razer666L Jan 29, 2021 Probably the only way to make Lerticus having a reason to buy Nintendo Switch in order to play Animal Crossing.
Probably the only way to make Lerticus having a reason to buy Nintendo Switch in order to play Animal Crossing.
Alias Jan 24, 2021 *Bunnos become bored and start giving vodka to everybody including to Lerticus and bears*
Eliar Jan 1, 2021 Gif-vif : Daily Dose of GIFs Gif-Vif is a website where you can find fresh, awesome and viral GIFs www.gif-vif.com
Gif-vif : Daily Dose of GIFs Gif-Vif is a website where you can find fresh, awesome and viral GIFs www.gif-vif.com
t-dugong Dec 16, 2020 Yo, dedushka! Why did I find fresh barrels of my lemonade in your SB cave again?
Eliar Nov 17, 2020 *Ahem* *Excuse me mr T-34 Bearship, did you happen to see an inspiration around thses parts?*
Eliar Oct 18, 2020 Sooo... You didn't happen to find, you know by mistake, totally accidentally, a sense of smell did you?
Sooo... You didn't happen to find, you know by mistake, totally accidentally, a sense of smell did you?
All yours, dedushka!