the GM!

I am the GM, when I give a Word of God, it is THE FUCKING WORD OF FUCKING GOD!

This is exactly why the bloody BTRR over at SB developed into a dumpster fire and it will not happen in this Quest. So please, for the love of god, leave your pessimism at the freaking door!
Call a mod if one of us annoys you.
Than stop trying to be the GM!

I am the GM, when I give a Word of God, it is THE FUCKING WORD OF FUCKING GOD!

This is exactly why the bloody BTRR over at SB developed into a dumpster fire and it will not happen in this Quest. So please, for the love of god, leave your pessimism at the freaking door!
I am sorry, I understand you are pissed off, but I don't have an idea why. I don't know what BTRR even means. I guess it is "my story isn't supposed to be about that" and "this is not how I meant the game to be played" ... which is fine except for one tiny problem - it's interactive, and sadly it means someone will try to not follow the script they weren't even given. Write a story. Your characters will follow the script you have for them.
Battletech round robin. It is or was on spacebattles involving dozens of people writing out a scenario like this though in that case it was tom clancey's Ryan verse in Battletech. Amazing run and generated a lot of content but fell apart because no one maintain tight control of it and everyone was running in different directions with a vocal minority obsessed with throwing out tech and designs that just made things worse. Wish the mods had not killed its own folder because now it is near impossible to find the damn near hundred threads it spawned in a useful manner.

Your profile says you are 39 how can you be that bad at social interaction? You are at age where you would have learned it by fist to the face if not any other way.
Battletech round robin. It is or was on spacebattles involving dozens of people writing out a scenario like this though in that case it was tom clancey's Ryan verse in Battletech. Amazing run and generated a lot of content but fell apart because no one maintain tight control of it and everyone was running in different directions with a vocal minority obsessed with throwing out tech and designs that just made things worse. Wish the mods had not killed its own folder because now it is near impossible to find the damn near hundred threads it spawned in a useful manner.

Your profile says you are 39 how can you be that bad at social interaction? You are at age where you would have learned it by fist to the face if not any other way.
Uh oh. Maybe he is Autistic like me. I am what people called Asperger, aka: High Functioning Autism. He/She may have it worse.
Armor Rule Redesign - Redesign of Hinaughy
Guys, please do not start anything that might make a scene... Please?

Anyway... I'm going to float this upgraded Hinaughy, based on the new Armor design I've been developing... Data taken from a Spreadsheet I've made to ease making new WarShips... >_>

Class Name:             Hinaughy
Designer:               Quadtur Spacecraft Systems
Manufacturer:           Quadtur DockYard (61 Virginis)
Vessel Type:            Frigate
Type:                   Advanced WarShip
Mass:                   850,000 tonnes
Technology Base:        OCP
Introduced:             2192

Structural Integrity:   75
    Single Piece Fabricated (molecular 3D printed) Carbon nanotube reinforced Ti-Al-Fe Alloy frame
Spacecraft Shape:       Truncated Cone

FTL Drives:
    Radhakrishnan-Singh n-Dimensional Drive

Transit Drive:          Improved Torch Drive
Safe Thrust:            2g
Maximum Thrust:         3g
Fuel:                   5,00  tonnes

Heat:                   6186
Heatsinks:              2927 Improved Heatsinks
Free Heatsinks:         328

Armor Type:             Smith Composite Armor
Armor Mass:             141,667 tonnes
Armor Points:           3245
Armor Scheme:           Balanced
Active Defense:         Shrivatsa System
Additional Protection:  649
Complete Armor:         3894

    Bow:                25,500.06 t    (700.92)
    Front Left/Right:   23,375.06 t    (642.51)
    Aft Left/Right:     23,375.06 t    (642.51)
    Aft:                22,666.72 t    (623.04)

    Type            Size    Doors    Mass
    Small Craft        1        2       220.00 t
    Drones/Fighters   12       12     1,920.00 t
    Large Craft        6        6    66,060.00 t
    Fabricator      2000        1     4,010.00 t
    Refinery        1000        1     4,010.00 t

Crew:                    227
Officers:                 45
Enlisted:                182
AI:                        1
Life Boats:               23

Collar Type:            Compact
Max Dropship Collars:    68
Dropship Collars:         6

    Type                                        Turreted    Count      Mass        Heat    Damage    Ammo per    Ammo Mass    Overall
                                                                                                      Weapon                  Ammo
    500GeV Wakefield Particle Beam Projector       FALSE        2     2,800.00 t     500     160      
    Focussed Hypervelicoty Macron Accelerator       TRUE        2     7,700.00 t     200     120      
    400mm Plasma Bolter                             TRUE       12    36,300.00 t    1008     672      
    800MW 300nm Laser                               TRUE       24     7,392.00 t     768     148.8      
    275mm Plasma Bolter                             TRUE       40    66,000.00 t    2320    1540      
    Class III Missile                              FALSE       24     5,760.00 t     360     144          70     16,800.00 t       1680
    Class IV Missile                               FALSE       12     4,080.00 t     480      96          35     16,800.00 t        420
    Laser Kinetic AMS                              FALSE      110       605.00 t     550      22        1500        110.00 t     165000
                                            Combined          116   130,637.00 t    6186    2902.8               33,710.00 t  

Misc Equipment      
    Equipment                 Mass  
    ERS-HPG                  50.00 t
    Laser Com Suite          25.00 t
    AI Core                  85.00 t
    Caldran Ansible         100.00 t
    Combined                260.00 t

Mass Summary  
Transit Drive           144,840.00 t
Fuel                      5,000.00 t
Structure                47,812.50 t
FTL Drive               255,000.00 t
LF Battery                    0.00 t
Sail                          0.00 t
Crew Quarters             2,270.00 t
Heatsinks                 2,927.00 t
Armor                   141,667.00 t
Weapons                 130,637.00 t
Ammunition               33,710.00 t
Fire Control                654.00 t
Transport Bays           76,220.00 t
Dropship Hardpoints       6,000.00 t
Grav Decks                  100.00 t
Life Boats                2,300.00 t
Misc                        260.00 t
Total                   849,397.50 t
Empty Mass                  602.50 t

Thoughts and comments?

I have to say that I am quite taken in by the redesign... It can an take an alpha strike from itself...
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Your profile says you are 39 how can you be that bad at social interaction? You are at age where you would have learned it by fist to the face if not any other way.
I suppose I was always slow to learn when I think of it, even though the Internet deserves a special mention, reading people here is harder and offending them much easier.
As far as I know I am not autistic but I don't understand people either and actively avoid them when possible. I don't have friends and vastly prefer to be alone. Most all my social interaction is on forums like this. That learn by being punched is not much of a exaggeration. After high school I had a learning curve were suddenly it did matter if I could talk to people and not send them into a rage being blunt. Still have problems with it at time.

Warringer that is a vastly improved design. Need to actually look over the tables but just the layout is far superior and granular than what was using. Now just figuring out what's what...
Might want to check subcap weapons look like missing a zero.

So much info could design a ship myself with this. Might try just get hang of it. And yeah finally a design that can take its own broadside.
Might want to check subcap weapons look like missing a zero.
I have no real idea why that happens, but its an error that can be ignored.
So much info could design a ship myself with this. Might try just get hang of it. And yeah finally a design that can take its own broadside.
Feel free to make a copy of the spreadsheet and play around with it.
As far as I know I am not autistic but I don't understand people either and actively avoid them when possible. I don't have friends and vastly prefer to be alone. Most all my social interaction is on forums like this. That learn by being punched is not much of a exaggeration. After high school I had a learning curve were suddenly it did matter if I could talk to people and not send them into a rage being blunt. Still have problems with it at time.
It was much easier to get punched in elementary school than it was later on in life. Perhaps because I never understood sports I never bother to watch football matches where fans on each team commonly punch each other, and I didn't attend enough parties to get into drunken brawls because I am too sick to drink, or perhaps the Internet is the place where it actually is easier to offend people. Or perhaps I am actually retarded, if sleep doesn't function properly in my brain, what else may have broken in the stupid brain of mine
Leak FedCom Helicals and MRMs to the FWL
[X] Yes, And give basic data on exoframes so they can make their own version of exoskeleton frames and if possible quietly slip all this data to Taurians as well.

Should the Illyrian Palatinate be inducted into the Confederation as member state?
[X] Yes

[X] Military Action: Dispatch a significant fleet to the area of the Far Star Station
Dispatch a considerable force of warships and at least one Von Neumann to the region.
There are significant developments in the region and we should have forces there to respond or deals ourselves into whatever the game is, should we decide to do it.
Additionally it would protect the forces dispatched to the graveyard system.
Time: 2 to 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: varies

[X] Follow the Unknowns:
With the battle of 'Far Star Station' and its destruction by the hands of the unknowns, the Scouting Force should be sent immediately to follow the unknowns back to their homebase.
Time: ? turns, Chance of Success: 65%, Reward: Some information on the Unknowns

[X] Diplomatic Action:
There is always some diplomatic action that seems to be important.
Time: 2 to 6 turns, Chance of success: 50%, Reward: varies
Brief Lupus that yes we know where clan homeworlds are and have active link to them but also give them data on graveyard and the two new powers and the fact one is actively hostile and is also watching the homeworlds...

By the way, it sounds like the plasma shields aren't the sort-of standard Sci-Fi energy shield so could someone tell me what they are? I am too stupid to tell what their purpose is. thanks
Edit: by the way is there any soundtracks you guys pair with reading the updates I want to see if anything else fits besides endless space 2 and risk of rain just to see other songs
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By the way, it sounds like the plasma shields aren't the sort-of standard Sci-Fi energy shield so could someone tell me what they are? I am too stupid to tell what their purpose is. thanks
You forgot the Economic Action.

And the Plasma Shields are pretty much just an additional plasma sheath around the WarShip to disperse Plasma and Ion weapons, cause lasers to loose energy and potentially melt part of a projectile and maybe even cause a missile to melt the sensors and loose target.
Edit: by the way is there any soundtracks you guys pair with reading the updates I want to see if anything else fits besides endless space 2 and risk of rain just to see other songs
I actually listen to Deep Trance when I write them...
You forgot the Economic Action.

And the Plasma Shields are pretty much just an additional plasma sheath around the WarShip to disperse Plasma and Ion weapons, cause lasers to loose energy and potentially melt part of a projectile and maybe even cause a missile to melt the sensors and loose target.

I actually listen to Deep Trance when I write them...
thanks, it was just the way you and blade4 were talking about it, it sounded like it was more of an ECM measure. so it is kinda like a sci-fi energy shield, maybe not as effective as they would be in softer sci-fi though.

as for the econ action
[X] >4&*: Go forth and multiply: active (3 turns)
An idea is to increase the number of our Von Neumann ships so they can be used for further construction activities in the future, to assist with uplifting now the Prometheus initiative started, or bulwarking planets, or assist in megastructure construction, and so on.
Time: 4 turns, Chance of success 50%, Reward: Doubleing the number of Von Neumanns
thanks, it was just the way you and blade4 were talking about it, it sounded like it was more of an ECM measure. so it is kinda like a sci-fi energy shield, maybe not as effective as they would be in softer sci-fi though.
It is to a degree something that is ECM... But essentially its just an active defense, a modification of the Mini-magnetosphere propulsion system, with a lot more plasma in it.
It was much easier to get punched in elementary school than it was later on in life. Perhaps because I never understood sports I never bother to watch football matches where fans on each team commonly punch each other, and I didn't attend enough parties to get into drunken brawls because I am too sick to drink, or perhaps the Internet is the place where it actually is easier to offend people. Or perhaps I am actually retarded, if sleep doesn't function properly in my brain, what else may have broken in the stupid brain of mine
Everyone functions a bit different. Some are just a bit more different. I did not go to games, dances, or parties. Also basically never in fights because was non involved. I was the quiet guy who stayed away from others with a book always in my hand. I was actually pretty lucky given was never bullied. As I was told years later I did not start problems or interacted so I was left out of the social games/intrigue. That and everyone was afraid what might happen if I flipped out...

Eh everyone experience is different.

@Anon_Gamma thank you for both siding with my vote and actually making a coherent vote...

Also have high hopes for plasma with the current system and if we can expand on its sensor and ecm capabilities... Thing is the system already has amazing sensor and ecm built in but we can improve on it and add expansion modules like drones for added tricks. Plasma shield actually already in spreadsheet as well. Double value to current system. .2 to .4.

Might not seem like much but numbers add up.
Plasma shield actually already in spreadsheet as well. Double value to current system. .2 to .4.
That is only a placeholder, pending the actual roll of how much better the protective effect will be.
well @Blade4 yours was one that made sense, if you don't have the population to fight a greater enemy make sure that there are as many able bodies from other nations soak up some of the bullets. that and I like the Taurians quite a bit. by the way as someone who has never played cbt and can't really read the technical readouts provided what makes our weapons besides the OCP PPC so good? it sounds like a lot of our stuff would be op even by clan standards? but the improvements seem minor like 10% more range with the helical or whatever improvement our lasers had. what is part of that makes it so much better? I thought it was our warships and massive industry that made us a real threat
well @Blade4 yours was one that made sense, if you don't have the population to fight a greater enemy make sure that there are as many able bodies from other nations soak up some of the bullets. that and I like the Taurians quite a bit. by the way as someone who has never played cbt and can't really read the technical readouts provided what makes our weapons besides the OCP PPC so good? it sounds like a lot of our stuff would be op even by clan standards? but the improvements seem minor like 10% more range with the helical or whatever improvement our lasers had. what is part of that makes it so much better? I thought it was our warships and massive industry that made us a real threat
Here you got for a Spreadsheet on Weapon Systems between IS and OCP tech.

And we are a threat, because we not only have an intact industrial base, but also an active and open scientific community that makes our stuff continuously better. And with Von Neumanns, we can go exponential...
Iirc Sun-Tzu said true victory is not fighting at all. All our neighbors are potential allies circumstances willing. Even FedCom. It's just fate and dice giving us bad resltions will good with FWL and Taurians. But we do need to cultivate those relationships to get anywhere and if they are not with us they could be a pointless enemy.

Also look and compare the spreadsheets of what we have and what the is has. It's not just one thing is many that gives us advantage. Beyond just what Warringer said. Our weapons weigh less, hit harder and at longer effective ranges and generally still good heat. Our helical obsolete is autocannons more or less completely. We have far better armor, electronics, and engines among other things. Our base line mech the Fusilier can take on a is assualt mech with decent chance of winning. Our tanks are if anything more terrifying because the IS consider them second line units only threatening to mechs in right circumstances and our main battle tank can also take out a assualt mech solo. Our heavier designs are only worse from there. We got a tank that mounts a light subcap laser as it's gun. A subcap. Our atlas analog could literally beat to death two or more atlas's and ask for more.

And our training is so good we can take on front line clan warriors literally breed and trained for life for war and win. We are the OCP and we are a literal OCP.
Our atlas analog could literally beat to death two or more atlas's and ask for more.
Our Atlas analog was specifically designed to be able to take a medium mech and either yeet it hella far, or to use it to bludgeon another mech with it. To beat one motherfucker with another motherfucker.
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